Finishing The Leftovers

"Yow, bro, what did you do to these wolves that they attacked you back?!" Joseph called out as he climbed up from a tree.

Carter leaped from the ground and stood on one of the tree's branches. "I don't know," he answered as his brows furrowed.

"I thought we were already done! Where did the other wolves come from?" Dandrik took a deep breath as he swung his sword when he saw a wolf charging toward him.

Tilting his head, Carter flew his sword at the wolf that was about to launch a surprise attack towards Dandrik.

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 15 exp for killing a Baby Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 15 exp from the 2x boost. ]

"Thanks!" Dandrik gave the man a thumbs up.

"It seems like their whole pack is here…" Carter uttered when he saw 4 more wolves coming in their direction. After the 5 wolves that he encountered earlier, another 2 had come and now there were another 4 again.

Since there were 6 wolves left, Carter had an idea. "Let's take 2 each," he instructed before jumping below the tree and quickly taking his sword on the ground.

Joseph nodded and used his cards to deal damages to their enemies. The man found a spot on the tree where the wolves couldn't reach him. While Dandrik skillfully danced with the sword in his hands. The man was fighting 2 wolves on the side,

"Air steps," Carter murmured for the 5th time since earlier.

The man dashed at the speed of light, hitting the wolves in a critical spot. With his speed, the wolf couldn't follow his moves. He kicked the one wolf coming into him, using it as a chance to move back. Carter cleanly sliced the same wolf's neck, causing it to collapse on the ground and die.

He then turned his head to the other wolf and did the same thing. It took him roughly 3 minutes before the wolf turned into pixels and vanished completely.

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 25 exp for killing an Adult Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 25 exp from the 2x boost. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 25 exp for killing an Adult Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 25 exp from the 2x boost. ]

[ Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 12. ]

'This advantage is working much better than I expected,' Carter grinned when he saw that his level, once again leveled up. At this rate, it would be possible for him to reach level 15 in just 2 days.

"Nice!" Hearing Joseph's exclaim, Carter turned his head around and saw that the wolves were now nowhere to be seen.

"Did you see me fighting there, Dandrik? I look good, right?" The man boasted in front of them.

Dandrik couldn't help but laugh. He fixed his posture and nodded. "Yup, you look like a fool there." the man responded.

Shaking his head, Carter lightly laughed. He went in the two men's direction and patted their shoulders. "Good thing that you arrived on time."

Joseph rolled his hide and jokingly hit Carter's stomach. "Aren't you going to thank us?" He wiggled his brows.

Carter just shrugged his shoulder. "Thanks, then," he uttered.

Smiling proudly, Joseph placed his cards back into his inventory. That was the same thing that Dandrik and Carter did since the sword on their hand was undeniably heavy.

"We should go now before we encountered another group of wolves," Dandrik uttered. They hurriedly left the forest and look for a place where they could eat their breakfast.

The sun was already shining so brightly. Carter looked around and noticed some people with a few strands of hair on their scalp.

"Look at that," Joseph pointed his finger to a passing-by man who clearly has more hair than others. "The man seems to be more than level 10 already."

"You can check his level, though," Dandrik laughed when he heard uncertainness in Joseph's voice.

"Tsk," Joseph beamed.

They proceeded to saunter in silence until they found a small stall selling porridge and eggs.

"Oh! I remember! I'm already Level 8!" Joseph happily announced after they successfully sat on one of the outdoor chairs.

"Nice,' Carter smiled. He turned around and looked at his stats when he remembered it.

< Name: Hairy Man >

[ Level: 12 ]

[ EXP: 35/200 ]

[ Rank: Bronze I ]

[ HP: 640/700 ]

[ Mana: 290/350 ]

[ Strength: 27 ]

[ Agility: 17 ]

[ Stamina: 17 ]

[ Intelligence: 14 ]

[Weapon: Silver Sword (+5 STR)]

[ Skills: Fire Knuckles (2/6) | Stone Wall (1/6) | Air Steps (2/6) | Breath of Haleness (1/6]

[Stat points Available:6]

[Skill Points Available: 4]

[Hair Collected: 110 (Unequipped)]