Prologue 2

Bloody Forest. 

A forest filled with beasts who survive on the blood of other beasts and humans. It is one of the places where one can find blood beasts in the Solar Nation. The forest is famous for the blood cores found in the beasts which help in the cultivation of the Foundation realm. 

Thus, the Venus Town situated near Bloody forest is mostly filled with rouge cultivators who come to hunt blood beasts for their cores to either increase their cultivation or sell it in the markets of the town. 

During a certain period, it rains blood in the forest which makes the beasts more aggressive and dangerous than the normal times. Most of the cultivators avoid going during this time to the forest. 

But one such blood-filled rain, a boy of fourteen years with black hair and red eyes, can be seen in the inner region of the forest. He was panting heavy breaths while clutching his head with both his hands. His whole body was covered with blood due to rain and the beast's corpses spread around the boy. His whole body was filled with deep scars and it was a little malnourished due to hunger. He looked like a beggar due to his tattered and dirty clothes. 

If anyone looked in his mind/soul space now, one can see the same boy fighting against another boy who looked like him but his body was covered with a little red hue. Both had the same face and body but one looked tired but determined while the other one looked very angry and dangerous. 

" I think it is time to get my body in my control. " said the young boy indifferently. 

" Orobas, we admit defeat this time but never forget that we are always a part of you which can't be separated and the more you suppress us the more powerful we become. So hope that you don't get eaten by us in future." said the young boy in a red hue while laughing maniacally and vanished from his previous place after a few seconds. 

Demon Heart. It is a special constitution where a person or a beast believes for himself or herself. People with those cases try to gain power through any means and spread chaos everywhere. Nobody knows how this Demon Heart is formed in a body. It is a one in a billion chance. Most of the people and beasts with Demon Heart are considered evil or unorthodox. They tend to manipulate others but there are a few rare cases where they don't hurt others, like teaching people who can't follow orthodox rules, necromancy without taking the lives of innocents, and dark rituals that don't require humans and the famous dual cultivation (dual Cultivation is a type of cultivation system, wherein male and female cultivators pair up and cultivate by having sex).

Similar to Demon Heart, a special constitution Angel Heart is also present which is opposite to Demon Heart. People with Angel Heart are mostly worshipped by orthodox people due to their kindness and justice against evil. It is said that whenever a person with Demon Heart emerges, the other one with Angel Heart also emerges at the same time.


I sighed with fatigue. 

Dealing with those seven sins of mine was a pain in my ass. I don't think I can suppress them when they emerge next time. I calmly looked at the imaginary place in my soul world where I fought with those seven demons. As I was going to leave this imaginary place made by my bloodline power, I stopped and looked upwards and soon I found out that an unknown soul had invaded my soul world and was trying to possess my body.

Without hesitation, I focused all my will to shred the invading soul into many pieces. It was an unexpected attack but I was lucky that I had my guard up against any attacks, if I had been asleep I just shuddered thinking about the consequences….

Now that I look carefully, the soul which I slew turned out to be a mortal one. I was surprised at how this mortal soul had tried to invade my soul.

I shook my head and ignored the previous assault and tried to remember my memories before I came to this blood-filled forest. For the past few weeks, my body was mindlessly killing any blood beast it found, while I was battling the seven deadly sins of mine which were formed by my Demon Heart. Very few people know that the people with Demon Heart inclines to get influenced by one of the seven deadly sins. But my case was different because my Heart was influenced by all the seven sins.

But due to my small age and less life experience they couldn't find a weakness in me to control me. I'm just 14 years old. I spent the last 5 years in an experiment as a lab rat. 

My name is Orobas Evangeline. At the age of nine, I was turned into an orphan and then later kidnapped by psycho people who experimented on me due to my Demon Heart. But after knowing that I became one of the failed experiments they threw me into Void Portal. It is a type of portal through which an object or a person can travel from one place to another without making ripples in space or leaving a trail behind. It is mysteriously formed and cannot be controlled and thus nobody knows what might be the place beyond the portal, it can be a treasure trove or a prison of another world. To remove the evidence of me they threw me into a Void Portal and knew that I would die while travelling through the portal because one requires at least a Mortal Soul Formation realm. But they never knew my trump card - my bloodline power which helps me somehow to survive the travel from that portal. 

