Sitting in the bakeshop for too long, Carter and the others have talked to other things as well. They moved on from topic to topic that picked their interest well.

"Do you think the top 1 issue is true?" Joseph asked when he remembered it.

Carter shrugged his shoulder. "I do not know. Let's not jump to conclusions when there's no evidence. It's all a rumor, anyway."

"Yup. But if that's true, then a lot of players would go revolt around them. Who knows what might happen, right?" Dandrik chuckled as he tilted his head to the side.

Joseph laughed when he understood what his friend meant. The rumors were already on fire and if they will announce that it was true, then God knows what might happen to that player.

He will instantly be the number 1 enemy on the map, and it would be a miracle if he will still be able to live after all of that.

"Imagine if it's true! Haha, I will wish good luck to that man." Joseph clapped his hands after laughing too much.

Carter chuckled when he thought of the same. The only question left on his mind now was where did these rumors come from?

"Let's go now. We've stayed quiet for a while here and I wanted to rest already." Carter stood up from his

Dandrik and Joseph agreed. They stood up and followed Carter on their way back to their camp. They haven't forgotten to buy some food on their way.

Walking for an hour, they arrived at a secluded part of the mountains. It was covered by large rocks and humongous trees, making it hardly visible.

They were on the very right side of the ILand. The only location where almost no monsters were spawning

They found this after roaming around the area yesterday. Actually, it was Joseph's naughtiness that caused them to accidentally find this spot.

Getting into his tent, Carter opened up his page to see how many days were left for him.

[ Daily Quest:Kill 2 monsters ]

[ Refreshes; 2:43:09]

[ Completed ]

After reading it, his eyes moved on to the main one.

[ Main Quest: Reach Bronze I ]

[ Refreshes: 3: 2: 42: 59 ]

[ Reward: 500 EXP, 1 Golden Bald Coins ]

"By tomorrow or the next day, I think I can already level up to 15 and by that reach Bronze 1." He murmured before closing it.

Carter fixed his bed and ensured that no bugs would enter the inside of his tent. He had to double check it before finally lying down.

The fire that they created outside made the weather bearable. It was a good thing that they have gathered a lot of sticks yesterday to ensure that it would last for the whole night.

When everything was already set, he lay down and took a rest. Readying himself for the upcoming another day.


"Let's go there!" Joseph exclaimed as he pointed out his finger to a place where a lot of players were lining up.

Carter's brows furrowed. 'What's with them lining up there?' he asked himself.

Joseph led the way. The man happily went into the location and line up like the others.

They saw a man in the middle of the entrance. A wooden table was placed in the man's front, filled with papers.

"30 bronze coins for the regular entrance while 80 bronze coins for VIP." The old man announced.

"What's the difference between the two?" Joseph asked when he noticed the subtle difference between the prices.

The old man smiled and gave them a piece of paper. "This is the route of the whole garden. Regular payers could only stay in this area." pointing the middle, the old man encircled the area.

"While the VIP could access all the available locations here. There will be free food at every destination as well." the man smiled proudly after encircling another 5 locations inside the garden.

The three men nodded. They bought the VIP pass when they saw that the advantage was that good. A red-colored bracelet made out of paper was placed on their wrist.

"Let's go," Carter said after they made sure that the bracelet wouldn't fall.

The old man bid his goodbye, reminding them to make sure that the bracelet will be with them always since that will be their pass to very destinations.

The whole garden was filled with green grasses and colorful flowers. There were tall in height trees and benches that the players could sit on if they were tired already.

In the middle were 5 different routes that will lead to 5 different locations. On each front was a black-suited man, guarding each way.

There were a lot of players inside. Some were having fun with their friends, while some were with their partners that they met inside the game.

"So, where should we go first?" Dandrik asked when they arrived in front of the 5 pathways.

Joseph pointed out the first one. "Let's go there first. After that, we can already split up."

"Let's meet up after two hours and a half," Carter suggested that they all agreed upon.

Settling out, the three men all together went into the first location, which was a maze.