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The raid

Two trucks can be seen moving on the suburban streets of Tokyo. The one in the lead is a big, blue pick-up truck and the one on the back is an even bigger, dark grey armored truck.

I'm driving the blue pick-up, while Shizu is driving the armored one. The start of the journey is smooth. Because it's the suburban area, there aren't many cars on the road, if any at all.

Additionally that also means that there are a lot of people alive and camping in their homes. Too scared to come out. The death toll is minimal here, since there are very few zombies. Atleast in this neighbourhood.

We drive towards the supermarket. We're just about to arrive, but before we arrive there, we stop to let Hirano and Pinkie out of the car. Then continue and park our cars slightly away from the mall.

"Let me know when you're in position Hirano." I talk to him with the earpiece I gave everyone for communication. He responds in an affirmative.

Meanwhile I get out of my truck and look around. There are some zombies here and there. A nice concentration of them is visible inside the mall. Other then that, I don't see any movements.

Shizu, Saeko, Rei and Takashi also get out of the car and scan their surroundings. We take cover against the walls on the neighbouring building and wait for Hirano. Around 5 minutes later the signal comes.

"I'm in position." He says over the earpiece.

"Good." I respond.

Hirano is positioned on the rooftop of a 20 story building, about 300 meters away from the mall. He has a sniper rifle with him. He's basically our backup and our eyes in the sky. I also had him boobie trap the only door to the roof top, so there is no risk of having someone sneak up on him from behind.

Chibi pinkie Saya is also with him. For the simple reason of extra security. Since no one should be alone, out of visual distance from each other. Otherwise you can lose your life without even knowing why.

The five of us move inside the mall. Saeko and Takashi, along with Shizuka are the ones taking out the zombies in our way. Me and Rei are behind them and providing backup, as well as keeping our eyes on our surroundings, to prevent a suprise attack.

We move through the mall, quietly killing the zombies in our way and eventually reach the food store. Then we split in two. Me going with Shizu. And Rei, Takashi and Saeko making the second group.

We made a predetermined list of things, that each group will be tasked with taking, when we made the plan. So each of us already know what to do.

Me and Shizu move in the store and load all the things from our list in carts. We move quickly, sometimes getting suprise attacked by a hidden zombie, which I usually immediately dispatch.

Around 45 minutes later, we finish up collecting all the things into the carts. Then I have Shizu use her telekinesis to move all the carts in front of the food store.

When we finish on our end, we go to help the second group. They're pretty much finished as well, so once again Shizu uses her TK to move the carts in front of the store.

"The count of zombies is increasing." Saeko points out. Indeed. Even though we made little noise, it still attracted them.

"It doesn't really matter. It's even better for us in fact." I respond. The others look at me inquisitively. So I explain.

"They'll serve as a natural defence for the things we gathered, incase we get raided ourselves. I'm lazy, so I don't want to get raided. Plus we'll need to go to the second floor, so the more there are here, the less are there. " I say.

"What about after?" Saeko asks.

"What about it?" I ask back curiously.

"Whatever." Saeko smirks and looks away.

As we're about to go to the second floor, Hirano contacts us

"Guys I've spotted 4 people moving towards the mall. They look to be 4 adults with blunt weapons." He reports.

"How far?" I immediately ask.

"About... 500 meters. They're walking, not running." He responds.

"Understood, good job." I say, then look at the others.

"This changes nothing. Let's go." All of us have an earpiece, so they could hear Hirano as well. Rei looked really worried there, so I shoved my finger up her nose. This stunned her so hard that she forgot all about those 4 people.

Saeko is having a blast, while covering her mouth and trying not to make too much noise from laughing.

We move to the second floor and once again split up, raiding the clothes stores.

For clothes we brought rolls of garbage bags. We take the clothes and just toss them in. Filling up bags one after the other. Right now speed is important. We can sort them out when we get back.

The raid for clothes takes a bit less time. We're done in 30 minutes, with a big pile of clothes- filled garbage bags in front of us.

"Now we just have to get all of the stuff on the trucks and get back." Takashi comments with a small smile. Rei nods.

"Hirano how's the situation outside?" I talk in my earpiece.

"There has been some movement. The 4 I mentioned earlier didn't go to the mall, but entered another building. Additionally I've spotted some other people lurking around, looking at the trucks." He reports. I don't respond immediately and think for a bit.

The cargo loading is the riskiest part of the operation. If people are scouting us out right now, we might get attacked immediately when we're done loading all the stuff on the trucks. I might be going fucking crazy by thinking that we're gonna get raided. However with all the shit I've seen, my trust in humanity and people's goodness in tough situations is zero.

