City Of Dreamer

In the past 3 days, Carter and the others were focused on killing monsters and leveling up. Carter leveled up 2 more times while Dandrik and Joseph leveled up 1 more time.

Carter was already used to the same routine that they were doing every day. They would wake up at 7 am, have breakfast, and proceed to look for monsters. They would eat lunch every afternoon and walk around again until dinner time.

It was getting boring for him. He was already tired of having the same routine every time. That was the same as what the two men were feeling.

"I just want to have fun today!" Joseph uttered as they strolled around. They left the perimeters of ILand earlier and walked to the next city located on its right side.

They were now slowly coming to the east side part of the map. Of course, they couldn't just straight-ahead travel there. It would take them days of solely walking just to arrive.

"Let's rest for today." Carter agreed.

It was already 9 in the morning, and they were walking for an hour. It would take them another 30 minutes just to arrive at the new location, which was called the "City of Dreamer".

"Yap, we have been continuously killing monsters these past few days," Dandrik uttered before giving a thumbs up.

30 minutes after and they arrived at the gate of the location. The first thing that they did was to find a place to stay. They were not disappointed since they have found an inn with a great deal.

It was the perfect location since it was in the center of the whole city. The three men agreed to share a room with 3 beds. It cost them roughly 20 bronze coins for 2 days of stay.

It was cheaper compared to various locations that they have stayed so far.

"Bro, do you know what I heard!" Joseph clapped his hands in excitement as he arrived inside the room that they have rented.

"What is it?" Dandrik asked with interest lingering in his voice.

Joseph smiled proudly. "I heard that there's a brothel in the game as well!" the man announced, which greatly surprised them.

"Isn't that a place where we can visit prostitutes?" Carter frowned.

"Yap! That's why I'm excited." Joseph chuckled and straightly went to bed.

Since their map just looks like earth, then the places that you could see in real life were here, too. Out of all the maps in the game, this was the closest to the Earth.

But of course, it has both advantages and disadvantages too, since on the last map, it would be a whole different. No one knows what the redemption land would look like.

It will be a set of new people and experiences and Carter couldn't help but be excited over that matter.

When Dandrik remembered something, he couldn't help but to worry. "I just hope that those girls in the brothel have hairs. Imagine if they're bald as well," he uttered that scared Joseph the most.

"Oh no! I forgot about that." Joseph sighed. He turned his head to Carter, who was not paying attention to them. "Aren't you excited, Carter?"

Carter shook his head, showing no signs of interest in the topic. "Nah," since he hasn't been to one, he does not know what to expect.

He just knows that a brothel was a place where a woman will serve them. Since he was poor, he has no interest in going to those kinds of places. His mindset back then was he would rather buy food for his sister and mother than enjoy his life.

His life purely evolves in school, work, and their house. It was boring, honestly. Yet, he doesn't have any choice or else they would die in hunger.

Joseph smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will like it." the man said with full confidence. He chuckled and thought, 'I'm sure no guy in the world wouldn't like it.'

Carter just nodded without uttering any word. He lay down on the bed and rested for a couple of hours. Joseph, on the other hand, went out to look at where the brothel was.

He was walking around when he found out that it was just streets away from their inn. The only disappointing thing was the brothel's opening time was 2 pm and it would close at 9 pm.

'That's too early!" Joseph muttered in disapproval.

The man quickly went back and announced what he saw to Carter and Dandrik.

When the clock strikes exactly at 2 pm, Joseph actively told the others that they should go already. Although Carter just wanted to stay and rest, he couldn't do so because of the man's continuous persuasion.

Giving in, he had no choice but to follow them. While walking, he saw that his rank jumped to 3569. Although what others could see was 15,690. Satisfaction crossed his mind when he saw it.

The person above him was only a few exp away. When he remembered it, he recalled that the game still hasn't issued an official announcement about the rigged issue.

When he opened the chat, the topic was still popular on the forum. Although what caught his attention was the number one on the forum selection.

It was about the update that will happen in 7 days.