7 - Collision

7- Collision

According to physics a collision means any event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other in a relatively short time. Or in most common situations, it's an incident in which one or two objects collide with great force. They may or may not cause some changes or transformation of energy and sometime they can be a good thing or worst.

Sparring with Levi feels like that. With each punch we throw at each other, it feels like both of our elements are also forming something that's big and powerful.

Honestly, I don't usually spend so much hour on working out, I usually do something else to keep my endurance long and useful, and maybe I was once branded as someone who was great at fighting but that's just because of my element, without my gifts or anything else, I'm just like any normal lady trained to fight.

When in fight, I am usually quicker than the others, I'm like a liquid able to smoothly get pass my opponents and being a keen observant also helps me spot weaknesses that helps me win.

However, I can't seem to do that with Levi, in fact, he was able to move quickly and smoothly the same way as I do. Its like both of our elements are both playing a big part during our fight. Its feels like both of our forces are in collision but at the same time they are in tranquil state.

I am not sure how to describe it but I am enjoying this interaction. People who knows me would know that one of the things I hate the most is long fights. If I do train or spar or simply work out, I don't usually last for hours. I would always finish it early and fast so that I can sleep right away. You know the drill, exhaust your body and your mind so that when you get home you'll just go to sleep and hopefully wake up with a pleasant personality the next day. That is what I was going for but it turns out, I actually enjoy sparring with Levi.

And right now, we're just both "catching our breath" but truthfully, some trainees have gathered around and I simply didn't want them watching. They still do not recognize who I was or who Levi was so I can't blame them for being so curious about us. So when they started giving me glances, I asked Levi to take a quick ten just so we can catch our breath, however, I am positive that we'll definitely do it again.

"Who taught you to fight like that?" I smiled asking him the question, not thinking about how it would make him think. I was just curious and maybe still in excitement, since it has been in a while that I was able to freely spar like I did earlier.

Levi wipes the sweat on his forehead then he casually wipes the dripping sweat on his neck. I couldn't help but admire the how hot he just did and before I could completely embarrass myself, I quickly looked away.

"Before the whole world decided that its finally done with the human race, I was on my way of becoming a fighter. Flying my own aircraft and you know... defending my country up in the sky. The training was harsh so I learned a few moves but when I was about to get there, things happened. I was the only pilot who survived from my team." Levi retells his story like it was only yesterday. I couldn't see his entire face but judging by his voice, he is recalling a faint memory of pain and despair.

I only wished to know a little bit of information about him however I feel a little guilty that I'm making him feel all those emotions he was trying to hide. I can feel his sadness and truth is, his emotions are valid, he was so close to achieving his goal then things happened. Worst he couldn't even blame anyone for the disaster that occur to our planet, he could only survive.

That's the only thing we could all do right now, survive.

"We've all been there. The disappointment setting in and the madness that we couldn't pin it down to anyone. It's crazy but we didn't really have a choice but accept everything." I said smiling. It was a fake one I'm sure. I just learned to accept things the way they are.

"I'm sorry for making you remember something dreadful." I added when seconds passed by and Levi was not saying anything. I could feel a slight tension building up, so before it gets out of hand, I immediately said my apologies.

Like I said, his feelings are valid. I now know that bringing up the past would make him upset to a point where he would feel this build up pain and hurt inside him.

Levi shakes his head before looking to my way and giving me a subtle smile.

"Don't sweat it. I'm fine. You don't have to say sorry. You have to give me some time to adjust though. I've only known you and the others like a few hours ago and being here, being up in this place, I can't help but overthink things." Levi pointed out. He then makes a look like he was about to say something else but then he decided to not go with it.

I would have pushed him to spill more however after what he just said, I realize that I was being too much for him. He is still recovering from what happened to him down there and now I even asked him to spar with me. If Doc learns about this, he might just kill me...or not. Nevertheless, he might try to scold me but that would only be useless since I usually never listen to his words.

Levi looked like he was not that tired though, in fact, he looks like he was getting ready for another round. And the thing that happened between us during our fight, I know I wasn't the only one who felt something. I might have to consult Doc about it later, in private of course. If the others learned about my mix feelings, they might assume something worst, and I am not so interested at explaining myself to them or even dealing with all their nonsense.

"Captain here you are, we have been looking everywhere for you." I recognize Dave's voice behind me so I quickly turn around to see him and he wasn't alone. Chanelle walks behind Dave with a bored look on her face and a sour stick on her hand. "Good Levi's with you too. Come now my brother, you are going to love our new place." Dave walks pass me when he saw Levi behind me, then he encircles his arms on Levi's shoulder and pulls him beside so he can drag the poor guy with him.

"Wait, new place?" I raise an eyebrow when I realize what Dave just said.

"Oh yeah, they made some changes to our place, though they didn't really touch our things, they just, their word not mine, 'made the place a little homey and less haunted'" Chan explains in bored tone, something is not right with her, I can feel it, but now is not the time for me to ask her anything. Knowing her personality, things could simply go from great to very bad.

"Have you contacted Trina and told her our whereabouts?"

Both Chan and Dave nod their head, but Dave was too fixated at making sure that Levi sticks with him that he even turn his head away from me and talks some things to Levi without explaining what Trina said to them. I look at Chan and it's a good thing that she understood my silent question.

