[Bonus chapter] Critical Hit!

"Shit Carter, this is a hell of a strong monster!" Joseph exclaimed.

The three of them backed each other. Hiding behind a humongous stone that was higher than three of them combined.

"What should we do now?" Joseph took a peek at their left side.

"We should attack him," Carter uttered in a commanding voice.

"Bro, that dragon has 20k hp. That's 7 times of ours combined…"

Shrugging his shoulder, "We have no choice, or else we will die here."

Carter stood up and carefully went to the side of the rock. Determination could be seen in his eyes as he watched carefully how the dragon moves. He shook his head and closed his fist.

He refused to die helplessly.

'Fire Knuckles' Carter opened up his palms until a sword appeared on top of it.

Carter enabled air steps for his movement to be faster. "Follow me!" He shouted out loud before dashing on his way to the right side and throwing his sword at the dragon when he saw that his 'Fire Knuckles' skill was activated already.


[19770/20000 HP remaining (Ancient Dragon)]

'Damn, at this point we will take a whole day just to defeat this dragon, Carter thought as he hid behind a huge stone when the dragon reacted to his attack.

The dragon released a burst of fire from its mouth and breathed it out in Carter's direction.

The two men who were waiting for the right chance to attack saw it as an opportunity. Joseph directly aimed at the dragon's eyes. It was quite hard, since the dragon was too tall for him.

A breath of relief sounded when three notifications containing -50 each appeared on top of the dragon's head.

"Did you see that, Dandrik?" The man boasted as he proudly showed the cards in his hands.

Dandrik tilted his head and made a sound. "You didn't even hit the eyes. You just hit its legs."

"Tsk, I still hit it though," Joseph argued back.

Dandrik ignored the man and unleashed his sword. He activated his skill 'Fire Knuckles' as well and waited for 5 seconds before attacking so he could deal more damage.


[19450/20000 HP remaining (Ancient Dragon)]

"You know, it would be a disgrace if we die right now." Joseph suddenly muttered which caught both Carter and Dandrik's attention.

"Why?" Carter, who was curious, asked.

"Bro, the last time that we did sex was months ago! If I knew that we would come at this point, then I should have spent my money on those girls that we saw at the brothel!"

Dandrik slowly nodded, as if he was agreeing with the man. "We could have enjoyed life truly…" he uttered in a low voice.

"You two, stop talking. We're in the middle of a fight, for fucking sake." Carter sneered.

The two sighed heavily and diligently obliged the man.

"Let's focus on this first and make those women as motivation to live another day." Joseph firmly announced. 'I refuse to die as a celibate' He thought.

Dandrik nodded. The look on their faces changed. The atmosphere became silent and serious compared to earlier.

Carter looked at his skills tab. When he saw that some of his skills weren't on cooldown anymore, he didn't think twice and attack the dragon.

'Air Steps'. The man dashed his way around the enemy. The dragon growled when his eyes couldn't keep up with Carter's movement. He opened his mouth and throw the countless balls of rocks that were covered in a fire in the man's direction.

Carter saw what the dragon was doing. He skillfully dodged the ball of rocks as he activated the skill 'Beat Box' and used it to strike at the enemy, which caused a higher amount of damage.

It was followed by Joseph and Dandrik's attack. Dandrik firmly held his hand to his sword. After activating the same skill, 'Air Steps', the man bolted out to attack the dragon.

Joseph, who was on the back, threw his cards in the air. He climbed onto a big rock so it would be easier to target the enemy.

"Shit!" Dandrik cursed loudly when a ball of rock hit him in the back.

"Stonewall!" Carter shouted out loud and pointed in the man's direction when he noticed that the dragon was shooting lavas in Dandrik's direction.


[580/900 HP remaining (D4ndrik)]

"Thanks, man," Dandrik raised his thumbs when the stones protected him from the dragon's attack.

Carter nodded before running away to engage in another attack.

Critical Hit!

-400 Hp!

[16950/20000 HP remaining (Ancient Dragon)]

"Nice!" Joseph commended himself after successfully hitting the dragon's eyes after so many tries.

When the dragon focused his attention on Joseph, Carter and Dandrik carefully went to the side and strike their swords at the same time, ‌when it was about to attack Joseph.

Since the dragon's legs were chained, it could only use its mouth and tail to attack. That placed them in a more secure situation in a disadvantaged state.

"Carter! Watch your back!"

Carter's eyes widened as the tail of the dragon drastically hit his body. The man was thrown to the ground.

[You fools! Do you think you can defeat me?! I would burn you to ashes one by one and trap you into my dimension]

The dragon growled loudly once again before a notification on top of Carter's body appeared.

Critical Hit!

-590 Hp!

[260/1200 HP remaining (Hairy Man)]