I sigh and look at the others.

"Let's go down and clear the way." I tell them. We go to the first floor and start killing the zombies.

Saeko is using her katana to mow through them like a hurricane. She makes percise movements and with each strike a zombie loses its head or gets split apart.

I move through the horde with practised finess, like dancing and cleave off heads with my machete.

One thing I've noticed with this trip is that zombies that can see seem to have increased in number.

Yesterday I saw almost no zombie with sight. Now we have been dealing with quite a few of those. Yesterday they were basically blind and only reacted to sounds.

We clean up the first floor in 15 minutes. We don't kill them all, only the ones in our way. After that Shizu TK-s the bags of clothes downstairs and we start moving them toward the entrance.

I move near the doors first, with my carbine rifle ready and take a look outside. I don't spot anyone, so we move out.

Rei, Saeko and Takashi remain near the doors, while me and Shizu go to the trucks and back them up, with the back of the trucks straight in front of the door.

The sound of the engine attracts a lot of zombies, but Saeko, Takashi and Rei take care of them.

I take a heavy duty machine gun out of the truck and place it in a vantage point, with Takashi manning it. While he mans it, Saeko is guarding his back.

Me and the others start loading the trucks.

After around 35 minutes, we're almost done. That's when it happens.

"Movement spotted! About 5 people are heading your way from the main street. They all have weapons. The 4 I mentioned before are also headed your way. There is a guy on the roof of the building straight to your right." Hirano reports in a rapid pace.

"Get ready and kill them all! Hirano take out the guy on the roof, then provide coverfire. However wait for my signal!" I quickly lay out instructions.

We all get into postitions. Having a gunfight near the trucks is really bad. Luckily the machine gun is placed on the second floor with a large window and view point to the front.

"Kaen-san shouldn't we try to talk with them first!" Takashi quickly calls out.

"They're not here to talk Takashi. No one who sneaks up on us, from 3 different angles and firearms, just when we're done loading, is here to talk!" I respond annoyedly.

I quickly run towards the left side of the mall and come out of an employee entrance.

"Now!" I yell over the radio and take off running.

When I reach the front, I spot 2 guy with guns in a house, across the street and open fire.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* I fire a few shots and kill them. The next second, all hell breaks loose.

A loud shot is heard in the distance and blood spurts from a close-by rooftop. The singing of the machine gun starts up right after. The guys who are trying to raid us are shocked and confused, or well... dead. Obviously amateurs.

Takashi takes out the 5 guys with weapons on the main street. The caliber on his machine gun is no joke. The men get riddled with bullets and end up with golf ball sized holes in them.

They try to return fire but by that point it's already too late.

I run to the killzone and pick off any people I see in the buildings. Each time I shoot, someone dies. I comb through the front and arrive at the right side of the mall, where the 4 people with blunt weapons are.

They shit themselves when they see me in full killer mode. So they raise their hands and start pleading.

"P..Please d..don't kill us."

"N..no, p..please." They plead.

I swich to full-auto, as if I haven't heard them and unleash the whole clip.

*Brrrrrrrrrrtt* I empty it and immediately reload. No longer paying attention to them, cuz they're dead you know, Tehe~.

Before I head back, I stop, because I see a guy on a motorcycle in the distance. He's wearing a weird helmet and a red/black jacket and just looking at me. I look back at him and we stare at each other for a few seconds, until he turns his head around and drives off.

"Who the fuck was that?" I mumble to myself. Then shake my head and return to the entrance of the mall.

"Guys a car is incoming fast, main street!!" Hitano yells over the communication.

"Shit." I awaken out of my thoughts and rush to the truck. Then I take out the second heavy machine gun and get it ready on the roop of the pickup truck.

I see a black sedan moving towards us. I get the gun ready just in time, as I see the men inside the car, about 200 meters away, starting to shoot at us. I open fire.


A hailstorm of high caliber bullets shreds the car and everyone inside it. It veers off course, tips over and.... *Booom*... explodes, crashing into a building.

"Hahaha." I can't help but laugh. Letting a machine gun, that fires 1200 bullets per minute, loose on a car feels fucking amazing. I quickly collect myself and issue out instructions.

"Get inside the trucks. Hirano, do a sweep on the surroundings and get down." I say and put the machine gun back in the car.

The others quickly get in the trucks and we drive away. Stopping to pick up Hirano.

Hirano and Saya use cables to decend off the side of the building quickly, then run and get in the truck and we drive off.