Natasha is going to the secret base to confess

Bang Bang Bang-! In the abandoned factory where Natasha was, gunshots had already rung out. Although the Devil's Mercenary Group's overseas ranking is only medium and upper. However, Natasha is a hidden killer, and Tianying is the person in charge of gathering intelligence. It's still a little bit worse to confront people like the devil mercenary group. Of course, Natasha's strength is beyond doubt. She had dealt with a guy lurking in from the rear and got a guy.

"Tianying, are you alright?" Natasha looked at Tianying with blood dripping from her body and asked.

"I'm fine, I didn't expect Chen Ming to be so ruthless, he borrowed a knife to kill." A gloomy flash flashed in Tianying's eyes. The name for Chen Ming has also changed from Emperor of Heaven to his name.

Boom-! At this moment, another devil mercenary group rushed in from behind and was killed by Natasha.

Outside the abandoned factory.

Tie Niu's scheming became more and more anxious. Sure enough, that woman is not so easy to deal with!

"Quick, implement the second set of plans, focus on the breakthrough, and be sure to win it for me quickly." Tie Niu gave an order, and immediately the mercenary group rushed forward one after another.

Bang Bang Bang-! The gunshots kept ringing, and Natasha frowned. She already felt a lot of pressure, and Tianying's state was getting worse and worse. At this rate, they may be caught too much. What's more, if their positions were revealed to the devil mercenary group by Chen Ming. Then Chen Ming has a backer. Even if they can pass the test of the devil mercenary group, the night team... there was absolutely no way she could settle it. Despair...

A trace of despair flashed through her heart. She suddenly thought of Lin Yu, maybe at this time, she can only rely on Lin Yu. Not far away, the two members of the Dark Night Squad, who had been hiding in the dark to observe the situation of the abandoned factory, frowned.

"No wonder the Devil's Mercenary Corps has not only made no progress in the past two years but has retreated. A group of rice buckets has not solved these two people for so long, they are trash." Said a team member.

Another team member reported the situation here to Hunting Fox. When Hunting Fox heard the news, his brows were wrinkled. He quickly inquired about the situation in Yuncheng at this time. Then the command was issued. "After two minutes, whatever the situation, you have to shoot. Resolve the devil's mercenary group and Tianying and bring back the phantom. Quick flight, don't expose. The arrest of Yuncheng is doing a carpet search, and will soon be aware of the situation over there."

"Yes, Captain!" The two responded in unison, and both entered a state of tension. Start to pack up their equipment and move forward slowly. Of course, not because of the task, but because of the time. Their infiltration is secret. If it arouses suspicion, it will be difficult to deal with in Yuncheng in the future.

At this time, a locomotive came to Tie Niu with a roar. "Boss, we have caught Lin Yu, the target of Phantom's protection. This kid should be of some use."

The two big men took Lin Yu out of the car. Tie Niu glanced at Lin Yu and smiled sinisterly.

"Boy, you are very good, you can get Phantom to agree to shoot an advertisement, do you know the identity of Phantom? It seems that Phantom is tempted by your little white face, then let me see her affection for you!"

He waved his hand, and all gunfire stopped, and even the attacking team stopped.

"Phantom, the little white face you like was caught by us, you'd better put down your weapon and come out now. Otherwise, don't blame us for taking your little white face." Tie Niu said loudly in a playful tone. The few mercenaries on the side laughed wickedly.

In the abandoned factory, Tianying heard this, smiled bitterly, and looked at Natasha. He agrees with this statement. I just don't know how Natasha behaved. Will she go out for Lin Yu?

Natasha's face turned slightly red, and a strong sense of security filled her heart. At this desperate moment, she finally understood her mind. Lin Yu... very good... When she wanted to shoot commercials, she probably didn't want to disappoint Lin Yu!

[Damn, take me as a hostage and threaten Natasha? This operation is indeed a bit sao. Forget it, let's send this group of tricks to see God. Um?]

Lin Yu turned his head slightly and looked not far away. He could feel someone running fast in the grass not far away. Although not loud. However, he was still caught.

[Anyone else? Who is this? Could it be Chen Ming's person?]

Soon the answer will be revealed.

Boom-! The abandoned factory, which had calmed down, rang out again. Immediately, a member of the devil mercenary group guarding the outermost fell to the ground.

Tie Niu turned pale in shock. Then, he reacted. "Damn, this b*stard, the leader of the night team, dares to use me like a knife. Brothers meet quickly, hide, and be careful." Tie Niu roared with an angry look on his face.

