A Smelly Situation

"Have you finished already?" Asking curiously, Carter glanced over to his side and saw Joseph cleaning the side of his mouth.

Joseph nodded and smiled widely. "Yap. Their porridge was so good that I kept eating," the man answered in satisfaction.

"You're going to gain weight if you keep on eating," Dandrik smiled and draw a circle shape in the air using his finger.

Joseph glared over at Dandrik. "I don't think that's even possible when we keep walking and walking each day. My legs will give up first before I even gain weight."

Dandrik chuckled. Carter shook his head, amused at what the man had said. Well, it does make sense since there was no mode of transportation in the game. They had to walk if they wanted to go somewhere.

It was probably one of the shittiest idea that the creator did. To not have any available transportation in the game. If only they were smart enough to make it available in the game, then their lives will be easier.

"I wonder, what was your life before getting into the game?" Carter asked curiously. He just suddenly remembered that they got lives outside the game, too.

Well, in the past.

Joseph's eyes widened at Carter's question. "Oh, right." the man chuckled.

"I was a graduating student. My mom owns a small clothing shop, while my dad was the one handling the family business." Joseph grinned. "I used to have a free life, but look at where I am now. Inside this game."

Carter nodded. He didn't know that Joseph was rich. He thought that the man was poor, just like him.

Dadnrik rolled his eyes. "Bro, you sound like you want to cry."

"You! You keep ruining my moments." Joseph raised his middle finger and pointed it at Dandrik.

Laughing, Dandrik shook his head before answering.

"My family is friends with his family. So basically, we knew each other since we were in grade school." The man raised his eyebrows at Carter. "How about you?" He added in.

Silence surfaced after Dandrik asked his question. Carter was hesitant to answer at first, but he just shrugged his shoulder and took a deep sigh before opening his mouth. 'It's not like they will judge me anyway.'

"I'm a working student, basically. I just joined this game in hopes of winning the $1 billion prize." He replied.

The two men's mouths formed an O after hearing what he answered. They didn't expect the answer to come out from the man. Carter sounds and looks like he was grown from a loving and wealthy family.

"Why did you need the money, though?" Dandrik frowned.

"My mother is sick and we're just poor," Carter responded as if he didn't care about it, but he knows that deep in his mind, he was already worried about his mother and sister's state.

He just hopes that his shitty father would take care of them or else, once he comes out from here, he will not think twice and stab that man to death. He didn't like him, anyway. He was just being respectful to him because his mother said so.

Joseph tapped his back. "Don't worry, bro, we will help you once we get out of here." The man smiled, giving Carter reassurance.

"Yap. My father is a doctor. Maybe he could help your mother's condition." Dandrik nodded. His father was considered to be the best in their hospital.

Carter just lightly smiled. "Thanks for that."

The three of them stood up from their seats and started their journey once again. Carter was walking slowly, keeping him behind. In that position, he could see the backs of Joseph and Dandrik.

He took a deep breath, tilting his head to the side. "I just hope that we 3 can find a way how to leave this game without dying."


"You know, I'm getting tired of these wolves! Why do we keep encountering them?" Joseph whined.

They were once again walking in a secluded place that was covered by tall and giant trees. The whole place was slightly dark because the sunlight couldn't pass through the trees' height.

Carter chuckled. "It seems like they can smell the wolf's scent from earlier," he answered.

They have been walking for 2 hours already, and between that, they have already encountered 3 more wolves again.

Even Carter, he was already getting tired of fighting those hairy animals. He couldn't deny the fact that the scent that the wolves have been quite… smelly.

And now, because of fighting against them, those smell was transferring in their clothes. He should remember to take a bath later on or maybe change his clothes.

"Fuck! I smell like shit," Dandrik inhaled and pinched his nose. The scent of the wolves was killing him.

Joseph laughed loudly seeing the faces of both Carter and Dandrik. They look like they were about to vomit at any minute.

"It's not that bad, you two!"

Carter glared at Joseph, which made the man shut his mouth. Scratching the back of his head, Joseph nodded and raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

'Carter looks scary,' he thought.

They continue to stroll around. When Dandrik couldn't take it anymore, he stopped his feet and turned around. "Let's find a place to change our clothes first."

Carter quickly agreed because he didn't think that he would last any longer in this smell. 'Damn this smell.'

Joseph laughed and nodded. "There's a lake near here. Let's go there so that we can remove the scent and not be bothered by other wolves as well."

Agreeing with Joseph's words, the three men finally set out to go to the lake. They were focused that they didn't see the two pairs of eyes secretly following them.


Author's Note = Do you think they can find ways to successfully leave the game?