A PACKing Situation

"Let's split up in the area. Once you see a monster, inform us in the chat immediately." Carter instructed.

The three of them were inside a forest near the Crushed Valley. It was already four in the morning and the sun was still nowhere to be seen. Their only source of light was the lamp hanging on top of the trees.

'Damn, this is why I hate when there's still no sun.' Carter sighed as he could feel the cold wind passing through his skin every second.

Joseph quickly nodded. "L-let's go now so we can find a lot of monsters quickly!" the man's lips trembled. He placed his hand together and placed them closer to his mouth, blowing them repeatedly to ease the freezing temperature.

"Yup, let's go now," Dandrik giggled as he waved his hands to bid goodbye to both Joseph and Carter.

Carter nodded and waved his hands as well. He took a deep breath. 'I couldn't wait for the sun to strike already.'

The man strolled around the forest. Dandrik went into the west side, while Joseph moved forward. And obviously, he walked towards the east side.

"Let's see If I can find anything here," Carter uttered as his eyes roamed around the area.

He made sure to open his chat box in case any one of the two had already found a monster. While walking, he couldn't help but touch the necklace hanging on his neck.

'It seems like you're working,' he grinned when no one noticed the sudden jump in his level. When he checked his rankings earlier, it was still the same.

Carter was peacefully walking on the side when a sudden loud growl echoed. His brows furrowed.

'What is that?'


With widened eyes, Carter immediately jumped to the right side when he saw something advancing in his direction. It was an animal with thick fur and a pair of golden eyes.

"A wolf?" He asked, confused.

But what surprised him the most was the fact that the wolf was not alone. In its back were 4 more. Their eyes were fixed in his direction, staring intently.

1 v 5?

This was quite unfair, but sure.

[ Hairy Man: Come now! ]

Carter quickly opened his chat box and sent a message to their group chat before anything else.

— — — —

< Name Adult Wolf >

[ Level: 8 ]

[ Hp: 400/400 ]

— — — —

— — — —

[ Level: 4 ]

[Hp: 200/200 ]

— — — —

"Three baby wolves, and two adult wolves. This must be a family," Carter thought as he summoned his sword on his hands.

Another howl sounded as an adult wolf leaped towards Carter. The man easily dodged it. He swung his sword forward and launched an attack.


[ 344/400 HP Remaining! (Adult Wolf) ]

Carter activated Air Steps when he saw that other wolves were sprinting towards him. He jumped into a tree immediately and went into their backside. He focused on targeting one of the baby wolves.

With Carter's speed, the wolves couldn't catch up. The baby wolf shrieked in pain when Carter pierced his sword in a critical spot.

-108 HP!

[ 192/300 HP Remaining! (Baby Wolf) ]

Carter didn't stop there. His eyes quickly shifted together with his hands. He forcefully kicked one of the wolves in the stomach, causing it to be thrown far away.

"Fire Knuckles," Carter uttered.

He tightly held his sword in his hand. Carter slashed it in the air when the same baby wolf tried to launch in his direction.

-158 HP!

[ 34/300 HP Remaining! (Baby Wolf) ]

To ensure a kill, Carter used one of his feet and kicked the wolf in his stomach.

The Baby wolf quickly turned into pixels and disappeared from his sight. Carter was about to launch another attack when he felt a sudden pain in one of his legs. In there, he saw another baby wolf biting his legs.

"Shit," He cursed out loudly.

Carter used the tip of his sword to pierce it into the tree to help him jump higher. He leaped in the air as he took out the sword and sliced the adult wolf's neck.


[ 238/400 HP Remaining! (Adult Wolf) ]

Even though the remaining wolves were trying to attack, the man didn't budge and just focused on killing the wolf that looks like the father.

Carter immediately used Fire Knuckles again after its cooldown and attacked the wolf causing it to inflict a high number of damage. He didn't stop there and punched the wolf's mouth using his bare hands.

A loud cry immediately sounded when Carter pierced his sword into the wolf's back. The wolf turned into a pixel, and just like earlier, it disappeared from his sight.

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 15 exp for killing a Baby Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 15 exp from the 2x boost. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 25 exp for killing an Adult Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 25 exp from the 2x boost. ]

[ Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 11. ]

When the notification rang, he quickly climbed a tree. He checked his stats when he noticed that he lost 50Hp.

"Carter, are you alright?" Joseph yelled out when he saw the man on the side.

Carter gave a thumbs up when he saw both Joseph and Dandrik coming in his direction. He glanced over at the 3 wolves in his front, who were staring at him with anger.

But Carter just grinned widely. Now, he's already not alone.


Author's note - Don't forget to add this book to your library.