6- Fight Red

6- Fight Red

Station double zero, one of the few stations that's been kept away from the other humans. The only station that's been off-records since we went up here and lived our whole lives. This is the place where we train and lived while we were all transitioning from when we first experienced the changes in our bodies and no this is the closest place we call home.

It is where we survived and learned how to control and manipulate our strengths at will, and where we fully kept the evidence of how cruel our gifts are.

Its been about a year since the last time I was here, when I decided to take a step back from the frontlines, I also went back to my old place and completely separated myself from the whole team.

It was supposed to be my only decision, however, the whole team also decided to follow me and stayed at their own places and left this place to be taken care of by some who worked with us during our unwanted changes. Those people may still be here but others may have already transferred to other stations where they are much needed.

"This is Phoenix307 to command center, requesting for parking, clear to go." Char communicated to the command center of the station, this is just protocol that needs to be followed by anyone who wishes to enter any private stations.

Each shuttle assigned to commanders or in my case, a captain, has this special unique identification that every time it wishes to enter new stations or the private ones, the command center can easily identify anyone inside and their ranks. However, there are also special cases and exceptions to this protocol.

For guests that are not part of the team, the commanding officer should report this person upon arrival or there will be consequences if they are caught wondering around places they are not supposed to be.

"Phoenix307 you are clear to go. Advising to lower grav shield for inspection." A guy from the command center spoke in hoarse tone, I have a feeling I know the person talking behind the coms but I kept my mouth shut. I have other things to speak anyways.

"Before that, this is Captain Xandra speaking, ID no. EC110, I repeat Echo Charlie 110, permission to speak with the commanding officer?" I took over and skipped the whole process of going directly to their offices.

"Captain this is commander Jigs of the reserve military outpost, ID no. Juliet Alpha 0074. I now have activated a secure communication between us. You are free to speak as you wish captain." The commander spoke in confidence and order. I know I heard his name somewhere, I'm just not sure where.

"Thank you Commander, I do not know if you have received any news from HQ but for some miracle, we have another survivor with us." The whole team looks at me as I finally say the words. " I request that you provide him access and freedom to roam around the station. He is new and therefore cannot provide you with any form of identification, however, due to some circumstance, I request that you still allow him entry and I will take full responsibility upon his stay." What I'm asking is just for formality, this station is practically my turf so everyone who gets to stay here or even guard this place knows that they cannot deny any request coming from me or there will be chaos upon daily lives.

Don't get the wrong idea though, I'm not brutal. I just know that this place is under my jurisdiction as far as the law goes here in space, this station had always been under my name. So anything I say goes.

"Request granted, for security purposes, I will need this new person to visit the command center so that we can provide him proper access pass and also new identification number for future reference." Commander Jigs said in normal tone. I nodded at his words as if he was talking to me in person but as soon as I was about to order Dave to proceed, there was another stutter on the coms.

"Captain, welcome back to Paradisia" I head multiple voices coming out of the coms, followed by multiple claps and whistle. I could only shake my head and while my whole team laughs at the command centers welcome cheer.

I didn't say anything else after that, Dave followed through the procedure and positioned the shuttle to where it always belonged. Two people approached the shuttle right after that to assist me and the rest of the team.

Station double zero holds about twenty human beings trained by the military to specifically take care of this place and defend it if at some point someone or some aliens decided to take a quick recon of the place. Back in the day when we were still in training and honing our elements, Broody assigned three teams from the military to train in rotation with us. Each team would always have to shift in schedule to guard the place and to also, shoot us as soon as we show signs that we're losing our human side.

The place looked like a prison back then, but now as my eyes traveled towards the far end of the station, I could already say that things have changed. What once was just metal gray and full of surveillance camera's, now filled with goofy pictures of some of the teams that comes and go from this place. It looks livelier than it used to.

Since we came from the surface, we have to separate ourselves from those who live here so that we can avoid any form of break out within the station, we also have to cleanse our bodies by simply taking a bath so that we can scrape off any microorganism that caught on with us. Its just way better to take care of this things as soon as we got off the shuttle than to deal with a massive outbreak inside the station.

After the cleansing, we'll all be tested for anything and everything that could cause a shift to our health and the safety of the people living in this station. Once we are all cleared, we can freely get on with our lives inside the station.

While my whole team get acquainted with the new faces managing this place, I took Levi with me to visit the command center. I look at my reflection through the glass bridge we were walking in, however, I'm pretty sure we were walking upside down on the other side, thanks to artificial gravity, everything is as normal as walking to the park. I can't help but remember all the pain I had to endure back when I was trying to conceal and concentrate all of my abilities inside me. It took me awhile to understand what element I possess. Looking at myself now, I feel a little proud.