Lin Yu was stunned again by the side.

[Damn, it's a double surprise today. There is even a night team. Yes, you all go to die!]

Lin Yu was helpless. It's just that the plot is messed up, no one in the night team can run.

"Everyone, listen to me, it's quite hard for you all to come to this country from overseas. My young master will send you back to your hometown for free today." Lin Yu suddenly laughed out loud.

"Boss, this kid must be frightened and foolish, talking nonsense." A team member who had already found a bunker laughed and said. "This kind of garbage, Phantom can actually..."

Before the person beside Lin Yu finished speaking, Lin Yu twisted his neck. He rolled over and fell to the ground. The whole scene was silent, and everyone was stunned. After all, no one would have thought that this useless scoundrel brother would dare to do something. And the shot is so clean and crisp. A deadly move. This is not a normal person. Then, waiting for everyone to react.

Lin Yu performed a movement technique. The whole person's figure is like a phantom. Shuttle among these people.

Tie Niu was shocked and just wanted to shoot, but rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. Almost instantly, all the members of the Devil's Mercenary Group were cleaned up by Lin Yu.

Immediately, Lin Yu looked at the people of the night team hidden in the darkness.

The two members of the night team showed their steps, and they came to the front of the two in the blink of an eye. At this time, the two were already stunned. They originally wanted to rely on mobile warfare to eliminate all the members of the devil mercenary group. As a result, they were just about to fire the second shot but found that Tie Niu and others were killed by Lin Yu.

Immediately, they saw Lin Yu appear in front of them. The two were terrified to death. Quick. It's so fast. Regardless of the movement method or the movement just made, it is steady, accurate, and ruthless. This man is not a dandy at all, but a master. They only felt this kind of feeling from Chen Ming's teacher.

"Hey... I didn't expect that there were only two people, I thought all four of them had arrived. Forget it, let those two people help that piece of sh*t Chen Ming." Lin Yu seemed to be muttering to himself.

These two are even more stupid. This person knows the situation of their night team. Even a few people know about it. Who is he? However, Lin Yu did not give the two of them a chance to react, and the two fell straight to the ground. Lin Yu is very satisfied, but then it's a bit of a hassle.

[Hey... let's create another crime scene.l

Da Da Da Da-! Soon, a loud gunshot sounded again outside the abandoned factory. Natasha in the factory was going to laugh angrily. Isn't this b*stard ready to reveal his strength now?

Soon, it completely calmed down.

"Phantom? Is there a problem outside?" Tianying asked with some doubts.

"Wait and see, don't fall for the opponent's plan of suspicion." Natasha pretended not to know.

Tianying nodded. Then there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Natasha, Natasha, I'm Lin Yu... The two gangs outside of them are fighting, and they are all dead, let's run." Lin Yu also looked a little embarrassed at this time and ran in quickly.

Natasha looked at Lin Yu, and the light in her eyes became more and more exuberant. After experiencing this desperate moment, she finally understood. I do have Lin Yu in my heart. And Lin Yu is very much needed.

[I rely on, this look. What is Natasha trying to do? Won't it be here? Ahem... The key is that this place is not suitable, it is estimated that the cop will come soon.]

"Natasha, let's go quickly! The arrest is coming soon, so it's hard to tell." Lin Yu said hurriedly.

"Okay, Lin Yu, how about you, Tianying?" Natasha looked at Tianying and asked.

[???, F*ck, Natasha won't have an affair with Tianying? Come here to meet your old lover? The key is, Tianying has something to do with me? We are enemies.]

Natasha can't wait to kick Lin Yu's feet. You have a leg with Tianying. I'll let you know how great I am in a moment. Thinking about it, she suddenly blushed, a little excited and nervous.

"Is this your friend?" Lin Yu asked blankly.

"Lin Yu, hello, I'm Chen Ming's subordinate Tianying... I want to work for Lin Yu." After escaping from the dead, Tianying's mentality has also undergone some changes, and he blurted out his situation directly. Chen Ming wanted him to die. How could he let Chen Ming go so easily?

[Damn, what is this called, this supporting role does not talk about jumping, but also works for me, the villain. What's up with this?]

"Okay, hahaha... Tianying, right? You're right about abandoning the dark and going to light, so you can play with me in the future. Chen Ming, that dog thing is nothing at all! Report to my company tomorrow." Lin Yu laughed.

"Okay, then Lin Yu, I'll go first." Tianying glanced at Natasha and left

"Brother Yu, I want to confess something to you, shall we go to the secret base?"

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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