WebNovelGray Zone66.67%


Unknown location

A man is looking at a screen, that is projecting the most recent mana readings all across the globe. He seems to be in an underground special facility, where lot's of scientist looking people are at.

"Hmm... What is this." He compiles the data and analyzes it, while finally running a check on the algorythms and sensors to make sure the readings are accurate.

"Hey, call the director over here. It's important." He calls out to a colleague. Said colleague follows the man's orders and calls the director

Five minutes later, the director comes to the man and stands next to him, looking at him.

"Why did you call me?" He asks. His tone of voice communicating authority.

"Sir look at these readings. I've already checked for any errors in the algorythms or sensors, but didn't find any. So these reading seem to be accurate."

"Hmm?" The director looks at the screens in interest.

"These are the mana density readings aren't they?" The director asks the man to confirm what he's seeing

"Yes sir." The man confirms.

"Do we know what's causing it?" The director looks away from the man and looks at his assistant.

"No sir. We still haven't figured out how or why the mana moves." The assistant responds.

"Hmm..." The director starts to ponder.

"Alright, tell me what I'm seeing." The director orders the man to describe everything to him from his viewpoint, so as to be sure not to miss anything.

"Yes sir. The most recent mana readings, across the globe point out that the mana seems to be pooling in high consentrations in 3 places in the world. It seems that the mana is being especially consentrated in London, Moskow and Tokyo." He explains.

"Hmm...And what concequences would having that kind of concentrated mana have in these places?" The director asks.

"Well, we don't exactly know all the implications this event might cause. But the most likely speculation is that the evolution of strength of the creatures inhabiting those places will increase in a drastic rate." The man explains.

"Alright. What about the correlation to everywhere else and to each other? What are the sensors showing us?" The director asks again. The man quickly checks the computer for answers.

"Hmm, London seems to have twice as much mana pooled in it than anywhere else in the world. While as Moskow seems to have 3 times and Tokyo a staggering 4 times the amount then anywhere else." He explains, with mild shock.

"Alright, keep actively monitoring those areas, to see if there are any changes in the density happening again." The director says his piece and walks away. The man nods and looks back at the monitors.

"Haah. Looks like Tokyo is going to have a barrage of super evolved monsters soon." He sighs and continues his work.




*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Kaen-san wake up, it's almost noon." Takashi bangs on the door and yells.

I stir awake, taking a bit of time to get my bearings.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* However he knocks again.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I yell back and try to stand up, but fail and then discover something, or rather someone, laying on me. I look at the person and it's Shizu-chan. She's drooling and frowning due to having her sleep disrupted.

I smirk and poke her cheek.

"Ummngh." She groans and frowns even more. Then turns her head a bit and bites the finger I'm poking her with. I chuckle seeing that.

I caress her a bit and wake her up. When she opens her eyes, she sits up on top of me, looking confused.

"What time is it *Yawn*" She asks.

"It's almost noon." I smile and answer. She nods and tries to get up, but is halted.

"Aree~?" She looks down and sees my dick still inside her. All my cum that had flowed out of her pussy has now dried and is glueing us both together.

"Uuuf. What a mess." I frown and say looking at it. It's pretty digusting. She puts her hands on my abdomen and rips herself out of me... Myself out of her... Herself inside of me...

Fuck it. She plops up and starts walking to the bathroom, unbothered. I say unbothered, but she's limping and holding her crotch. I guess she's sore.

I stretch and follow her inside. We wash up quite quickly and get dressed.

I give her some panties I found in my cupboard. Her breasts are so large that I don't have a bra that fits her, so I take some bandages and wrap her breasts up.

"Ryu-kun you don't have to do this. I can just wear a shirt or something over them." Shizu protests cutely.

"It's more comfortable for you this way. We're gonna get involved in some combat today and it's gonna be hell for you if your boobs go flying all over the place." I respond sagely, while finishing wrapping her up.

"Uhhh, fine." She grumbles and concedes. Next I give her black tight leggings and black trainers, that are her size. I don't have anything better. For her top, I gave her one of my tight, long-sleeve black shirts, that still ends up looking baggy on her.

For myself, I wear black cargo pants, combat boots and a long-sleeve black shirt.

We go downstairs and get some breakfast. The others have already eaten and are getting ready to depart, by picking out weapons.

The others look at us a bit weirdly. Especially since Shizu-chan is limping, but I don't put any attention to it and neither does Shizuka.

The thing about Shizuka is that she's careless, yes. But it's not because she does not understand things or her brain is slow. She's like a normal person, heck you can even say she's smart, because she studied medicine.

