New Allies And Friends

Are you two, okay?" Joseph asked worriedly as they gathered on the side.

Bruises, cuts, and dirt could be seen on their bodies and clothes. Tiredness was visible in Dandrik's eyes as he sat down and leaned against the tree.

Lucas nodded as a smile rose up to his cheeks. "You guys looked so cool earlier. It's a pity that I didn't join you guys."

"Don't worry, you looked so cool when you were throwing those stones," Joseph chuckled and patted the man's back.

Carter grinned slightly when the others laughed at what Joseph uttered. He was feeling proud because even with their low HPs and Mana; they managed to still defeat the monster with their teamwork.

"Are you okay, Ciara?" Angela's bothered tone sounded as her hands wrapped around the woman's body, tightly.

"Of course, I am. I told you to not worry about me, right?" Ciara smiled as she welcomed the woman's embrace.

Joseph went in the middle and jokingly wrapped his hand around Lucas' neck. "It's already close to 6 pm. Let's get out now and buy some food. I want to have a feast as we gathered a lot of money today."

"Let's go, I'm hungry already," Carter added in.

Everyone was about to go when Dandrik raised his hands that caught everyone's eyes. They looked at him weirded out as if he did something wrong.

"Why?" Joseph asked curiously.

Dandrik scratched the back of his head as a loud sigh came out of his lips. "Can we rest for 15 minutes? I'm so tired that I can't even walk," he said, earning a laugh from everyone.


"Hi, I would like to get a bowl of Wonton noodles and steamed chicken buns," Carter said as he pointed out the food on the menu.

"That would be 12 bronze coins in total," the old man wearing a white coat replied.

Carter nodded his head. He opened up his screen and made a payment.

[12 bronze coins will be deducted, do you want to proceed?]


[Transaction completed.]

[ Remaining: 2 silver and 15 bronze bald coins]

Carter swiftly took a seat on the table that Joseph reserved for them. He was quite amazed as the vendors in the small restaurant acted as if he was a real person, although Carter knows they were only NPCs.

"What did you buy?" Joseph greeted him with a question.

"The noodles and the buns. What about you?" Carter asked back.

Joseph smiled. "I bought the fried noodles, wonton soup, steamed buns, and sweetened fruits."

Looking weirdly at Joseph, "That's a lot,"

Joseph smiled and tilted his head. "I'm just hungry from earlier. Don't worry, all of that cost only 18 bronze coins. We can gather that much money again tomorrow."

Nodding his head, Carter leaned on the wall and looked at the line of people ordering. They were with Lucas and his friends.

From what happened earlier, they decided to take dinner together to introduce themselves properly.

It took them a couple of minutes before the food finally arrived. Everyone ate silently and in peace. There were other people eating in the restaurant as well.

"My name is Joseph, and these are my friends Dandrik and Carter." Joseph smiled as he pointed out his fingers to the two people in his side.

Lucas nodded, "I am Lucas. The brown-eyed girl is Angela. While the other one is Ciara." He pointed out the two women on his back.

"This is Gian and Gab. They're actually siblings even though they don't act that way." Lucas introduced followed by a hearty laugh.

"Let's add each other. You can message us if you wanted help or if you just want to have fun with us." Joseph suggested that everyone agreed.

[ White Chicken wants to be your friend. ]

[ Lu_the_Lucas wants to be your friend. ]

[ Demoness5 wants to be your friend. ]

[ Gileox wants to be your friend. ]

[ Gabinne69 wants to be your friend. ]

Carter accepted all the friend requests that were sent to him. A grin rose up to his lips when he saw that there were 7 names on his friend's list already.


Waving their hands enthusiastically, the two sets of friends bid their goodbyes already.

"Should we find a place to sleep in now?" Carter asked both Dandrik and Joseph as they strolled outside.

Joseph nodded. "There's a small hotel right there. I saw that it's 6 bronze coins for a day. We can stay there for today."

Nodding his head, "Let's book for 2 days, then. Let's tour around in the area tomorrow and look for monsters that we can kill." Carter proposed.

"Yap, let's do that." Dandrik agreed.

The three of them went to the location that Joseph was portraying to. They chipped in some money in order to pay for the room. They only booked one room that has 2 beds and requested another mattress and pillow.

Thankfully, the attendant said yes, but they had to pay 2 bronze coins more. Drandik presented to pay the extra cost as he has the most coins between the three of them.

"Goodnight guys," Joseph yawned when they finally reached the room.


"Night," Carter responded as he closed his eyes and made himself more comfortable on the bed.


Damn. Having friends? Must be nice.