Chapter 3, Factory Assault

The Intervention into the Soviet Union was a slow process, Patrick was sent on a scouting mission with 7th Polar Bear Infantry.

Patrick wrote in his journal as they marched through an abandoned village, 'The Soviet Union is declared as an legitimate government by Vladimir Lenin. Tho the White Movement and the Russian Republic had some land they were reduced to some pockets of resistance.

Most of the White Army either flee into Allied Lands, Captured or Defected to the Bolsheviks, the Red Army is calling the Allied Intervention a crime against Freedom of the people and we come as no as liberators but as conquers.'

"Alright hold!" The Squad Leader said as they stopped, Patrick put his journal away and adjusted his glasses.

"We're about to cross into Red territory, our mission is to scout out a Red held factory where their producing Mechs once we find that factory I'll use the flare" He took out a flare gun "Which will notify the British 11th Rifle Army to begin their attack, remember we're here as Liberators"

After the briefing they walked through the forest, plenty of trees kept them safe and hidden from any Red patrol squads.

Patrick tighten the grip on his M1918 BAR rifle, He has seen battle a few times and he only been in Siberia for a couple of days.

However American casualties are building since the Battle of Tyumen where The American 1st Infantry and French 89th Battalion fought against the Red Army's 99th Shock Infantry and members from the Mongolian People's Brigade.

"Sir I think we see the factory" One of the troops handed over binoculars. The factory was a Mech Factory being from Cossack to Baba Yaga Mechs.

The Factory was guarded by Russian troops wearing fur coats which underneath was metal plated armor as they carried Gatling guns.

"Heavy troopers...This factory must be important to Ol' Lenin alright the Brits should be getting into position" The Leader said as he motion for a radio.

The radio phone looked like a normal telephone as the Radio Operator has a Box on the back with an Antenna this was very useful during the Great War.

"This Sergeant Louis Cho..I'm reaching for Captain Lee Ashford" He says as a voice came through "This is Captain Ashford go ahead Yank"

"My men have found the factory are you in position?" "Yes awaiting for your signal so we blow this and go back from tea"

"Wilco prepare for the signal" Cho handed the Radio back and rasing the Flare gun and firing. Below the Factory guards noticed this and saw the Polar Bears.

They shouted in alert and begin firing their guns as the group went for cover. Patrick mounted his BAR onto a log and begin firing as the British begin their assault.

The British came in with two heavily armored troops the Albion Knights are armed with Anti Rifles and Shields.

The Albion Knights fired their Anti Rifles at the Heavy Troopers killing a few. As the British begin to close into the Factory the doors burst open as a Medium size Russian Mech stepped out.

The front looked to be of a Ship's Bow with arms connected to Flamethrowers and stubby legs. It was a slow walking yet it had a menacing feel to it.

"What the hell is that? the Russians never used that during the Great War!" One of the Albion Knights said. Patrick was shocked as out of all the books he read about Mechs they never shown or talked about this Mech so it must be a new one.

One of the Albion Knights was engulfed by the liquid flames. The poor Albion Knight screamed as he moved around as the metal burned into him then he begin to drop into the snow.

The other Albion Knight fired it's rifle hitting the Flamer Mech doing some damage to it before it could use it's flames again. One of the American troops rifle grenade hitting the Mech's arm as the flames begin to cover it.

The Mech slowly moved to try dose the flames so the back open as the pilot step out and held up arms surrendering to the British and American forces.

With the factory under Allied control the new Russian Mech was sent to Command to figure what are the Red Army are building.

Patrick looked at the many Mechs in the Factory as they were plenty some armed with lances, cannons, machine guns and other things.

"You Patrick Bishop?" A voice called to him as he saluted "Sir I am" Approaching him was a Two Star General as he smoked from a pipe.

"I'm General Paul MacArthur your an engineer correct?" He asked, "Yes Sir I am"

"Well son I lost an Engineer near Line 87 and needing a replacement" He says, "Y-You want me?"

"You think you can work on a Mech?" General MacArthur asked which Patrick saluted "Sir!" The General laughed and lead Patrick from the Factory.

Patrick went from being a normal Soldier in the U.S. Army to a Engineer for the U.S. Armored Division.

'March 7th, 1921; Polish Troops have won their battle and linked up with French forces meeting near one of the Russian Strongholds, I became a Engineer and apart of the 3rd Motorized Division I seen F-3 Eagles, Spitfire Planes and Bobcat Mechs pushing deep into the Red Line

Ever since I got to be in the U.S.S Liberator which it's like a Ship with wheels like if you mash a tank and a battleship together it's one of the largest Landships of the U.S Armed Forces only seeing two wars Boxer Rebellion and the Atlantic Campaign during the Great War' Paul put his journal down as he stepped out to the other engineers.

The Engineers were maintaining the ship in a steady process as it walked through the forest making a clearing allowing British Tanks and Albion Knights to march in.

Patrick looked over the edge with a big grin on his face it still felt like a dream being able to on a Mech such as the USS Liberator. He walked down the stairs and helped with the machinery.

"I heard the 7th Stormtrooper Division is storming into St. Petersburg with some Czechoslovakian Calvary assistance" One of the engineers said while Patrick was shoveling coal into the furnace.

Patrick wiped his head as he continue to shove he may not be manning a Mech but nevertheless he's still happy he's apart of a Mech unit he's the closes thing to a Pilot.