Natasha is also good at it

[???, cough... cough... 'Brother Yu'? What do you mean by calling me Brother Yu suddenly? This look, this tone... Am I thinking about it? Confession? I like confession the most. No matter, anyway, even Tianying has betrayed Chen Ming now, and Natasha is probably finished. Just right, hehe...]

"Okay, Natasha, it just so happens that we're all a little dirty, and it's good to go to the hot spring. By the way, do you want to confess your relationship with Tianying?" Lin Yu looked Natasha up and down and said solemnly.

Natasha gave Lin Yu a roll of eyes. I'll see if you're pretending in a while. I have to say that Natasha is very good, and every frown and smile is exciting. She straightened her back and had a charming smile on her face. Charming beside Lin Yu, he said, "Everything."

[This fairy. It's really good.]

"Then let's go." The two quickly got into the car and walked towards the secret base. And not long after they left, a police car came here. Since this place is not far from the secret base.

Under Lin Yu's strong slam on the accelerator, it took him almost a few minutes to reach his secret base. Then the two walked into the hall of the secret base. The door closed tightly.

Natasha looked at Lin Yu,

"Brother Yu."

[No, no, this voice is too good. A top-quality beauty is still a killer, speaking in such a coquettish tone... Sure enough, it is a versatile killer. Can't stand it, can't stand it.]

"Cough... cough... Natasha, what do you want to confess? Let's talk while soaking in the hot spring." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Um, okay..."

[Eh? What are you doing? Wow... It feels so good to be a villain. This woman is having a good day today.]

Where the fox hunt is.

"No. 3, No. 4, please call back. Call back on the 3rd and 4th." Fox-hunter constantly used a dedicated channel to call the two people in an ambush in the abandoned factory. However, the other side has not responded. His face gradually turned gloomy. The personal strength of their night team is very strong. It is not a problem to fight ten devil mercenary groups with one person. But now the two have lost contact at the same time, this is not normal. He didn't think someone could kill both of them at the same time. You know, the two of them together can easily destroy a small mercenary group.

At this moment, the channel light of No. 3 suddenly lit up. Fox-hunter suddenly felt relieved. It seems that I am too much, how could I go wrong?

"Are you from the Dark Night Squad? I advise you to come to the police station and surrender yourself, or the consequences are not something you can bear." A cold female voice came from the radio.

Fox Hunt: ...

At this point, the fox hunter has fallen into shock! Did No. 3 and No. 4 get caught? Why does the other party know that he is a member of the night team? Know that he's doing a great job of keeping secrets.

"Oh yes, tell you, both of your brothers are dead. If you turn yourself in, you can help them collect their bodies."

!!!, The fox stood up abruptly. No.3 and No.4 dead? How long has it been since? How is this possible? Suddenly, his computer issued an alarm sound. Someone hacked his computer. The fox was shocked.

He immediately tapped the keyboard for a while, blocking this wave of offensive. Take advantage of the situation to delete all the information about No. 3 and No. 4, and cut off all contact. His face was extremely gloomy, this method should be Shadow. Tianying is not dead. He immediately called number 2.

"No. 2, go and investigate the abandoned factory in the western suburbs."

"Yes, Captain." Team No. 2 was very efficient, and soon he investigated the news and sent it to Fox-Hunt.

At this time, Chen Ming's phone was also called. The fox hunter's face became embarrassed. Dark Night Squad, the most feared squad overseas, as a result, two companions died when they came to this country. This is not only shameful but also represents a great loss for them.

"Fox Hunter, why haven't you given me news for so long? The Night Squad shouldn't miss it, right?" Chen Ming asked in a gloomy tone.

At the same time, he is also full of confidence in the night team. The strength of each of these four is the same as before he entered the ancient martial arts.

"Heavenly Emperor, I'm sorry, I missed this time, and No. 3 and No. 4 died," Fox-hunt said in a deep voice.

"What?!" Chen Ming's voice suddenly raised several heights, "This is impossible, who can kill No. 3 and No. 4? What about Phantom and Shadow?"

Hunting Fox's face became even more gloomy, "Both of them seem to be alive!"

"Trash, they are all trash, they can't even do something like this." Chen Ming resisted the urge to vomit blood and cursed loudly. Chen Ming tried his best to suppress his anger, "What is the specific situation?"

