A Conversation Between The Two

"Bro, we've been in the same area for 30 minutes!" Joseph exclaimed loudly as he exhaustedly pointed at the tree.

After entering the maze, Joseph led the way, boasting that he was good at these scenarios. Of course, they believed that when the man was flashing with confidence.

"Why did you even volunteer to lead when you're bad at it?!" Dandrik scolded Joseph who was acting like a kid.

The man made a face. "I do not know that it would be this hard!"

Carter shook his head. "I'll lead. Come and follow me," he uttered before stepping out.

He was already bored when they keep going in the same route for minutes. He didn't really like to volunteer but when he thought of the food that they will get, his thoughts instantly changed.

He got to make sure that the coins he spent will be worth it.

Carter carefully looked at the walls. He remembered the steps that they took earlier and went on the opposite side, trusting his instincts.

Looking down, Carter made sure that they were walking on the right path.

The walls were giant in height that even when three of them combined, it would still be taller. It was massive with a lot of routes, making it confusing. What makes it much harder was the fact that the space was small.

It could only fit a person. That's why if they went in the wrong way, the time of them going back will be doubled.

Carter smiled widely when he can already see the ending of the maze. The three of them ran at full speed with relief evident on their faces.

Carter opened the door, revealing a beautiful garden. The whole place was colorful. It was designed by strings of lights, around the trees. He thought that the garden earlier was already good.

But this one is far better than it. There was a golden lake in the middle with a bridge on the side. It looks like one of the magical scenes that you would see in movies.

"Let's just meet here after 1 hour! I want to tour around first." Joseph said with a happy expression on his face

Carter nodded. "I'll go now, then," he uttered before proceeding.

His eyes looked at one spot. It was a bench near the lake, behind the tree. Beside the bench was blossoming red flowers. It was at the very back making it hardly visible. That's why there were no players strolling around the area.

Carter sat on the bench and looked around, appreciating the golden view. He closed his eyes after seconds, inhaling the fresh air.

How he wishes that his sister, Sheila, would be able to see these sight too.

"Oh! Hi, Carter." Angela's face flushed as she waved her hands to greet the man.

Hearing a woman's voice behind him, Carter hurriedly looked back and saw a woman having a username of Demoness5.

"Hi, Angela," Carter greeted enthusiastically. He was actually surprised to see Angela in the same location.

With her reddened face, "Can I sit beside you?" the woman asked shyly.

Carter nodded and offered a seat to the woman. He moved to the right side so the woman could sit freely without getting uncomfortable.

"You're here alone?" Carter questioned when he saw Lucas and the others were nowhere to be seen.

Angela shook her head. "They're touring around as well." She answered with a smile on her face.

"Oh." Carter chuckled.

"What about you? You're alone?" Angela curiously asked.

Carter shook his head. "Nope. Dandrik and Joseph are touring around too. Maybe they already met the others at this time." he answered.

A moment of silence surrounded them afterward. Angela bit her lower lips as she stared at how Carter looked at the lake adoringly. Gathering up her strength, Angela tried her best to initiate a conversation one more time.

"Have you received the food in this destination?"

Hearing it, Carter remembered about the food for each destination. "Not yet,"

Chuckling, Angela showed a bag of grapes in her hands. "This is the prize," she said as she wiggled the bag.

Carter smiled. "It seems like that's your favorite fruit, based on the leftovers."

Angela hurriedly nodded. "You should try it." the woman encouraged opening the bag of grapes before placing it on top of Carter's hands.

Eating the grape, Carter gave a thumb up to the woman. "The fruit is sweet."

"I know right." Angela grinned.

"You remind me of someone," Carter muttered when the woman's actions resemble someone important to him.

"Your… girlfriend?" With a low voice, Angela asked. She felt a slight pain in her heart when Carter mentioned it.

Carter tilted his head. "I have no girlfriend" the man answered with a light smile on his face.

'My sister,' he thought in his mind, although he's debating whether to say it out loud.

With Carter's answer, Angela nodded. She couldn't help but to bite her lower lips, trying her best to hide the big smile forming in her mouth.

'That's good to know then,' the woman whispered in the air.

When Carter saw that the woman nodded, he looked at her and asked the same question. "What about you?"

Angela chuckled and looked straightly at Carter's eyes.

"I have no one, but who knows in the future, right?"