Chapter 21, The Renegades

The War in the East began to stall as Allied Forces were able to stop any Bolshevik Advancements.

With British Navy in the Baltic Sea preventing the Soviets from securing any Supplies and moving any troops outside of the Baltic. French Tanks drove from the fields of Kursk leading Prussian and Saxony Volunteers along with Polish Calvary.

The group of Patrick, Karl, Anna and Jan continue the mission of Linking with the White Army in Tsaritysn and bringing down the Airship.

The Group stopped in Anti Bolshevik Partisan Town where they could resupply on food and ammo.

Anna was helping the Town's Doctor after the Town was able to defend it's self not from Bolsheviks but some Renegade Allied Troops.

This confused Patrick as the Allies were suppose to be helping the people who were against the Red Army but Allied Troops were harassing the people?

Karl grabbed Ammo for his MP19 and C96 Mauser Pistol, Jan grabbed a Mosin Nagant Rifle and a few grenades. Anna opted keep using her Revolver for Self Defense purposes.

Patrick took a M1873 Revolver often called the Peacemaker however the name is Colt Single Action Army Revolver, also Patrick took more ammo for his Shotgun.

"Patrick Why also keep a Shotgun and not a Rifle?" Karl asked, "Well with Mech Pilots choices of weapons are limited, their given choice to carry one or two firearms on them pistols or revolvers and when it comes to rifles your given a Shotgun or Lever Action since it's easier to operate in a Mech serving to defend yourself from Wild Animals or Enemy Soldiers" Patrick explained.

"Well we need to keep moving" Anna said as she hopped back into Stormwalker while the Boys joined her.

The Walker made it's move out of the town and crossed over a stone bridge. While driving Patrick begin to wonder on the Renegades.

"Hey Karl, have you heard anything about Allied Troops commiting any crimes?" He asked, "Ja I've heard, some reports of homes being burned down to clear out any Bolsheviks plus some Civilians being interrogated for possible collaboration"

Patrick narrowed his brow, "That doesn't make any sense! We're here as Liberators not Conquers" He said in disbelief.

"Well Comrade...The Bolsheviks claim to be fighting for the Worker's party and the people but all I see are families being torn apart and people being executed..." Jan says.

"...During the battle of Kraków, I saw Reds killing wounded Polish Soldiers I still can't understand why..." Anna said.

"Their barbarians!" Karl shouted, "They are nothing more then wild dogs filled of greed and their so called 'People's Army' don't care who they kill" Karl shouted in frustration.

"Every battle I was in, I seen German troops beg for mercy only to be slaughtered! I've seen graves of P.O.Ws! their no better then every filthy Communist I kill!" Jan and Anna watched as Karl vented his frustration.

"Karl relax..." Patrick said as Karl sat down rubbing his eyes.

The Stormwalker stopped as Jan asked "Why are we stopping?" He asked. "I uh..I see something" Patrick said stepping out with Karl.

Jan and Anna looked at each other then looked through the view slot. As Karl and Patrick approached a sign reading "No Trespassing, No Commies, No Masters, No Gods"

"What the hell?" Patrick questioned, "Who put this?" He wondered.

"Whomever it is we need to get back in the Walker Ja?" Karl said, "Good idea..." They went back to the walker.

Unknown to them a pair of binoculars watched from afar. "Who are they?" One voice said.

"They don't look to be Commies..."

The Walker resume to walk past the warning sign as they went down a path with dead trees and burned homes. "Who did this?" Anna looked with shock.

"Bolsheviks?" Jan suggested.

The smell of burning wood went into Patrick's nose as he pinched it. "Something's is burning" He says, "What's that smell?" Anna said.

"Wood being burned" Patrick said as the Walker came to stop at a town which was lit aflame. "Holy...." Patrick said.

"Mein Gott" Karl said as the stepped out of the Walker. "Everyone check up for any survivors" Patrick said holding his Shotgun.

"Also take a partner, Karl watch my back" Patrick said, "Jawohl" Karl responded.

"Jan and I will check for survivors" Anna said.

The group split up into two and begin searching around the burning down. Patrick and Karl went into homes that weren't burning while Anna and Jan checked the streets.

"Castings" Karl picked up a bullet casing "Must of been a fight or something else" He says then the sound of cans being knocked over causing them to read their guns.

Patrick went the noise to find rats running past them, "Rats literally"

Elsewhere; Jan looked at windows and buildings which were badly damaged and windows smashed. Anna noticed dry up blood as she grew worried.

Talking took their attention as Anna and Jan quietly went over to find a group of armed individuals.

They wore Allied Uniforms and some Russian Uniforms, their faces were painted with war paint as their weapons ranged from Rifles to crude weapons like trench weapons.

One of the Members dragged out a begging Family as they line them up. "Come on kill dem commies!" One shouted as the others cheered.

Jan and Anna watch in shock as the Family was gunned down. Then one them spotted the pair and called out "Hey we got some Commies!"

They begin firing at them which Jan fired his rifle back killing one of them as he and Anne ran.

The gunshots were heard by Patrick and Karl as they ran and caught up with Jan and Anna but the their pursers were still in pursuit.

The group ran back for their Stormwalker while Karl begin spraying bullets to warn off their pursers.

Once they got into their Walker, Patrick manned the controls and begin operating it. Karl grabbing the first machine gun while Jan went to the second.

Anna looked through the view slot as the Walker moved. The sound of cars came from behind and the side of them as armored vehicles shot them which Jan and Karl fired back.

"Who are these guys?!" Patrick wondered, "We don't know! me and Jan saw them kill a family!" She said.

Patrick turned the Walker around as he ran to the cannon loaded it and fired. The shell send some of the cars back allowing them to continue their retreat.