"She only said to make sure not to make a mess while we are here. She'll make some arrangement to bring our other stuff here."

I didn't ask her anything else, I already trust Trina would know what to do while we are here. I won't be too surprise if at some point during our stay here, she'll randomly show up and join the team.

Dave kept on engaging conversations with Levi but the poor guys could only give brief answers before Dave moves on to another topic. We could have intervened and stop Dave from butchering Levi's brain cells but then it was quite entertaining to watch and I'm finding Levi's mixture of confused and bothered look, cute.

What?! The guys cute and he is a new face. It is only right to appreciate beauty when presented. Right? Plus, I am not the only one affected by Levi's physical attributes. Let's just say the female population in this station finally found another eye candy.

"Captain on deck" Dave shouted as soon as we reached our quarters. The soldiers loitering around our place, talking and mingling with the rest of my team, stood in attention as soon as they heard. My team of course didn't do the same, I never really demanded them to follow all protocols. I have a feeling that Dave only announced my presence to tease the guys inside the quarters. And my thoughts were only proven when I heard Dave snicker besides Levi.

"At ease" I ordered as soon as I entered. Dave and the rest followed behind me. "Everyone kindly clear the room except for my team." I added as soon as we all gathered at the center of our quarter. While they followed my order, I look around the place and not much has changes except the new murals and the colorful couches spread across. I guess this is what they meant by making the place look more homey and less haunted.

I admit its growing on me, the place looks dreadful the last time I was here. I used to see this place as the four walls that keeps us away from what we really are. We often comeback and gather to this very area to laugh and cry. We made this place our very own safe space. The only where no one is allowed to look or peak through our thoughts and our lives.

Tons of memories were made in this place and looking at my team right now, all I could feel was proud and content. And though we failed today, as long as we are together, I will have a sense of reassurance.

"Kori you with us?" I called out to our A.I. after all the rest of the soldiers left the room.

"Welcome Captain Xandra. It's been awhile, how may I serve you today?" The A.I responded in her usual monotone.

"Please secure the room." I instructed.

"Initiating request. Room is Secure, all surveillance are being rerouted back to command center. The room is safe and secure" Kori reported right after.

"Everyone at the center please." I ordered so that they could all gather around and we can start a briefing.

Since Levi's appearance, I haven't addressed anything with the whole team. I admit that what happened back at the surface was halfly because of my poor decision making, I rushed into things without a proper plan. I was led by my emotions again, and Trina warned me, but it was also my choice not to listen to her. I have to address this mistake now and proceed with necessary plans so that things that occurred earlier won't happen again.

"Its been awhile since the last time we all gathered in one place to just talk amongst ourselves. And I know that we are all perplexed with the situation recently and to top it off, I recently just went back from my leave and now we have a new member. I trust that we are still a team even after everything. Right?" I seriously ask them all when they were all seated and waiting. Levi remained standing on the side while the rest found some place to sit on.

I waited for them to speak up not knowing what they are thinking is killing me, they somehow manage to feel the same and its frightening.

"Stop being so serious Capt., we'll follow you til' death remember" Dave was the first one to speak and like an addict, he speaks in this tone like he's trying to imitate a person on high drugs.

"We missed you leading us so when you asked, we didn't think twice and followed." Clark spoke

"We also know that you are going to start blame everything on yourself…"

"And that you are going to make another senseless debate on why someone else should lead the team."

Doc and Chan said right after. They even look determined with what they just said.

"But we all know that you are the only person capable to lead and understand what the team needs." Jack follows. "That is why, while you and Levi were gone, we already talked about stopping you from acting solo again and deciding to put blame on yourself" He continued.

"There's no problem here capt. This is not the first time we failed a mission, and I am sure that this is not going to be the last time. Whatever happens, we'd still follow you." Dave made another comment which made everyone in the room nod their heads. Except one, of course he is new, so he doesn't really know anything about the past we all shared.

Nevertheless, I am grateful for the trust the team is giving me. We've gone through a lot in the past and even when I have failed them and showed them every reason to remove me from my current rank, they still supported me and followed me without question.

"Since you guys are so solid with your decision, I won't say anything else." I smiled to all of them then I look at Levi who was only watching the team.

Thing have been hectic that I have forgotten something important. It is long overdue, but it is only right to do it now. After all, its not everyday that we encounter miracles.

"However, I believe that we all owe someone a proper welcome." Levi's attentions snaps back to me when the rest of my team looks back and focuses on Levi. I could feel all their emotions rising with excitement. "Few hours ago, we could only hope that another human being shows up and tell us that there is hope. And when we were down on our last thread of hope, you show up. I know the last few hours we had together was like a roller coaster and close to death, even so, I still want to thank you." I sincerely spoke, with everyone's emotion completely influencing mine, words just kept on coming out.

"Thank you for surviving and coming our way. Without you, all our prayer would have been for nothing. And like what I promised the rest, in this very place, where we all learned and trained… I want to make the same promise with you." I raise in the air the wrist with the same mark as with Levi's and the rest. "I swear that as long as we carry the same mark, I will protect you and even if I have to die in order to make sure that none of you suffers again, I will do it without a sinch of doubt."

I know I sound cliché and maybe a bit dramatic, but every word I said was sincere and true. I will kill myself if I have to, for my team and for anyone that I truly care. I won't missed again, and I could never lose another…Again.