Valerie’s flight was rescheduled


"What do you mean you can't find Samson? Have you checked everywhere?" I asked Lydia with a growing annoyance in my guts. I couldn't believe that my driver had actually left the studio without permission.

What more from this man would I have to overlook? If this isn't negligence, what else would it be called?

"Valerie, actually-

"What!" I snapped before I realized that it was Luke. "Sorry, uh- fuck it! I'm really pissed right now." I apologized instantly because it would be mean of me to take it out on him.

"No, it's okay. I just want to let you know that Samson informed me before he left." Luke said, and I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed because it wasn't his place at all. But before I could say a word, Blake already did.