Chapter 22, Sons of Liberty

"Keep em off us!" Patrick said, Karl and Jan continue to man the Machine Guns. as their pursers chased them with Armored Cars and Calvary.

Eventually the Walker reached a large house which they stopped and took the Mech into a large barn to hide it.

"We lost them...Quick inside!" Karl said as they went into the house. Inside it was empty without any inhabitants, the house looked to be untouched but wasn't in perfect condition either.

Outside voices came as one shouted "We know your inside there! come on out!"

"Jan go up stairs and provide covering fire incase of a fight, I'm going to talk to them; Anna stay with Karl" Patrick said taking his Shotgun and stepped out.

Patrick stood on the steps as the group of the Renegades appeared some with more members, the leader was wearing a U.S Infantry Uniform.

"Alright...What do we got here?" He says, "Mech Engineer Patrick Bishop" Patrick said.

"I'm Sergeant Paul Wilson former 77th Battalion 2nd Infantry Regiment...Currently leader of the Sons of Liberty" Wilson said, he had paint on his face and body.

He and his army were all painted looking like a group of Indian Warriors, they were all armed with rifles, automatics, shotguns and a few Submachine Guns.

"Your trespassing but you don't look to be Commies...Heh but we can let you and your little posse go ahead if you hand over some supplies" He says.

"From what my friend said is that you gun down a family..." Patrick said, "Their Communist Sympathizers we're all here for the same thing to rid of this Red Plague"

"Did you burn down any of these towns?" Patrick asked as Wilson rubbed his chin, "Didn't Sherman do the same during his March on Atlanta?"

"Now you gonna comply or..." Wilson said as he patted his holster sidearm, "Well i gotta ask my friend....JAN!" Patrick shouted as Jan from the window fires his rifle hitting one of the men next to Wilson.

Patrick ran back inside as Wilson ordered his Group to open fire. "Kill those sons of bitches!" Wilson shouted as he drew his pistol and begin firing.

Inside the house Karl was firing his SMG from a window while Patrick used his revolver for long range and his shotgun guarding the door. Jan was firing from one of the upper rooms.

Anna hide behind a wall but kept her revolver close; Outside the proclaimed 'Sons of Liberty' were firing at the house and some try to run up the steps only to be blasted by Patrick's shotgun.

"We are badly outnumbered!" Karl said, "Guys move around we need to make it look like it's a larger group!" Patrick spoke out as they moved around while firing from different positions.

Anna open one of the windows firing her revolver killing one of the men by a shot to the head. Jan reloaded his rifle before hiding behind the wall the moment they brought in the armored car firing it's machine gun at Jan.

"We're fighting for Liberty! Freedom! we're bringing true Freedom to Russia from these Communist fucks!" Wilson shouted. "Your killing civilians! this isn't what Liberty stands for!" Patrick argued.

"And you know? We are all Soldiers hailing from America, British, Russia anywhere where we want to see freedom! If the Founding Fathers didn't fight against the Redcoats we still be British"

More of the sons of liberty arrived as their guns and armored cars tore into the house. The group hide as the firing continue as they are totally suppressed.

Jan fired his rifle killing another S.O.L while Karl continue to fire his SMG making them hide behind their vehicles. Patrick lead Anna out back as Jan and Karl slowly fall back with them.

"We need to get to the Walker" Patrick said as they quietly ran back to the Walker inside the barn. Climbing inside as they waited for the S.O.L to get closer.

"Burn the house down and find them!" Wilson ordered his group as sound from the barn grabbed the S.O.L attention. Then the Walker burst out of the barn charging through the S.O.L as it fired it's machine guns.

"Fuck!" Wilson shouted as the Stormwalker torn through his group and armored vehicles. Armored cars were stomped on and destroyed as the Walker ran from the area.

"Wooohooo!!" Patrick said adjusting his goggles, Anna held his shoulders to stabilize her. Jan and Karl checked the slots as Wilson and his remaining armored cars chased them.

"These bastards won't quit!" Karl shouted.

Suddenly Patrick turned the Walker around and manually operated the Cannon. "Fire!" He shouted as they fired the Walker's Cannon destroying another Armored car.

"Let's end this!" Patrick said as the Stormwalker counter charged the S.O.L as their armored cars were riddled with bullet holes and few were hit by Mech Shells.

The S.O.L's armored cars became fewer in numbers as Wilson's main car was hit causing it to swirl into a tree crashing. Patrick stepped out of the Mech and approached Wilson's car.

Wilson was bleeding heavily as he glared at Patrick, "We're soldiers not conquerors" Patrick told him. Wilson just stared as he took out a smoke which Patrick politely lit for him.

"Continue to believe that....Then you'll see what war does to a man...." Wilson said before passing from this world. Patrick bite his inner cheek then returned to Walker.

"Back on the trail guys..." He says resuming to pilot the Mech as they left the destroyed S.O.L vehicles as they continue their main mission bringing down the Airship and linking with the White Army to put an end to the war.

"Hey Karl have you seen other Soldiers act so Savage like?" Patrick asked, "Ja I have...a disgusting sight" Karl said with disappointment.

Patrick is hoping that Wilson was wrong or at the very least he and his group don't stoop down to their own levels.