
Cultivators are those people who strive to become strong for various reasons. Some want freedom while some want to control everything, some want to protect their loved ones while some want revenge, some want fame while some want everything. They could harness a special type of energy known as qi through their meridians, which helps them to increase their lifespan and even to understand the laws of nature. 

But humans are not alone in this universe, there are bestial races who also live with them. These races include dragons, phoenixes, and many more. After sublimating their bloodline at a certain threshold they can transform into humans also. Bloodlines of these races help them in understanding parts of nature as the Dark Phoenixes have a certain affinity towards darkness, Saint Dragons have an affinity for all elements, and Liches have an affinity for death. Like that, the Angel race has an affinity toward holy elements. But sometimes bloodlines mutate for good or bad. In one of the sub-clan of the Angel race, a child had a mutated bloodline and a special constitution which never appeared in that race.

That child was a boy whose bloodline allowed him to tell him if someone lied or not. As he grew older he soon got to understand and control his bloodline. He can tell if someone said the truth or the half-truths or lied. He never trusted his parents or the sub-clan members where he lived because from the moment he was born he had to face all the fake truths and smiles thrown at him. He had to act like a normal child in front of others. 

But at the age of 5, someone noticed his special constitution - Demon's Heart. Soon the next day he was kidnapped by cultivators of a sect, secretly where he was experimented on. The sub-clan from which he came from just acted as if nothing happened. After being kidnapped those people inserted Angel's Heart which they had illegally acquired. They wanted to see if a person could handle both hearts and form a God's Heart. 

After putting Angel's Heart in that boy's body he went into a coma for 9 years. During that time his body had to endure the fight between both hearts which soon deteriorated his lifespan. Even though he can't move he could hear and see everything going around his body. During that, he did something which could never be achieved by any mortals (when he was kidnapped he had not started his cultivation journey). His soul had touched the law of truth, which is an impossible thing because one requires a saint realm cultivation to understand and control laws but this boy, Orobas Evangeline, had understood truth intent (requires mortal cultivation) at his birth and learned truth law at the age of ten by himself without any cultivation.

With the help of truth law, he found himself gaining an ability which nobody has ever gained. The ability helps him to get a truthful answer from heaven in the form of yes or no. For example, if he asked himself in his mind ' Am I being watched by a Godly being? ' the answer will be no if he feels a needle-like pricking pain and yes if he feels comfortable. But he asked himself ' Who is behind my kidnapping? ' He won't feel anything, so he concluded he can only get an answer through yes or no. But if he asks a far-fetched question then he feels immense pain throughout his 

body like once he asked in his mind '  Is the dragon clan in civil war? ', after experimenting more by asking himself that type of question he got to know that those answers can only be obtained if he becomes strong enough. He entertained himself like that by asking several questions in many forms in his mind for a few years. He called this ability Heaven's Whisper.

During that time, the people or psycho - he called them - tried to remove his emotions from his soul and mind but they were unsuccessful. But they somehow managed to forcefully suppress his emotions. After 9 years of inserting Angel's Heart into his body, both the constitutions destroyed each other but he managed to remain alive and wake up from his coma state. 

As soon as he woke he was thrown into a Void Portal. Void Portal is a special type of natural phenomenon in which at a random location in the universe a space tear is formed which sucks in everything for a certain period and then ejects it somewhere random in another part of the universe. But the advantage of using Void Portal is that it doesn't leave behind any type of track and the disadvantage is that you won't know where you will be dumped.

The psychos threw him into Void Portal because killing a person with Demon's Heart or Angel's Heart makes a great phenomenon which might expose their secret experiments, so throwing him in Void Portal kills two birds with one stone. 

After the destruction of Orobas's Hearts, he has to fight his own seven sins which he won when he reached Bloody Forest. But due to the destruction of his constitution, he won't be able to live for more than a few weeks. 

During his coma state, he used Heaven's Whisper asking ' Is it beneficial for me to use this ability regularly? ' The answer was no. He was stunned a little bit at the answer but then he realised that he had depended too much on this ability to make decisions. So he resolved to use this ability in dire situations or to interrogate someone.


" This is a troublesome situation," I muttered as my daughter - who somehow ended up in my head - explained my body condition.

Dying was one of my wishes when I was young but now I don't think so. Because now I want to enjoy this freedom and life, and more importantly take care of my daughter whom I gained a few minutes before. 

