The Dawn Of New Realizations (2)

After experiencing an episode of severe morning sickness, a new realization dawned upon Camille.

This realization reminded her that her soul had not just moved out of her old body and assimilated into a new one but the body she was now in was that of a pregnant woman.

Yesterday, Camille had not thought too deeply about this aspect of the entire transmigration fiasco.

She was just glad that she had not perished in that plane crash but was given a second chance at life where she had loved ones who cherished her.

However, everything else was moving too quickly for her to grasp it right away.

She had only been focused on how her soul had traveled to a new world and the fact that this world seemed to follow a novel she had read in the past.

The other matters were not given too much thought as she was just moving with the flow last night to ensure that her real identity wasn't discovered.

Even when she was discussing the matters of the life of the unborn child growing within this body with Christopher, she had only revealed the intentions of the previous owner of this body.

Since the former Camille's desire was to continue caring for the child regardless of the family's support, she had repeated the same words to her new elder brother who seemed to have different plans for her and the child.

Through it all, she had unfortunately failed to grasp the severity of the situation she was now in.

However, this morning, she finally had the time to mull over this matter, especially after experiencing the severe morning sickness which seemed to be a daily occurrence for the previous owner of this body.

As she now leaned against the cold wall with her eyes shut, she could see glimpses of the past where the previous Camille was struggling with a loss of appetite and a serious case of morning sickness each day.

Nevertheless, she smiled through her pain while rubbing her belly as though she was trying to comfort the child within her though she had just experienced something unpleasant.

This image which clearly was a memory of this body had brought up a newer sense of understanding to Camille whose eyelids slowly fluttered open.

Her hands were still roaming over her stomach, an action she had done numerous times since she had woken up in this world last night.

Lowering her head to glance at her still flat belly, Camille made a strange yet fascinating discovery.

Her actions and her inner thoughts both pointed towards the fact that she had somehow managed to develop a strong maternal instinct towards the child now within her.

She wasn't sure if it was the residual emotions left behind by the original soul or if these were the feelings she had begun nurturing soon after entering this body.

Regardless of what it might be, she was confident that her affection for this child and her protectiveness toward it was just the same as the previous Camille's.

She too wanted to make sure that she was taking good care of the child and never let any harm be done to it at all costs.

This was a sentiment she shared with the previous owner of this body which made her let out a brief chuckle.

'Is this a subconscious reaction to entering this body?' She wondered if this was the root of the feelings she had for the unborn child.

Diving further into this line of thought, Camille found that her deduction was beginning to make sense.

'Don't all female leads suddenly develop great maternal instincts after transmigrating?' She rationalized her theory by using the in-depth knowledge of transmigration she had obtained after reading numerous novels in her past life.

Though she did not possess the body of an important figure in the novel this world followed, she was confident that the feelings she had gained were in accordance with a common phenomenon that occurred to all transmigrators.

In novels that she had read with childcare as one of the themes, the transmigrators would always end up developing maternal instincts and deep love the moment they lay eyes on the child they were responsible for.

The most common trope that she had read was that of a new soul entering the body of the villainous wife of the male lead.

The villainous wife who was a troublesome character in the life of the male lead would torment him at every chance she found and also mistreat the child they had together.

This was supposed to continue until the real female lead of the story appeared, showing the male lead and his child the true meaning of love and care which they had never received from the villainous woman.

In the end, the female lead becomes the perfect wife and mother whereas the villainous woman is either divorced and abandoned or in the worst cases, "taken care of" to ensure that she does not disrupt their soon-to-be peaceful lives in the future.

However, things move in a different direction after a new soul transmigrates into the body of the villainous wife.

Rather than following the same path toward destruction and death, the transmigrator would do her best to mend her relationship with both the male lead and her child.

Though there might be variations in different novels in regards to her approach with the male lead, the main goal was always to get closer to the child who had been neglected by the mother for a long time.

By steering clear of the path that the villainous wife would take in the novel, she would focus her attention and love on the child she had met after arriving in this world.

The maternal instincts which had been invoked within her right after she met the child helps her stay determined to get closer and obtain their trust through her actions rather than lofty words.

In the process, she not only gains the affection of the child but also ends up gaining the male lead's love and even obsession in certain instances.

Such novels often ended with the male lead clinging to his wife whom he had been sick of previously but without whom he could not imagine his life any longer.

Camille had read too many novels with similar plots and thus had assumed that the same was happening to her right now.

Though there was no man in the picture for Camille Lin, it was clear that the rest of the novel's plot resonated with what was happening to her right now.

After all, she had developed maternal instincts toward the child growing within her right after she entered this body which was in accordance with the path followed in the novels she had read in the past.

To Camille, this was the perfect explanation for what she was feeling right now and thus she was satisfied to have gained an answer to her earlier queries.

However, the victorious grin on her face for having solved this puzzle was soon wiped away when another thought popped into her mind.