"Heavenly Emperor, the place has been arrested and surrounded, there are no cameras there, I can't know the specific situation. Furthermore, someone revealed our identities to the police, and I suspect it was Tianying." Fox-hunt said in a deep voice.

"This b*stard is indeed a b*stard! Quick, find him for me and kill him." Chen Ming said angrily.

Tianying knew too much information about him and was in charge of a lot of his wealth. If Tianying is determined to deal with him, it will cause him huge losses.

"Yes, God, I will start looking for Tianying." However, Tianying acts as an intelligence officer, so his anti-tracking ability is very strong. Especially after being vigilant, even fox-hunt are not easy to find. What's more, there are now two fewer helpers.

Hanging up on the phone, Chen Ming's spirit is about to collapse. This time, not only did the traitor not be eradicated, but two people were also lost, which is simply outrageous.

"Could it be that the person behind Lin Yu did it again? No, I can't go on like this anymore!" Chen Ming thought angrily.

At the same time, Tianying has come to one of his private residences. Even Chen Ming didn't know about this place. Tianying put his hand down from the keyboard and sneered. "Want to kill me? Then let's compete."

Yes, it was Tianying who tipped off Sun Yufei. Although he was just a guess, this did not prevent him from spreading the news. It's the Dark Night Squad who does this passively. After Tianying made sure that he couldn't invade Fox-hunt's computer. After another operation, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly. "Humph! If you want to play, play big."

Although Chen Ming has a lot of overseas assets, he can also control some. Just after his operation, thirty percent of Chen Ming's overseas assets were transferred directly to his account. Or simply sell the fire sale and transfer it to his account. Chen Ming's assets are about one trillion yuan. Thirty percent of the assets plus the 150 billion were brought to the country.

Chen Ming has lost half of his assets. What's more, many of them are stocks, not funds. So now Chen Ming can use a lot less money. Thinking about it, he still decided to tell Lin Yu about it. After all, if he wants to take revenge on Chen Ming, he has to rely on Lin Yu. He is not a fool.

After Chen Ming returned to Yuncheng, this series of deflation had something to do with Lin Yu. If it was at this time, he wouldn't believe it if he said that Lin Yu was a scoundrel.

Secret base.

In a few hours, Natasha is thinking about a problem. Why is Lin Yu different from the character design? Lin Yu modified his data in the first place. This man is so scary.

"Natasha, what are you trying to confess to me?" Lin Yu returned to the sofa with some food and asked with an embarrassed expression.

[Cough... cough... Originally meant to be tortured, but in the end, I forgot. It's all because of this woman being so charming.]

Natasha blushed, but she couldn't help but feel a happy feeling in her heart. Now she's made up her mind. It's good to follow Lin Yu.

"Dear, I want to tell you that I am an undercover agent sent to you by Chen Ming."

[I already knew that.]

"What?!" On the face, Lin Yu's complexion changed greatly, and he stood up suddenly, with an incredible look, "Natasha, you... you are Chen Ming's person?"

You are still acting like a dog. Natasha blushed, "I am yours."

[This woman is perfect, the change is really big. I told you seriously, you told me not serious?]

Natasha didn't bother to pay attention to him and then spoke up. "Since I went undercover with you, I have never betrayed you. I helped her find those mercenaries that Ziqing hired two days ago. And before..." Natasha said a few things that happened before.

[???, Damn, I just said that those few things in the past were abnormal. And Qin Ziqing should not be able to find so many mercenaries. It turns out that Natasha helped, so that makes sense. This is reasonable. I always thought that Natasha's character design was fine, but it turned out that something went wrong. How did you calculate the last undercover? 4:1? Did it turn out to be 5:0? F*ck, Chen Ming's is a betrayal of relatives and relatives.]

Natasha looked at Lin Yu with a smile on her face. I think this dog is so cute.

[Humph! It turns out that Natasha lied to me for so long. Damn it. Dare to lie to me, the villain boss, I must punish her properly.]

Natasha shuddered instantly.

"Dear, aren't you going to teach me that Jade Maiden Technique?" Natasha asked cautiously.

"Well, this Jade Maiden Technique requires a stable state of mind to cultivate, I think your heart is a little chaotic."

Natasha: ...

She is a little shy. No wonder Xiao Ruoxue agreed.

Just then, her phone vibrated suddenly.

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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