5- Reapians


Xandra knew she has to exert more from herself. Her element has always been on the offensive side of war, she can destroy twice as much as the others could, because of that reason she would always seclude herself just incase she become berserk.

Throughout the years of training and studying what her element could do, she already accepted that as long as her mind is fixed on killer, that is exactly what her element would do. Its like every cell in her body would melt and extend to spaces no one can reach. She can freely make herself look like goo and the next second the deadliest weapon mankind could create.

Xandra invisioned herself as somekind of a wall that no one can get through. She lets her own element take its action and when she sensed the first reapian coming towards her. She immediately extended her right hand into a sword and slashes throught the reapians head.

These creatures would look like spiders with each arm looking like it could slice through anything, their heads would look like berry's inside a bowl of glass. The glass looking membrane is like a shield for all their organs. Simple bullets are not enough to penetrate theirs head so when they were born to this planet, no human machine or efforts could defeat them. Until Carlos and Clark decided to play with the rest of the teams elements and do some research on them.

They found out a way to pierce through a Reapians protective membrane and that is through Xandra's blood. Her infected blood and not the one she had when she was just a plain and normal person. With the help of her blood, Carlos and Clark were able to systhesize bullets that can pierced through the Reapians head. Carlos, of course being the genius that he is, he was able to sysnthesize a clone of Xandra's blood that is only activated once it enters the Reapians body. He made it his plan to never cause Xandra more trouble so he dedicated his everything on finding out a better way to defeat this creature other than extracting more blood from Xandra. He was that of a genius.

It is with that same reason that Xandra stayed behind instead of asking for her teams help. Right now, she is the only one who is capable of fully killing those Reapians.

Xandra fought valiantly and she made sure that each of her strikes were lethal to her enemies. Her blood boils for revenge and she knows that the last few months of rest was enough because right now, as she fought to keep the reapians away from her team, she was excited and in sync. Xandra fought like she never had a vacation, she was fightingh beautifully and with every reapians blood splashing through the air, she was smiling.

"Shouldn't we be helping her?" Levi asked as he kept his gaze fixed on the screen showing Xandra's situation.

Worried and scared, Charlene decided to fly one of her drones to see what was happening to Xandra when she lost communication with her. She was already planning to help their captain, seeing as she was left alone but right before she could even get out of the ship, the rest of her team came back, stopping her in the process.

Right now, they are all watching Xandra fighting without mercy through the little screen where Charlene was controlling the drone.

"We'll just be in the way. Right now, she's fighting without thinking about anything else. She trusts that we are safe so she's letting herself do all the damage it could do. On the screen she may look harmless, but when her element somehow touches you, your skin could melt or even experience multiple stinging sensation that could last for days. You could ask Dave for referrence if you still wish to go down there and risk your life." Clark explained for the rest of the team to Levi and then he made a quick teasing look on Dave as the poor guy remembers the pain of his past.

"Trust the doctors new guy. It is in our best defense to stay here and wait. She'll be back soon enough." Dave taps Levi's shoulders as if he is trying to comfort the guy but Dave looks like he was comforting himself more.

"She has surpassed her limits. Look..." Carlos pointed to the screen while he analyzes Xandra's movements "She's no longer hesitating." He said the last part with a solemn voice and admiration. The rest of the team did the same and they were all happy.


I watched as the rest of the team look at their captain with admiration. It's like for the first time in their lives, they finally saw something worthy of all attention.

Now that they are distracted I could ismply slip away and run back to my communicty, to where I belong. However, a part of me also wishes to stay, to know more about these people who wishes to save everyone back at my community. Truth is, the civilization left to strive and survive, doesn't need anyone to save them.

We are all capable warriors able to survive on our own. What these people doesn't know is that, aside from me, there are others that are more powerful and destructive within our armed forces. I still do not know their story and how they even got their gifts but for us that''s been stuck to this place for a long time, I already lost track how long have I lived with the gift I have received.

I managed to go behind the people I was surrounded by earlier, they were all preoccupied to even notice me. If I decide to run and go, they won't even know. I can simply spark some neoplants and my team will definitely come to my place and fight for me.

I watch from the back as Xandra kept herself busy fighting off the reapians, for her it didn't matter how many comes her way, she'll just slash them in half or worst she reaps them apart. Her fighting skill was different that the ones I learned during my training days, she is different in many ways, and out of the gifts I have witnessed, her are the only one thats different. She could be useful if I ever have a chance to capture her and take her back to my civilization. I'm sure my commander will be so happy when she finally sees someone worthy of her attention.

However that plan is not option in my situation. I maybe powerful but I definitely can't stand against five more gifted people. I will need my team if I go through my plan. At least with some people supporting my back, I know I can capture Xandra. If only my original plan pushed through, and this reapians didn't attack, detaining these team would be so simple.

