~The next morning~

The Smiths are sitting in the dining room, having breakfast quietly, Olivia breaks the silence by asking a question.

"Dad, can I take a car out today?" Olivia asked as she stopped eating.

"Sure, you can. But why, is something wrong with your bike?" Henry asked with his fork and knife hung in the air.

"Nothing is with it. it's just that, Chloe and I have plans on going out today and you know she doesn't like riding on bikes." She gave her reason as she continued eating.

"I also don't like you riding on bikes, you know I never supported it from the start," Evelyn commented casually.

"Mom, I thought we already talked about that," Olivia said, pouting her mouth.

"I'm just saying," Evelyn said as she dropped her glass of water.

"It's fine, you can take one of the cars. But Leo drives you." Henry spoke after being quiet for a while.

"Oh, no. That won't be necessary, I can drive myself." Olivia didn't want to risk having someone know about who she was really planning to go out with.

"Are you sure?" Henry raised his left brow at her.

"Yes, Dad. I didn't take driving lessons just to sit while someone else drives." Olivia said jokingly.

"Yes, you are right," Henry said and they all continued with their food.

. . .

"Hey, Jason. Can you send me your house address so that I can pick you up later?" Olivia asked over the phone.

"Sure," Jason replied shortly.

"I'll come to pick you up in an hour, I have to finish up some things," Olivia said as she checked out some clothes in her closet.

"Okay," Jason said, then Olivia hung up.

"This should be enough," Olivia said as she arranged some clothes neatly on her bed.

"I think I should take some shades also, maybe three or four." She said to herself as she packed more things.

"Ahh… why am I even thinking of looking pretty? it's not like we are going on a date or something." She scolded herself as she continued packing.

After she was done getting her things ready, she went to have her seat on a chair by the corner of her room. She took out a sheet of paper and a black pen and started writing.

She is all set and ready to go out but there was just one problem.

"How am I going to leave the house with all this?" Olivia directed the question to herself as she tried to figure out the best way to take all the things she packed without her Mom questioning her. She didn't want to lie again.

"Okay, I'll just have to drop this through my window." She said as she went to get a long rope.

"This should work." She said as she tied the rope to the bags.

After making sure there were no guards downstairs by her window, she placed the bags on the window and started to let go of the rope little by little. She finally let go of the entire rope when she was sure it had touched the ground.

Everything was in order and she could finally leave the room. Fortunately, Evelyn was in her room, reading a book. Olivia knocked on her door and piped through it.

"Mom, I am leaving. See you later." Olivia said quietly.

"Okay my love, don't stay out too long." Evelyn's voice echoed in her ears.

"Yes, Mom. Bye." Olivia greeted her mom goodbye and left.

She took her bags, hid the rope in the bushes, and ran quietly into the car.

"Okay, here we go." She said as she exercised her hands before grabbing the steering wheel. She started the car and drove out of the mansion.

Jason already texted her the house address so she drove straight there. It took her some time to get comfortable while driving the car but she still made it to Jason's house.

"Should I call him first?" She asked herself as she approached the door.

"I'll just ring the bell." She said as she pressed the doorbell.

*Ding* *Dong*

She waited patiently for the door to open as she scrolled through her phone. She lifted her head immediately after the door opened, Jason was right in front of her, with nothing on except a white towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping wet as well as his well-built body, he looked just like a male god of beauty. Olivia couldn't believe she was drooling over him just at the sight of his sexy, almost naked body. Her mouth was still hung open from the beautiful sight she was beholding. How could a man be this god-forsakenly hot, she asked inwardly?

"If you are planning on coming in, be quick," Jason said as he snapped Olivia back to reality.

"Ahh…Ahmm… sure, yes, I want to come in." Olivia was so confused about what to say, she had never been so lost for words in her life.

Jason lets her in the house and closes the door behind him.

"Give me five minutes, I have to get dressed." He said casually as he made his way to his room.

"Umm..." She nodded her head lightly as she sat down on the couch.

The edge of Jason's lips curved into a smirk as he remembered Olivia's expression when he opened the entrance door. He found it kind of surprising, he didn't think she would react like that at the sight of him. Even if he doesn't know much about her or anything about her, he knew she was the type of girl who wouldn't lose guard of her self-composure.

"Olivia, what the hell is wrong with you? Why couldn't you stop staring at him?" She hits her forehead continuously as she questions her own foolishness.

She also couldn't believe what just happened, it was as if she saw him differently for the first time. All she wished at that short moment was to know how it would feel like to touch him, to caress his whole body.

"Damn it, Olivia. Don't let this get to your head, don't." She scolded herself as she stood up swiftly, looking irritated.

This was the sight Jason met when he finally came out of the room, all dressed up.