The Dawn Of New Realizations (1)

The next time Camille opened her eyes was at the crack of dawn.

She had been unsure if she could fall asleep in this new environment but was surprised to find that she had gotten ample rest as she felt refreshed after waking up this morning.

Still laying on the bed, the young lady turned her head to the right where a large glass window was located through which the faint rays of light were beginning to illuminate the room.

Gradually blinking her wide eyes to dispel her drowsiness, Camille watched the glorious sight of the bright sun rising over the horizon in the distance.

As the Lin family's estate contained numerous acres of open land, appreciating this rare view which she had witnessed only a handful of times in her past life had now become an effortless possibility.

This allowed the young woman to lay in bed and enjoy the stunning view first thing in the morning.

However, in no time this peaceful moment was disrupted due to a sudden rumbling that originated from her stomach.

Without a second's delay, the young woman sat up with a start and hurriedly hopped out of bed before dashing in a certain direction.

The room which had earlier been veiled in comforting silence was soon filled with unpleasant sounds of groans and retching which were leaking out through the bathroom door connected to the Lily room that she had left ajar in her haste.

Inside the bathroom, the lady of the Lin family was currently seated on the cold floor and was hunched over the toilet seat as she emptied the contents of her stomach into it.

With bitterness filling her mouth and a stinging pain ripping through her throat, Camille was gasping for breath as she continued to lower her head into the toilet.

Streams of tears rolled down her face but her sight remained blurry as new ones formed to replace them in no time.

Her face no longer had that former peacefulness that she had experienced upon awakening in the Lily Room.

Instead, she looked haggard and wretched at this moment after throwing up a few times already but her grumbling stomach showed no signs of settling down any time soon.

Thankfully, it was still too early in the morning and Camille did not have to be worried that someone would stumble upon her while she was in this embarrassing state.

However, what she did not know was at this very moment, there were two maids who were in the corridor right outside the Lily room.

The abrupt sounds of someone groaning and retching had startled the maids who were focussing on their first chore of the day.

Nevertheless, once the initial surprise faded after they realized where these sounds were coming from, they had no intention of taking a look at what was going on.

Instead, the two maids soon averted their gaze from the door of the Lily room before sneaking a peek at each other.

In that single glance, they had decided on what needed to be done, following which they lowered their heads and continued focussing on their chores.

Regardless of how pitiful the Miss was sounding right at that moment, neither of them had even the faintest look of concern on their faces.

Rather than caring about the source of these sounds, they directed their entire attention to wiping down the decorative fixtures in the corridor.

If someone were to chance upon this scene, they would assume that the maids could not hear the muffled groans coming from the Lily room and thus were continuing with their tasks as though nothing was out of the ordinary.

Sadly, it was too early in the morning for others to be wandering about as most of the servants were busy working in the areas of the mansion that had been assigned to them.

Thus these maids could pretend that they could not hear the sounds of a certain woman's uncomfortable situation and hurriedly left once they had done a satisfactory job of cleaning the corridor.


Unaware of the fact that she had just been ignored by the maids of the Lin family, Camille was busy patting her heaving chest to soothe the discomfort she was feeling right now.

The entire contents of her stomach had already been emptied into the toilet but she continued to sit on the cold floor as she had no strength to get back on her feet.

Flushing the toilet, Camille leaned against the wall next to it with a pained grimace on her face.

As she reclined against the wall, she did not have to think too much because she had already figured out the reason for her current condition.

'Stupid morning sickness!' She grumbled inwardly before shutting her eyes, attempting to regulate her ragged breaths.

Thankfully the bathroom was spotless which made it easier for her to sit on the floor and lean against the wall without much hesitation.

If it hadn't been so then Camille would have been troubled to come in direct contact with anything in this place.

However, she had to commend the servants of this mansion who had done an excellent job at cleaning everything which allowed her to sit on the floor in peace.

Feeling no strength in her legs, she remained in the same position but moved her hands to her stomach where her discomfort was originating from.

Yesterday, her death in the previous world, waking up in this new body, and learning that she was now in a new world where she too had a family that cared for her was all too much information for her to take in at once.

The aftermath of these events was that she was exhausted by the time she reached this mansion and hence had fallen asleep right away.

However, this bright new morning had allowed a new and extremely crucial realization to dawn upon her.