It's just that she just doesn't bother to care about things that other people care about. In a sense, she is a free spirit. Her personality just functions in a different way that is considered normal.

Of course it's a bit troublesome, because her carelessness can cause a lot of problems, since she doesn't have the combat skills to back it up. Well that would have been my take on it, but now she's got her broken telekinesis skill, so she'll be fine.

For breakfast, we make sandwitches. It's Shizuka who makes them. I just tease her and joke around.

Once she finishes, we go to the living room and start eating, while I also check on the others.

"How do you like the weapons?" I ask.

"It's amazing!!" Kohta readily exclaims.

"Haha, good. Now we should go over the plan." I chuckle and say. Then pull up my phone, connect it to the Tv and get a satelite image of the neighbourhood.

"Todays mission is to raid for food and clothes. Now we have a choice of going here for food and here for clothes. They are the closest stores only a 5 minute walk away. However I say we go for the supermarket. It's a bit further, but it's better for multiple reasons." I explain. The others look at the map on the TV and think. I've drawn a red circle over the targets.

"...How far is the supermarket?" Pinkie asks.

"It's a 5 minute drive. 20 minutes on foot." I briskly answer.

"You think that the smaller stores are already raided?" She asks again.

"That and the fact that it has a wide array of stores, so we can get everything in one place. These are only the biggest reasons. I have an array of reasons to go there. Reasons that I'm too lazy to spell out." I casually answer and take a bite out of my sandwich

"It will be a lot more dangerous though." She remarks.

"Heh. We have weapons. Let's use them." I sneer and say, while taking out a desert eagle from the bag and throwing it on the table.

"Alright. Then we go there. How?" Takashi concludes and asks. I smirk at his question.

"We will take 2 trucks. One will be driven by me, the other will be driven by Shizu-chan. You'll see them later. Have you picked out your weapons?" I tell them and ask.

They ahow me the weapons they chose... Other than fatty Hirano, it's a disaster. Though they are just kids so I shouldn't have put much expectations on them.

"Ugh." I look at them with disgust.

"What?!" Pinkie Saya immediatly frowns and barks back.

"*Sigh* I should've expected this." I sigh and look at them.

"What I mean is you guys don't know how to pick your weapons. You need atleast a main weapon, a sidearm and a bladed or blunt weapon." I explain then start helping them.

I start with pinkie. I give her a MP5, a USP and a combat knife. They're ideal for her, since they're easy to use and lightweight. Then I start managing the others.

Takashi gets a Benelli M4 semi-auto shotgun, a Magnum 44. revolver and an axe. More of a heavy duty setup, with weapons that have a nasty kickback.

Rei takes an M16A5, a five7 pistol and a portable spear. Hirano takes an LMG as his main, and an MP7 sub-machine gun as a sidearm. I also gave him a machete.

Saeko gets an UZI as her main weapon and a small pistol as a side arm. Since she's a close range fighter and good with a katana, I picked some really light weapons for her.

Shizu-chan was reluctant to get anything big, but I still forced a Galil Sar carbine in her hands. Additionally she got a five7 pistol as well as a combat knife.

I'm going with Remington R4 Carbine rifle and double Deagles as sidearms, along with a machete.

Additionally I plan to put a heavy duty machine gun and a sniper rifle on each car. All that's left now is to take some grenades, some flares and some C4.

While dealing with the kids, I finish eating. Next I take them underground to my shooting range, to give them an introduction to their weapons. Better they figure them out here, rather than on the field.

We go inside the shooting range. Immediatly when we get there, without warning, I pull out a Deagle.

"The first thing you have to get accustomed to is the sound of a gunshot." I say and then pull the trigger.

*Bang* *Bang* All of them instinctively cover their ears. The gunshot is the worst possible right now, since we're in a closed room and a deagle makes noise like a French whore.

"AAH FUCK." Pinkie screams. Why is the one pissed always pinkie. She has some fucking problems.

"Shut up. Get your guns and get in line." I command.

After that, I start instructing them how to shoot and have them practise changing magazines. Kohta doesn't really need my instructions and I use him as an additional instructor to help others. Shizu-chan takes the most time, because she's playing around, like always.

Eventually we finish up. The clock is now turning 1. I have them change their clothing somewhat, to make it optimal for combat. I also give them military vests, that are bulletproof vests, with some pouches.

Then we load up on ammo and go to the garage. I get on a Ford F-150 pickup truck and everyone else gets on a military grade armored truck.

After going over the route and plan once more, we drive off.