Result Of The Investigation

"You are acting weird…" The elder brother remarked as he studied his baby sister's conflicted and lost appearance.

Who in their family did not know that Chansey only had one allergy but just that single allergy was sufficient to cause her immense pain?

Therefore, he could not understand how the one with the allergy had forgotten all about it…

Initially, he assumed her question had arisen due to confusion after what had taken place at dinner this evening but now, that impression changed when he saw the curiosity that she could not hide.

Camille panicked when she noticed the suspicious gaze he had fixed on her and was trying to find a reasonable explanation for her desire to know something that should be common knowledge to her already.

'It's not my fault that I cannot remember!' She grumbled as that particular part of her memory continued to be hazy.

She knew that the former Camille had eaten something she was allergic to but had no idea what it was.

To alleviate her curiosity which could save her life in the future, she had inquired about this matter but it turned out to be the wrong move as it seemed to have invoked her brother's suspicions.

However, while she was still trying to find an appropriate excuse, the elder brother had worked hard for her sake.

Recalling the panic and chaos which ensued after they sat down for dinner at a famous restaurant, he realized that he too would have been stunned if he was in her position.

After all, Chansey knew what she was allergic to so she consciously tried to stay away from it at all times.

He too made sure to be mindful of what he ordered when she dined with him.

Therefore, his shock was great when he found her choking and struggling to catch her breath after taking the very first bite out of her plate.

Since they had not ordered anything that could cause this reaction, it was clear that the restaurant's negligence had a part to play in this incident.

However, he had no time to waste on these reckless servers as he had to rush his sister to the hospital before it was too late.

This did not mean that he would let them off the hook so easily.

To deal with this mess in his stead, he had called his assistant and instructed him on what needed to be done.

After Chansey was brought to the hospital room and was still unconscious, his assistant reached back to him with the result of the investigation he had ordered.

In his report, the assistant revealed the cause of this incident which was not at all according to his earlier speculations.

Thus when he combined this result of the investigation with what had taken place, it was understandable that she was confused and curious.

Recalling just how alarmed he was when she had shown symptoms of an abrupt allergic reaction despite taking the proper precautions as they always did, it was only natural for her to feel the same.

Hence her questioning from earlier did not seem so out of the ordinary when he thought about this series of unforeseen events from her perspective.

'She must have thought a new allergy popped up.' He snickered and shook his head at how childish she could be.

Sitting at the side, Camille did not know what was on his mind but would have been glad if she could hear his thoughts.

After all, this brother was helping her think of an excuse for not remembering the life-threatening ailment that she was supposed to know all about.

"The secret sauce added in your lobster fettuccine had mussel broth in it." He revealed the result of the investigation his assistant had sent.

Chansey had a severe allergy to mussels so she stayed away from them but she was fine with other kinds of seafood.

Therefore, she had ordered the famous lobster fettuccine which was a must-have in the restaurant they had visited for the first time this evening.

Who would have thought that the chef used mussel broth in his recipe?

The presence of something cooked with mussels had caused Chansey, who had ordered the lobster, to fall ill right away.

Therefore, he did not know who to blame for the mess that had been created due to the secret sauce.

When Camille heard what had induced the allergic reaction, she was surprised.

In her past life, she was so scared of dying due to her allergies that she had not touched any kind of seafood.

However, it seemed that this body was allergic only to mussels which made her eyes shine brightly.

'Maybe I can taste seafood in this life?' She gulped her saliva while imagining how they tasted as she had none in her previous life.

At the thought of getting to try food that she had stayed away from, a loud rumbling growl echoed in the silent hospital room.

This startled her but the man seated next to her could not hold in his laughter which further heightened her embarrassment.

If that wasn't enough, the nurse who had left earlier had now returned and had brought a doctor along with her.

The two who had walked into the room a second ago happened to hear just how loud her empty stomach could get.

With cheeks turning a deep red, Camille glared at her brother who raised his hands in defeat but was struggling to hold in his tittering laughter.

Deciding to ignore him, she put on an awkward smile to greet the two who were walking toward her bed.

"You seem better now." The doctor, a young man who appeared to be in his early thirties remarked after noticing the color that had returned to her face.

He was the same doctor who had treated the unconscious woman after she was brought to the emergency room, earlier this evening.

Back then, he could hardly sense her pulse - her heartbeat and she had stopped breathing due to the obstructed trachea - the airway that led oxygen to her lungs.

Thankfully, they were able to resuscitate her before any permanent damage was caused to her brain after the prolonged lack of oxygen.

Therefore, seeing her up so soon and energetic, the doctor thought this to be a good sign.

However, he did not slack and did his job well by checking her vitals before concluding that she was fine and out of any immediate danger.

"You may go if you wish to but make sure that you do not stress out yourself and your baby." He instructed and wrote down a few medicines which would help with any pain she was experiencing.

Since she was pregnant, he did not want her to be taking anything more than what was absolutely necessary so the list was short and he handed it over to the man who had accompanied her to the hospital.

At first, he had thought of this man to be the husband of the patient but when he saw the admission form that needed to be filled out with all the necessary details before they could treat any patient, he realized his folly.

"Please take care of her, Mister Lin." He repeated to the elder brother of the patient before heading out.

He had completed his job here so there was no longer any need to stick around as there were other patients that needed his attention.

Staying on the night shift was often peaceful but sometimes, it got crazy just like it had been tonight.

Miss Camille Lin was the first patient he had seen tonight who was almost on the verge of collapsing and now, he was heading to check on his other critical patient of the night.

"Why do people drink so much?" He let out a deep sigh and his nurse who walked next to him shook her head as she too never understood why people drank to the extent of getting alcohol poisoning.

However, it was their duty to treat patients regardless of what they felt about them.

Hence, the two made their way to a different part of the vast hospital to observe the condition of the second critical patient in their care for the night.