The Chamelrus

"H-How can we even beat that?" Stuttering, Joseph's hands pointed out.

A green-colored plant was proudly standing in the middle. Its sharp teeth that looked like fangs were shining brightly. It was so huge that even with their heights combined, it wouldn't take a stand.

"Let's see first," Carter tilted his head to the side, observing the situation.

The three of them watched closely as they saw how the group of people struggled in hitting the plant. It was so huge that the only thing they could do was hit its bottom part.

Dandrik looked at Carter. "Shouldn't we help them?" He asked curiously.

Carter nodded as an answer. "Yes. We will. But we need to see first the monster's strength and its skills. After all, we couldn't get into battle without any information, right?"

"Alright," shrugging his shoulders, Dandrik helplessly agreed. What Carter said totally made sense.

His eyes watch closely at the scene in front of their eyes. Since the only thing that they have after days of playing was a wooden stick, it was completely incapable of dealing a lot of damage to the plant.

Carter saw a man trying to hit the Chamelrus with its own stick. A "-10" damage could be seen on top, but it was not enough.

The plant moved its head to where the man who attacked was standing. The man's eyes widened when he saw that the plant produced white petals of a flower, coming into his directions.

"What is happening to the man?" Joseph's curiosity was pricked when he saw that the man's health points were decreasing constantly.

"It seems like that was one of the monster's skills," Carter answered as uncertainness laced on his tone.

Joseph took a sigh and looked at them. "We can't just watch here. We need to help them or else they will surely get killed. Look at the man's health points. At this rate, the plant can kill him in less than an hour.

Even with doubts in their mind, Joseph and the others still ran towards the people in the middle.

"Are you, okay?" Dandrik asked the others as they arrived at the location.

A woman with light brown eyes nodded. Her fair skin was glowing from the sun's light. "We're fine. But, Lucas was hit by the plant." She answered in a panic.

"Don't worry, we got this." Carter calmed them down.

There were 5 people in total, not including the three of them. Carter looked around and saw that there were no other people nearby.

Joseph went in Lucas, the man's direction and helped him.

"You should go at the back first or else your hp will drop to 0," Carter advised as he followed Joseph on guiding the man.

"Thank you"

Lucas's white clothes were now messy and thorned apart. There were a few bruises on his arms. He was covered with dirt overly, maybe because of the fall that happened earlier when he tried to dodge the white petals.

He and his friends were just walking around when they suddenly saw the monster. They thought that it was just a normal plant, but when they tried to go near it, that's when they knew that it was not.

Carter, on the other hand, checked the monster's stats once again. "2270/2500 hp? It seems like we need to combine all of our strengths to fight this."

The others agreed with his suggestion. They had no choice but to follow Carter. The 5 of them were just new to the game. They just joined for fun and of course, with hopes of winning the large cash prize.

"The three of us will attack behind, while the 4 of you should try to distract and attack the front, okay?" Carter guided them.

Angela, the light brown-eyed girl nodded. "We will do that."

Carter, Dandrik, and Joseph went into the back of the monster. Since it was a plant, it would only strike if it was attacked first.

A plan has neither eyes nor ears, it could only feel its surrounding, that's why it wouldn't dare to attack others first.

The only problem that they have now was how can they try to damage the plant when the only thing they have was a wooden stick and their low-leveled skills.

"Let's go,"

With Carter's command, the three of them scattered around the back part. He was the one who tried to damage first.

Carter runs in a flash of light. He tightened his grip around the stick that he was holding. 'Let's go,' he murmured as he pierced the stick on the plant's stem.


[2260/2500 Remaining! (Chamelrus)]

"That's all?" He unbelievably looked at the damage that he had caused.

'That was embarrassing. What the heck?' He uttered on his mind.

He looked around and signaled the others to do what he had done. A loud growl caught Carter's attention. He turned over his eyes to the plant's direction and was surprised at what was coming into him.


Carter jumped in the air as he ran faster to the side. Countless thorns came out from the Chamelrus's mouth that flew in his direction.

"Carter, the thorns had poisons!"

"I know!" He shouted when he heard someone in his background.

Dandrik found this an opportunity to cause damage to the plant. He nodded his head at Joseph, signaling for them to hit the plant at the same time.


[ 2250/2500 Remaining! (Chamelrus) ]


[2240/2500 Remaining! (Chamelrus)]

"Angela! Gian! Throw your stick forcefully at its leaves. Make sure that they will fall!" Carter ordered as he hid behind a huge tree on the side.

Hearing what the man had said, Angela and Gian looked at each other. Worry set in their eyes as they threw their sticks into the sky.



[2180/2500 Remaining! (Chamelrus)]

The numbers appeared as two pieces of leaves fell on the ground. A mischievous smile appeared on Carter's lips when he saw it.

"Guys! Target the plant's leaves!" He shouted loudly to catch everyone's attention.

Throwing his stick with force, Carter's forehead tied into a knot.

"There are only 30 remaining leaves in the plant. I need to think of a new way. We can't kill this plant just by this."

His eyes went to the 6 people throwing their sticks in the air. He couldn't help but tilt his head when he noticed something.

The females were bald, too.


I wonder if they're bald down there too O.o