While I was reminiscing my memories two things happened at the same time which I had no control over. First I had suddenly gained the memories from the mortal soul I slew. Second, a thing or an artifact got attached to my soul, no I would say it got bonded to something deep in my soul. As I was going through all the mortal memories, the thing which got bonded to me was watching me and waiting for me while I finished taking in all the memories.

After going through all the memories of the mortal I was overwhelmed for a few minutes. Because the soul didn't come from this world or universe, it came from another world where there were no cultivators or qi or any type of energy instead it was filled with some mumbo-jumbo science. But even I was amazed at how they advanced without qi and all those common sense from that world or Earth. Their culture, hobbies, ideology and many things made me doubt my own life and choices. I especially like the source of entertainment they enjoy like novels, manga, and many other things. I was even freaked out at how they accurately imagined the common sense of the cultivation world without experiencing them.

But first I have to confront that 'bonded thing' in my soul-

" Hi, D-daddy! " 


Yes, this might be a dream. Only this can explain why the voice of a small girl is in my head.

" No, daddy this is not a dream, I'm real." 

I composed myself and reckoned what the hell was happening in my head.

" Hmm…Are you that divine artifact which was one of the wishes of that mortal? "

" Hm. Yes, I'm the divine artifact which was created to assist the person who first bonds with me? "

" But weren't you attached to that mortal's soul? " 

" No, I was just being carried with his soul. I can only bond with the first person who has a soul, body and a sane mind. And that person was you. " the artifact said with joy.

I asked the most important question.

" Why are you calling me daddy? "

" Umm, you don't like it..? Th-e-en should I call you by m-o-mmy..?" She asked nervously.

I shook my head and sighed thinking about how I got a daughter in my head.

" No, let it be just call me dad or daddy if you are comfortable with it." 

" Okay, Daddy!!" she said excitedly at my positive response.

I think it is not that bad to have a daughter, at least she will give me a reason to live in this world after I get revenge on those psychos. But first…

" Do you have a name? If not, should I make one for you?" 

" Hm-hm name me! Name me! " she hummed excitedly and said.

" Okay, how about Sera?" I asked nervously because I don't know what else to call her.

" Okay from now I will be Sera, my daddy's favourite daughter." She said with smugness.

I chuckled at her childish behaviour, which somehow made me happy.

" So Sera, can you tell me more about yourself? Like how you were born or what happened to you before you came here?" 

I didn't have to wait for her answer as she told me everything about herself or how she functions. In summary, she was born from nothing and was told by someone to assist the first person she will bond with while in return the bonded person will take care of her. It was not hard to deduce that she was an artifact whose rank cannot be measured by this universe's ranking because of her abilities.

 I can only say one word: overpowered. Her first ability helps her scan an area and give all the details about it like any treasure, or if someone died here or how this area was formed or how many people live here and many more details. But her ability or Scan- which I prefer to call - will depend on my cultivation base, so as I become strong I might even be able to scan a whole continent or a whole planet.

Her second ability Predict helps her to predict or calculate how much I risk my life if I do certain things. Like if I killed someone or stole something she can predict the chances that I might be found out or not. 

But the most amazing thing is that there are more five abilities like these currently sealed in her, which could be unsealed as I become stronger.

Presently, I'm looking at the black book in front of me which is the true form of Sera. The book is floating around my imagined body formed inside my soul world. Sera was flapping herself in joy around me while I tried to catch her.

" Umm Sera, can anyone like some bigshot from God level or something that can sense you?"

I asked about my troubles but was later relieved at her response.

" No, they can't sense me, but even if they sense me they will just sense my rank which will be similar to your cultivation realm at that time. So no worries about someone stealing me from you daddy."

" Oh, and how many times will you be able to use your abilities?" 

" Hmmm, that will depend on what I have to predict and how much energy daddy can give."

She said as I caught her but vanished in the next moment. I felt a little weight on my head and noticed that she was on my head and was trying to mess my black hair in her book form.

I laughed at her shenanigans but my mouth remained open at her next words.

" Umm Daddy I forgot to tell you but you got all the wishes from that mortal. And you are currently dying due to some serious injuries and you might die in a few weeks." 
