Chapter 2, Roar of Machines

Patrick was awaken from the sound of shells being fired. Getting out of bed and grabbing his winter uniform on as he ran out.

Soldiers of the American Expeditionary Force ran grabbing their weapons. "Hurry get into the trenches!"

Patrick jumped into the trench as a shell came near him sending snow and dirt everywhere.

Machine Guns begin fire as the Red Army charging with Mechs armed with Lances.

"Oh God! We got Cossacks!" A Captain shouted while being armed with a Revolver. The Cossack Mechs which are named after the people who live in Russia and parts of Ukraine who are known for their horseman skills.

The Cossack Mech have a cylindrical torso but with a taller and more narrow upper body, longer legs and a pair of arms.

Armed with a large Lance which can pierce Tanks and other Mechs. Its main engine is housed in the back with two smokestacks clearly visible, and on the hull is a mounted searchlight for night operations and bearing a Red Star on their Breastplate.

The Cossack Mechs charged through the snow and at the entrenched American Soldiers. One of the field guns fired hitting a Cossack as the round punched through blowing the Cossack apart.

The Cossack Mechs are known for their speed but their armor is fairly weak only deflecting small arms from pistols and rifle rounds.

Patrick fired off his rifle before being send back from a explosion as he hit into the wall.

His vision became blurry and his ears ringed as he got up stumbling grabbing the side of the wall as he tried to grab his bearings.

Watching as American Troops who are becoming panicked either firing out of fear or running.

One of the Cossack stabbed into the field gun destroying it then another field gun was destroyed.

Patrick gain his reading as he heard someone running at him he turn to see a charging Bolshevik with a bayonet.

Patrick manage to dodge and use his knife to stab him in the back. Seeing that the trenches are about to be overrun, Patrick got up and ran with other Americans for another position.

"We're gonna die! we're all gonna die!" One American screamed.

Patrick knows these Mechs are meant for war however in the United States they have Mechs for work and military purposes.

"Man those guns right now!" Patrick jumped onto one of the Anti Rifles as he begin firing hitting a Cossack's leg causing it fall. There were still plenty of Cossack Mechs and Bolshevik troops coming in.

However a couple of the Cossacks became riddled with bullets falling from the hits, Patrick looked behind them as he begin to smile.

F-3 Eagle Mechs came running in firing their guns at the groups of Bolshevik Troops and Cossack Mechs.

The Mountain Guns the Eagle Mechs used knocked into Cossack Mechs destroying more since Cossack Mechs are only for close encounters.

Then another Mech bearing the Iron Eagle of Germany rushed into the battle with the Eagles.

"That's the M-0 Jagër!" Patrick said in shock and amazement; The Jagër Mech was large Mech armed with rotating cannon, one arm was the cannon and the other held it like a Soldier the legs allowed it to bend one kneel for stable firing as the Jagër is a four man Mech.

Jagër and Eagle Mechs were able to push the Bolsheviks back securing the line and thus saving the Troops.

After the Great War the German Empire couldn't remain stable and was broken apart into two states.

North was the Northern Confederation of Prussia and the South had the Weimar Republic.

Prussia was ruled by former Prince Joachim who acted as Prime Minister, both Prussia and the Weimar Republic demanded to be reunited.

As the Russian Civil War progressed, White Army Leaders asked for help from the Allies. Thus a Coalition was formed to support the White Movement.

The Red Army where able to cause major damage to the White Movement as Tsar Nicholas and his family were able to flee capture from the Red Army and flee to Neutral Sweden.

Despite being an army of workers, peasants and some Soldiers of other Communist groups coming from Finland, Mongolia, Latvia, Poland and small parts of China.

The Red Army were able to make their Government within a month declaring Moscow as their Capital while battling the White Army and other Anti Communist Armies.

The Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin had an official declaration of war onto the Allied Powers, stating they are a threat to the people of Russia and their meddling will not go unpunished.

Patrick sat down removing his glasses as he looked at the bodies of Russians, Americans and Mechs from both sides.

"Hey Patrick" Patrick turned to look a African American soldier "Robert" He says as they hug each other.

"I thought you were suppose to be station behind the lines" Patrick asked.

"I got promoted to Lieutenant so I was able to come here man look at this mess" Robert says as Patrick nodded "Yeah the Siberian Campaign is just getting started"

"So far the only ones intervening are The Americans, British, French, Germans and what's left of the White Army..I heard Japan is pulling out of Siberia and heading to the East of Russia" Patrick went on as Robert patted his shoulder.

"The fact these guys got Mechs from the former Empire...I mean they were laying around...hard to believe after one war we're fighting another" Robert says as the two begin walking.

Patrick and Robert have been great friends as they both entered the Army just as the Great War came to an end.

The Coalition's plan is to help reestablished the Russian Republic as the Tsar became unpopular.

Many Volunteers came to fight as countries such as Poland is fighting for their Independence, Finland is in a Civil War and other Baltic States are fighting for their Independence.

Prussia which is dealing with a Communist Uprising can only send 100,000 Troops to the newly formed Soviet Union to assist the Allies.

Patrick watched the Eagles and Jagërs Mechs marched through as their main goal was to split the Red Army in half and capture Moscow.

The Propaganda against Communism started at lot of fear in the States of a Communism take over which became the biggest call to arms since the Great War.

Patrick bite his lip hoping the Intervention will come to end soon as he missed his family back in the States and the harsh winters of the Soviet Union don't offer comfort.