WebNovelGray Zone88.89%

Call the cops, Ryuen's doing drugs.

I remember one of the most brutal trainings we did, when I left spec ops and joined the elite crew. It wasn't really training, more of a rite of passage. It was called 'the annihilation ring'.

What they did was, they put you in a cage with death row inmates. Then you either survived or died. Our goal was to kill them all, so we are let out. The inmates either killed us and got their sentence drastically lightened, or died.

Usually it was 7 inmates vs 1 of us. Now you might think that it's unfair, but it's really not. The crew I joined was trained to be living weapons. The most elite killers out there. The skills we possess were so dangerous, that they had to make new laws for us, since we couldn't operate like normal people.

One example of this is that we could kill on instinct. It was rare, but it happened. What I mean by that is this. They trained you to kill. That's it. So eventually killing became instinctual. Humans are creatures of habit after all.

Now tell me what happenes if a dude like that goes out to have a night to fun, drinking with his buddies.

What happens is he gets drunk, a little woozy and if anyone ticks him off, he might just accidentally snap their neck.

That's why one of the things you had to give up was being a normal person, when you joined the team.

I mean the crew I joined was scary~. It was entirely comprised of monsters. Killing wasn't even the only thing we exelled at. There was a bunch of things that made us monster. I mean it was the elite of the elite. The absolute top.

Why am I even thinking of this? It just feels like a blessing to be whisked away to some alternate dimenson. Honestly when I retired, I was cautious about being assasinated by the same crew I was in. The usual process of retirement is death after all. And I've participated on a mission where we assasinated one of our retired brothers.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

Right now we're driving back home. I decide to check my system notifications that I ignored earlier, in combat.

[Killed tier 0 human]

[Killed tier 0 human]

[Killed tier 1 human +2PA, +1MP]

[Killed tier 1 human +1PA]

[Killed tier 0 human]

[Killed tier 0 human]

[Killed tier 0....

"What a disappointment. Oh well, I'll just get back and get fucked up." I muse.

We soon reach my house and park the cars in the underground garage. Then we start moving the food and clothes. Here comes the most boring part, sorting through the clothes and organising them. There is no way I can do it sober.

We already sorted out the food. That was easy. Since you can only fit so much in the fridge and the rest we threw in the cellar and freezers.

Then we brought the garbage bags full of clothes to the living room and started opening them. The idea is that we open them up, then whatever someone wants, they pick and the rest we throw back in the garbage bags.

Now I don't need clothes. So I don't really have anything to do. And precisely because of that, I took LSD.

(A/N- Btw LSD is usually ingested in the form of a tiny square of paper. You put it in your mouth and just keep it there for about an hour. Now this information you didn't hear from me. I certainly haven't tried it myself. In fact, I don't even know what LSD is.)

I popped it in my mouth and sat down, while looking at everyone else pick the clothes they like. I got bored of looking, so I took out my phone and started playing some games.

30 minutes later, the LSD started hitting. My mood became amazing and I got really amped up. I feel like I have insane energy and I'm a fucking king.

So is started punching the couch, for no reason at all. I think I wanted the couch to submit to me and become my slave. I don't know what I was thinking.

Eventually I get tired of that, so I stand up and see pinkie taking out clothes from the bag. I go over to her and put my hand on her head. Then I lower my face near hers and look at her dead serious.

"Chibi... why is your hair so Pink?" I ask her seriously. She looks at me stunned.

"Chibi? Fuck you." She slaps my hand off her head.

"You are a chibi and you are pink. So combined it makes what? A pink chibi?" At this point I forget about her and start pondering. Not noticing the chibi getting angrier and angrier by the second.

Seeing that I'm ignoring her, that anger turns to rage and she tries to kick me in the dick.

"AAHHH!! YOU MONSTER!" I scream and luckily dodge the hit. Then yell at her with a shocked expression.

"That's it." I step closer to her. She tries to hit me again, but I slap it away. Then I trip her and pin her down to the ground, on her stomach.

"You're under arrest for the attempted murder of my balls. Anything you say, will be shoved up your own ass." I get a random piece of cloth and tie her hands behind her back. Then I decide to tie her legs as well.

