
As soon as all the leaves fell down, Joseph, Carter, Dandrik, and the others looked at each other. Heavy breaths surfaced after a while. They could feel their chest going up and down, catching for breath.

"I'm already tired," Joseph exhaustedly uttered.

All of them were hiding behind a huge tree. Lucas' hp was starting to regain after dropping to 20 from one of the plant's attacks earlier. Yet, they couldn't afford for him to join them as he might get attacked again and die in the process.

— — — —

< Name: Chamelrus >

[Level: 15]

[HP: 1280/2500]

[Mana: 310/500]

[Strength: 34]

[Agility: 32]

[Stamina: 36]



[Skill 1: Bite of poison]

[Description: No information available.]

[Skill 2:Touch of needle]

[Description: No information available.]

[Skill 3: Skill surpress]

[Description: No information available.]

[Gold: 2 silver bald coins & 5 bronze bald coins]

— — — —

"The plant's hp was already in half. In no time, its mana will eventually run out. We need to kill the monster already before its mana slowly returns." Carter told them before he glanced over in the monster's direction.

Dandrik nodded, "So far, I still have 200 hp."

"I have 187," Joseph added in.

Angela raised her hands, "Mine is 150"

"170 for me"


"I have 185"

"Currently, I have 40," Lucas chuckled as he showed his thumbs to commend the people around him.

Carter shook his head in silence. Since the game has no type of players, they have no healer. Their skills and stats will, later on, depend on the items that they will get or buy in the shop once it opens.

The shop consists of different tabs. Houses, weapons, and items that they could use later on in the game.

Now, in the early part of the game, all they have are physical attacks and damages. This could later change to magic once they buy some items.

"Those who have higher HPs would go to the frontline. While those who have lower ones can attack at the back. Be wary of the Chamelrus's skills." Carter reminded them.

The people nodded and followed the man's words. Carter took his wooden stick that was lying on the ground.

"Let's go."

All of them set out while Lucas remained behind the tree. He was feeling a bit guilty about what had happened. He couldn't help his new friends because of his low Health Points.

"What can I do to help them?" He helplessly asked himself after watching how the 7 people started to walk near the plant.

Roaming his eyes around, he looked at his foot when he noticed something lying down there. "Stones?"


"Fire knuckles activate," Carter uttered as he slightly took a step back from the battle.

He looked over and saw the continuous damage that all of them were giving to the plant.

[Fire Knuckles Activated.]

[Description: Deal 50% more damage to enemies for 5 seconds. If the player is not hit by any damage for 10 seconds, then the next attack will deal 75% more damage.]

[25 mana has been subtracted. Remaining: 25/50]

Carter slowly moved to the side. He needs to protect himself so that he wouldn't get hit by any damage from the plant.

"Grrrrrr!" the plant squealed loudly.

"Dandrik, watch out!" Carter yelled when he noticed that the plant's head was turning in their direction.

With widened eyes, Dandrik didn't know what to do as there were no trees that they could hide from.

"Oh sh*t," Carter frowned, as he slowly meet the plant's head. The Chamelrus' mouth was about to open when it was disrupted by a flying object.


[1260/2500 Remaining! (Chamelrus)]

Their eyes went over to the side where the flying object came from.

"Surprise, motherfuckers," Lucas smiled sheepishly as he waved his hands that were full of stones.

"I will distract it. Go on and do your thing," the man mouthed as he wiggled his hands and threw another stone that made the plant squeal once again.

Dandrik couldn't help but lightly laugh. He didn't expect that at all.

When they noticed that the plant was reacting to the stones, Carter's gaze changed. He ran towards the monster at full sprint, striking the stick repeatedly before landing a forceful slice on one of its roots.


[1210/2500 Remaining! (Chamelrus)]

He smiled in victory when he saw that he caused a high number of damage to the monster. The others followed what he did. The ones that chose Air steps became the baits while the ones who pick the fire knuckles attacked the Chamelrus.

"Be careful, Joseph," Carter shouted when he saw the plant's mouth opening up.

Numerous spikes came out from the monster's mouth. It was followed up by some ball of white flowers and leaves.


Everyone panicked when they saw that the monster activated all of its skills. They have no choice but to run faster and hide behind the trees that could protect them.

"Ciara!" Angela shouted in fear as she grabbed the woman's hands at the speed of light.


[43/250 Hp remaining (Ciara)]

"Are you okay?" The woman worriedly asked after seeing the remaining health points of her friend.

Ciara's round face nodded. Her black almond-shaped eyes were looking at Angela's face.

"I-I'm alright. Go now and help them so that we can defeat the monster already." She stuttered. She was still astonished by the Chamelrus' damage and attack.

Angela, even when in worry, nodded. "Stay here, okay? I will get back to you later. I promise that." A tear escaped from her eyes as she forced herself to stand up and run towards the others.

Joseph and Gab activated their skills one more time. They acted as the bait while the others attacked continuously. The two of them were the ones tanking the damage, causing their HPs to run low as well.

After some tiring minutes, the Chamelrus turned into pixel as it disappeared in front of them. Some of them couldn't help but shed tears while the others lay on the ground in tiredness

[ Congratulations! You have successfully defeated Chamelrus.]

[You gained 2 silver & 5 bronze bald coins.]

[You have been rewarded 50 exp.]

[You have been rewarded an extra 25 exp for killing your first level-up monster.]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 3.]