After switching partners about three times, Olivia ended up dancing with Jason. Jason was already getting used to slow dancing so, he didn't make as many mistakes as he did when he was practicing with Olivia. While dancing, he noticed that she was quiet which was very unusual of her.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Why do you ask? it's not like you care." She said, sounding displeased at the question.

"Well, I don't actually care. So, just forget I asked." He replied.

"Aaargh!!" She grumbled out loud before letting go of Jason and then she left the dance floor, leaving him with a confused look on his face.

"Don't you think you should follow her?" Kelvin said after witnessing what just happened.

"Yeah… sure." He said shortly before going after her.

Emily also witnessed what happened and immediately she saw Jason going after Olivia, she went after them to find out what was going on.