"Let go of me!!" She yells and struggles.

"Stop resisting arrest woman. Submit to me and become my slave." I yell and tie her up, then throw her on the couch.

"There. That's one criminal off the streets. It's much safer now." I breathe out a sigh of relief. Ah! I also gagged her, because she didn't stop screaming. Now she just stares at me angrily.

"Hmm. It's kinda unsafe to leave you like this." I muse. Then I take a blanket and wrap her up in it like a catterpillar, with only her head sticking out.

"There. Hahaha" I look at her with pride and laugh boastfully. It's my finest work!

"Ano, senpai. Are you sure Takagi-san will be ok?" Hirano comes up to me and asks.

"Takagi-san? Who's that?" I ask. Genuinely confused.

"Eh?" Hirano exclaims, just as confused. So we stare at each other in confusion.

"Ryu-kun, her name is Saya Takagi." Shizu points at pinkie and explains.

"Ah! I thought you were called pinkie." I nod and exclaim in discovery. Rei and Hirano looks at me in shock.

"Hmm. It makes sense actually." Takashi rubs his chin like a wise man and muses. Earning himself a look of shock as well.

"No, It's just that senpai hasn't used her name since we first introduced ourselves." He notices it and quickly explains. Earning a couple of understanding nods.

"Ah! We should make nametags." Shizuka exclaims. Everyone looks at her weirdly.

"What?" She asks confused by the gazes.

"Shizu-chan is right. Pinkie-san has a difficult name and it's hard to remember it. We should draw it on her face!" I nod, crossing my arms and say. Now everyone looks at me weirdly.

"We should definetly do body painting." Shizu approves of the idea.

"I'll go get the paint." I say and leave the room.

"Hey isn't Kaen-san acting a bit weird?" Rei asks everyone. Everyone except Shizuka nods.

"Hmm. Ryu-kun took LSD." Shizuka casually says.

"What?!?" Takashi and Rei exclaim. Hirano and Saeko are also suprised. Pinkie is just tied up and forgotten.

"Where did he even get it?" Takashi asks.

"Hmm, now that you mention it. I don't know." Shizu-chan crosses her arms and muses, with a thoughtful expression.

"I got 'em" I return with markers and body paint. Why do I have body paint? Well I threw a few parties in my house and one of those parties required body paint.

"Ryu-kun where did you get LSD?" Shizu asks with a serious expression.

"Hmm? The kitchen." I say and then leave the room again and go to the kitchen.

Not even 30 seconds later, I return with a metal box. I put it on the table and open it.

"This is LSD, this is ecstasy, this... well I don't know what that is. Anyway take whatever you want. However don't take more than one of anything." I tell them and leave them looking at the box.

While everyones attention is focused on the box, I take a marker and go to pinkie. She looks at me with an afraid or pleading expression. I smile at her.

"Kukuku. Don't be scared~, It's just the tip." I chuckle, then hold her head and start drawing on her forehead.

Meanwhile with everyone else.

Everyone is looking at the box with caution and intrigue. It's like a pandoras box that can give you the most pleasureable experience ever, but has a downside of selling ypur soul to the devil.

"Should we try it as well?" Hirano asks.

"Kids shouldn't do drugs." Shizuka says firmly and blocks the sight of the box with her body.

"But Ryuen-san did it." Hirano points out.

"Uuughh. Ryu-kun is a bad boy, you shouldn't be like him." Shizu groans, then argues back.

"Hmm? What's the problem? It's not like there is any law anymore. I say we should just try it once and see what happens." Saeko expresses her opinion and moves around Shizu. She picks up an ecstasy pill and throws it in her mouth.

"Aaah! Spit it out!" Shizu panics and opens Saekos mouth with her hands, trying to find the pill. However Saeko already swallowed it.

While Shizu is busy with Saeko, Takashi takes the LSD in his hand and looks at it.

"What do you even do with it?" He asks no one in particular.

"Let's ask Kaen-san." Hirano adds. They come towards me and ask me how to use it. I, as a noble senpai, of course show them how to use it.

Eventually everyone takes drugs, including Shizu.