"Oh my Goodness, Olivia. I love your dress, it's so pretty." Emily said to Olivia, sounding very honest about her compliment.

"Thanks, Emily. Yours isn't bad either." Olivia replied, throwing her a smile which was obviously fake. 

"I know, thank you," Emily said in return with a false smile.

"Hi, I'm Emily. Well, I'm sure you know who I am already, there's no need to introduce myself. But you have to because I don't know you." She said to Jason, wearing her prettiest smile.

"Nice to meet you, Emily. I'm Jason." He introduced in his usual calm tone of voice.

"Nice to meet you too. Why don't we get to know each other better then, you know how to dance right?" She asked, totally ignoring Olivia's presence.

"Yeah, sure." He replied.

"So,would you like to dance with me?" Another question by Emily.

"That's if it's fine with you, Olivia." She returned her attention back to Olivia.