I sat on the ground which was filled with the blood of the beasts whom I killed when I was unbalanced and battling the sins. I was not worried if any beast tried to attack me because Sera had already scanned the area which resulted in no beast or human in my vicinity. Wait, I have Sera to help me. 

" Sera, can you use your Predict ability to see if there is any solution to my situation?" I asked her with little expectation. And she didn't disappoint me.

" Hehehe, I already used Predict when I got to know your condition. So don't worry about it," she said in a cheeky tone.

I just smiled and said, " Oh, my little Sera is very smart. " 

I could hear her giggle as she enjoyed my praise. I didn't know but I also slowly started to feel proud of her as her father. 

" After using Predict ability I got to know that a powerful cultivation technique is present in a separate realm near our whereabouts. Father I also got to know that this technique will help you to complete your wishes in future." As she explained to me I frowned a little and then relaxed when I realised how and why a cultivation technique is present in this mortal continent. That might be the dual cultivation technique which that mortal wished.

As I recalled the memory of meeting between the Goddess and that mortal, I used my Heaven's Whisper to clarify a few of my doubts.

' Is that 'Goddess' a male?' Yes.

I was speechless and a little bit grossed at that revelation.

I composed myself after a few moments and continued using my ability.

' Did that 'Goddess' want to pass the wishes of that mortal to me indirectly?' Yes.

' Is there any ill-intention to me for giving me these wishes ?' No.

' Are they currently watching or affecting my every action and decision?' No.


So in short, I'm not in immediate danger except for my dying body. Even though it is a little suspicious of them to send gifts like these in such a unique way, I will surely repay them in future when I meet them.

I looked at my body which doesn't have a single scratch but is dying little by little from inside. If not for my Angel race which specialises in healing passively, I would have surely vanished before even reaching this place.

" Sera, can you lead the way towards the secret realm you mentioned? " 

" Okay, Daddy. It is just 100 meters ahead of you. Then you have to just sit down on the ground and you will enter it. I don't think I will be able to talk to you at that time so be careful." She said with concern.

How cute of her to worry about me. With a determined purpose, I moved toward my destination.


When I entered the room I expected some grand entrance with big statues or some type of test to check if I'm worthy or not. But what met my eyes was a bed. Yes, a bed large enough to fit a normal room. Its quality was the best even though I don't know from which material it was made. The softness was perfect to have a good night of sleep after a hard-working day. 

I tried using Heaven's Whisper but I got no answer. I was surprised that this place could block my Heaven's Whisper. So without caring if it was a trap or not I lie down on the bed. As I looked at the ceiling enjoying the softness of the bed I didn't lower my guard. Soon words started to form on the white ceiling in golden colour. 

' My dual cultivation technique is the most unique one in this whole universe. It mostly focuses on origin. An origin is an abstract or a conceptual thing which represents one being. It is present in every being's soul, from humans to beasts from planets to universes. My technique focuses on the cultivation of two origins of opposite gender by connecting them which was considered impossible once. That means a person can dual cultivate with one person only in his whole life with this technique. So still do you accept my inheritance?

(I nodded my head as I digested all the information I got. I didn't care if I had a harem or not. What I want is a happy life without any regrets.)

My Inheritor, what I want to say is you have already inherited my dual cultivation inheritance when you entered this secret realm. So you can't back away from now. This inheritance is not for free, in return for this inheritance you have to connect your origin with my daughter's origin which got divided into seven parts and spread throughout the cultivation universe. Due to an ambush on my family by my enemy, my daughter's origin was divided into seven parts. If not for my wife's timely help I would have lost my daughter. After that ambush, my one daughter formed into seven daughters due to the breaking of her origin. 

But then I learned that all of their origins were unstable which got them in big trouble. So to save them I erased their memories and put them in this universe so that my inheritor could marry my seven daughters and protect them by stabilising their origins. I hope you protect my daughters' happiness. If not, I will erase you from this existence. 

As you meet my daughters and dual cultivate with them as per the instructions of the technique, you will be able to unseal more levels of my dual cultivation to help you in future. This bed is one of the finest and toughest beds in this universe so take it as my gift for you. '

What? He didn't mention his name or how I can find his daughters in this whole universe?

Let it be, I will find them with Sera's help. For now, I will take a good nap.
