Top 1 Is Rigged?

< Name: Hairy Man >

[ Level: 13 ]

[ EXP: 125/200 ]

[ Rank: Bronze I ]

[ HP: 690/700 ]

[ Mana: 300/350 ]

[ Strength: 30 ]

[ Agility: 17 ]

[ Stamina: 20 ]

[ Intelligence: 14 ]

[Weapon: Silver Sword (+7 STR)]

[ Skills: Fire Knuckles (2/6) | Stone Wall (1/6) | Air Steps (3/6) | Breath of Haleness (1/6]

[Stat points Available:0]

[Skill Points Available: 2]

[Hair Collected: - 890 (debt)]

It has been a day since Carter leveled up. He sighed heavily when another bead of sweat run through his forehead. He swung his sword in full force, killing the last two wolves in front of him.

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 25 exp for killing an Adult Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 25 exp from the 2x boost. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded 25 exp for killing an Adult Wolf. ]

[ Congratulations! You have been rewarded an extra 25 exp from the 2x boost. ]

[ Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 14. ]

"Finally," Carter exclaimed as the wolves turned into pixels. He looked back and saw both Dandrik and Joseph watching him above the tree.

Joseph clapped his hand and clapped. "Nice!" He chuckled and jumped below the tree.

"Did you guys gust really watch me?" Carter unbelievably looked at them.

"Of course not! I helped you with my cards. That's why I'm level 9 already." Joseph snaked his arms around Carter's shoulders as they made their way out of the mountains.

Shaking his head, Carter looked straight ahead of him. Yesterday, they have travelled for 3 hours just to go to where they were now. In order to save money, they planned to find a suitable place to stay.

In the end, they planned to camp since they were still far away from buying a house.

Carter looked at his stats as they traveled to go back to their campsite. He decided to finally upgrade his skill, 'Breath of Haleness'.

[ Breath of Haleness ]

- Description: When Cast, you will automatically regain 200 HP. If the user didn't receive any damage for 5 seconds, his/her mana and HP will automatically be full. (+5) will be added to stamina while the user's attack speed will increase by 25%

- Mana cost: 45

- Cooldown: 3 minutes

'An additional 50 for just one upgrade. Not bad,' he commended

While they were walking on their way, Carter saw a group of people on the side, gathering around.

"Yow! Bro, have you heard about the rumors?"

Carter's face twitched when he heard the 5 men talking on the side. It was impossible not to hear since their voices were quite loud. And it was already evident that they were not hiding what they were talking about.

"What is it?" Another man asked, curiously. His face turned around as if a very interesting thing was placed on his plate.

"I heard that there were rumors on the chat! They were talking about the top 1 in the ranking saying that the guy was from the game's development team!"

The guys made a face, reacting badly at what the first person had announced.

"If that's the case then why are we even playing this game? This is totally rigged." The third guy uttered. His face screams anger.

"I agree with you!" The fourth and fifth man nodded as they have the same opinion.

"Is that true?" Joseph questioned after they passed the group.

Carter shook his head. "I don't have any idea. We should check the chat."

The chat button was used for all the players to communicate. In there, they could socialize with everyone and have a conversation with them. They could create topics and forums that every plate could join.

Of course, just like any game, there's a mute and ban button as well that will be given to any disrespectful player. Trash talking will be allowed except if it was already too much and the other players were exploiting one's privacy already.

[ Forum: 「Top 1 Player is rigged?!」 ]

[ Likes: 30,767 | Comments: 56,921 ]

@Girl011: What's the meaning of this?? How and why is this forum created?

@YouronlyMom: Whatchutalkin about, boy? When was this forum created? If this is true, then this game is total shit.

@Sh17: Have you not been following the news? Or are you even active in this chat? This talk was all over since the rankings were released!!!

@Noah: Hah! It looks like that bastard was weak after all! Couldn't even keep his reputation haha! He even needs a whole team in his back just to get that spot.

@Broken666: Where did these rumors come from? If you're spreading fake news, then we'll legit find you and kill you!

@Lun8th: Is this the froster guy? I saw him one time! I could legit say that his skills are for a weakling. So that's the reason why a shitty player has a high rank.

@GibMeSt4rs: Dang! I thought this game was fair. It seems like they want that 1 billion dollars by themselves that they're shitting players. Why does this game suck? And why did I even Play this?

@kyle0_0: Bro I agree with you. The developers must be a pussy to hide themselves in such an ugly name. Black cloak? Really?

@Phovie: Man, when will they reveal more info?! I want to know more!

Carter's lips grinned after reading. It seems like the game needs to clear this issue as soon as possible.