Though I still do not understand the throbbing feeling I experience whenever I am with Xandra, I could only assume that she could be someone that could help and give hope to my people.

That is why I am decided now.

I will stay and do what I have to.

"Dave go and make some distraction, our sensors detected multiple reapians coming north, we need to go now or we'll be pushed to fight." Jack instructed after taking a quick glance on the radar.

"I can create a momentary shield" I raise my hand like a kid "I can create enough shield for us, confusing those creature in the process" I look at Dave as he was just nodding at my way "He can go back and retrieve your captain and once they are back, we can just fly up and avoid those creature before they even realize that they are being tricked" I explained while they are all thinking about the best way to retreat.

I may be suggesting a cowardly approach on the situation at hand but right now, I can't just ask for these people to go with me and fight. I'm pretty sure they are not trained the same way as we did plus theres only a few of them. I'm not planning on losing anyone right now and they have their own captain to follow. If anything, I'm just someone who knows how to fight.

"That could work. Dave, go and make way for our captain. Levi, I hate to ask you but please do what you must." Jack nods to both me and Dave, As orders we both went out of the ship and went to our designated places.

I envisioned myself surrounding the sheep and masking it every cell in my body, just like i did before, I let my gift crystalized around the ship, forming an impenetrable shield to those creatures. This task has always been the easiest for me, making shield and protecting those that are under my command. If I recount the number of times I had to do this trick to escape and survive, I'd take forever.

Years ago I failed to protect a lot of people and since then, I swore to myself that I would never fail the same way I did years ago.

I watch as my shield glistened, even at this state I can still control its form and how it would appear in front of those who wish to attack. In other words, I just manipulate my shield into looking like the ones around us, making us appear like we were never there on the first place.

When I was sure that we are safe enough, I went back the ship to see what was now happening between Xandra and the rest of the Reapians.

Everyone was too focused on retrieving their capatin that they didn't notice my return.

"Captain, now is the time for you to retreat. Dave will create a distracion for the reapians. You don't have to keep on fighting. Remember what you said, we are here for recall and not to engage." Jack spoke in worry and haste, if I didn't know better, I'd think he was in haste because of fear.

On screen, Xandra looked like she heard what Jack said and for a few second she tried to think things through, she looked up seeing as Dave had already arrived at the location then she looks to her side.

"Char, fire up the guns, Dave as soon as I reached the shuttle create a line of defense between us and those creatures." Xandra instructed as she dashes back to where we are.

As instructed all of them went back to their places to do exactly as intructed. I went to the nearest window to look for any lose reapians, I can't just keep standing and do nothing.

As soon as Xandra appeared inside the deck, everyone was already in their position, soon after Xandra ordered Dave to meet us mid air as they kept the shaft below deck open. Xandra took a glance at me, maybe making sure if I was still with them or if I managed to escape while they were busy, however after seeing me just standing, she nods at me before focusing again on the situation at hand.

Dave flew back and met us mid air, while everyone was busy flying us out of this place. I close my palm while looking at the scene happening on the surface. Those creatures gathered around my shield, they may look confuse but to me who has fought and gathered information about them for ages, I already know what they are doing. Before they could even find out anything, I let my shield explode, burning all those creatures to their death.

I look around to see if any of them noticed what I did but none of them were watching, they were all focused on moving away from this place.

I didn't say anything else during the ride, I could feel the atmosphere growing heavy, like everyone was sad or something. I looked at their captain and she was gritting her teeth and holding her hand on a fist. Though if I am being honest, she looks cute while being mad.

She then stops gritting her teeth then she slowly turns around to look at me. I raise my eyebrow at the way shes throwing murderous glances at me. If it wasn't for one of her team calling out for her, she would have said something to me. Just like she did earlier.

"Captain, what now?" Dave asks as approach deeper in space. Their space station is just up ahead and I wonder why we stopped. All of them looks at their captain, waiting for their orders. I didn't want to look like an idiot so I also turned my attention to Xandra who was looking like she was thinking hard on what to do.

I do not understand the struggle. In cases of failed missions, it is only ideal to go back and report, however, judging by all their reaction right now, they seemed to not care about that. They seem to have other plans.

"Char, report to the Lieutenant about our failed attempt to make contact. Dave, send some instructions to our main base, we are going back for some training and recall. Its been awhile, I think we all need some reshaping." Xandra nods as she makes her decision. "We'll do this again once we know exactly what we are facing. I'll do the rest of the reports, right now, we'll prioritize training and..." She then looks at me. "we still have other things to tackle without any of the superiors hearing."

I am positive the other thing she was talking about was me, she's curious little bee and I am sure she won't just settle to little information. She'll try everything to make me talk and I can feel all her desire to use every means to get what she needs. I know the look, I once had that same look.