A lot has been changed over the years and now, we finally have the hope we've been looking for so long.

"Don't say anything about your civilization for now. Its better if only a few of us knows about your little secret. Can you do that?" I asked Levi before going inside the room. I didn't need another team trying to squeeze me for more intel, having Broody watch my every move behind my back is enough pressure on my back.

I look at Levi and he seemed to understand the reason behind my request, he only nodded without saying anything. I don't think he is much of a talker anyways so I don't really mind his subtle answers. I also felt that he was being sincere right now. I don't want to make trouble with this guy, not when I'm just starting to find out more about him.

I raise my hand through the sensor and right away the door to the command center opens. Levi follows behind me and the people around the command center looks at us. I walk straight to Commander Jigs and to his side, a person I recognize well.

They both gave me their respectful salute and smiled as I returned the gesture.

"It's nice to have you back in this place captain. The bots are starting to warm up your place as we speak right now" Astro, one of the trainers I used to hate back when I was still in training, smiled from ear to ear besides commander Jigs. He changed a lot during the time I was away, and he's been promoted as well. I should probably congratulate him but I still have remaining hate towards him. "Or would you rather have a go with me at the training room?" He smirked like how he used to do with me.

"Stand down Sergeant. We don't want broken training halls anytime soon." Commander Jigs cuts in "I am glad your back captain, I hope that you and your team may find the place just like how you left it. I made sure that everything is as it was, except for some wall changes and some new faces. Other than that, everything should be just the same" Commander Jigs updated me and I could only give him a smile and a nod. He is quite young for a commander and if I have to make a quick guest, I have a feeling that he is just about the same age as Doc. Maybe in his late 30's or something.

"Thank you for the welcome commander, I am glad that things had been running smoothly while we were gone. So as we spoke earlier, I want you to meet Levi, newest addition to my team and due to some circumstances, I haven't done much of the paper works so I'm hoping you'd slip this one through" I calmly said in hopes that he understands what I was trying to say.

"Rest assured that I'll take care of the rest. For the mean time, I already asked someone to prepare sir Levi his access pass. It should be done any moment now, so while we wait why don't you tell me exactly the reason why your back?" Commander Jigs tone was now serious and a little too demanding for my liking. Where did the calm and seemed to be a lot more fun commander earlier go? This one sound just like Broody.

"Well commander, can I make training the new blood an excuse?" I challenged, I have a feeling that this commander right here is just making a point who is in charge. With me back and completely able to handle what ever monster I have inside, it is only right that I resume command of this station. I am somewhat responsible for whatever happens in this place after all. However, that is not my goal here, nor my intention. I came here for one thing only and that is what I'm going to do.

"I promise you I'm not here to resume command. I came back here to train my team again and to make sure that we are ready for whatever it is that comes our way. It may look like we don't need to train like the rest with our tamed element we can pretty much do whatever we wished to do, however, we do need a training and this is the only place capable enough to handle our…well…capabilities" I believe I have said enough words to clarify my intentions and being questioned further is just not negotiable.

Commander Jigs looks at me and I felt a little small provided that he is about six feet tall or something between that number however, I can't feel small. I have to stand my ground. Astro was awkwardly looking between me and the commander, and so did everyone in the room.

"Okay then. I believe you." The commander then smiled like he didn't just involuntarily challenge me earlier. "I believe that things had already been cleared, I believe you already know your way around this station captain. Sir Levi's pass will be delivered on his assigned quarters. His will be next to yours. If you need anything, feel free to contact me and I shall see what I can do." Commander Jigs nods to me snd quickly turns around. Completely ignoring me and proceeded to whatever it is he was supposed to do. I look at Astro and he could only raise both of his hand in surrender.

Defeated I quickly went out of the room, still with Levi walking behind me like a duckling following his momma. I don't even know to which part i'm starting to get irritated, was it because I have a new guy in my team that I also needed to protect or the fact that my commanding officer is somewhat of a bipolar that I have to be careful of.

If there is one thing I wish to do right now, that is to get back in my place and wake up from all of these problems.

"Can you fight?" I asked Levi because we were already on our way to the gym. All I want now is to punch something and judging by the muscles that Levi possess, he must have trained somewhere. When he didn't answer, I quickly stopped walking to turn around and look at him. He almost bumped into me but he quickly stopped and gave me an answer.

"I guess I can"

Satisfied with his answer, I dragged him to the nearest gym and ordered everyone in the room to leave. I can't let anyone be near us, since I already have the feeling we're going all out!

I am resolute and I have one goal out of this fight. I have to see for myself how strong this newest guy in my team. If I can't deal with my other problems, perhaps I can just start by dealing with one of the roots of my problems!