First sight!

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The cracking and squelching sounds were much nearer than they were before and Selene was aware that whatever it was, it was advancing towards her.

As Deimos followed the voice, he was much aware that it belonged to a woman. It felt like a trap to him, finding an unexpected surprise in the middle of the forest, who knew what was waiting for him on the other side but he decided to follow his instincts which were constantly convincing him to reach to the source.

He could hear the disturbed heartbeat of the person and how quickly the blood was pacing through her veins. Her scent was exceptional, not like the women of his kind and unique in a delicious manner. His curiosity was at peak by the time he reached there.

There she was sitting on the forest floor, just beside the edge of the cliff. The silvery moonlight falling on her made her sparkle like a star. Her face was concealed by her arms as she had her head down on her knees while she hugged them. He couldn't help but move closer to her to have a proper look at her face. And while he hastily moved, he accidentally stepped on a crispy dried branch and it cracked which alerted the girl.

The instant rush of her blood made him stop as he didn't wish to scare her. But he moved again because something inside him was telling him to do so.

"Who's there?" Selene shouted fearlessly while she prepared herself for the worst.

As soon as the soft sound of her voice reached his ears, his pulse amplified and for the first time ever he felt his heart palpitate. It was weak initially but it gained pace when she spoke again.

"I asked if someone's there?" Selene shouted again.

A strange current like never before ran throughout his body and he couldn't contain himself any longer. This was the first time he was experiencing all of this. It was a new feeling but it felt like he had been longing for it all along, a feeling that was disturbing yet comfortable at the same time.

Deimos was instantly enchanted by her beauty and Selene had no idea about it. Her fair skin under the moonlight seemed like it was glowing and her hair which ran long down to her waist appeared like ropes made out of gold itself.

Deimos walked out of the shadows of the trees and Selene instantly took a step back, ready to throw herself off the cliff and into the river behind her.

"I don't mean any harm young lady." He assured raising his hands up to the level of his face for a moment before finally dropping them.

"Though I must say the river is little deeper than you believe it to be and it is absolutely not a wise choice if you wish to escape." He added.

Selene was a bit relieved to know that it was not a wild beast but weren't humans the most dangerous of all. She observed the man from head to toe. Unlike Deimos she couldn't see his face properly in the shadows and the moon wasn't helping her much. But she was able to observe that the man was dressed in dark clothes with a jacket or a coat hanging on his shoulders. From the looks, he looked like a person entitled to a higher rank.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here at this hour?" She questioned.

Deimos enjoyed the abundance of confidence she had in herself and her unwavering voice. Any stranger upon finding a young maiden can harm her in the worst way possible, yet there she was fearlessly questioning him, like he would comply.

"I can ask you the same. And I do believe in the courtesy of getting an introduction first." He answered.

"I don't introduce myself to the people I don't know." Selene rebuked.

Deimos chuckled at her curt reply. This was the first time someone had talked to him so obnoxiously. Back in the Ardolf, girls would die to just get a glimpse of him and here was this girl, who had no idea who she was talking to and yet her conversing manners were so straightforward and rude.

"Very well then. . ." He smirked and moved towards her again. "Let's just keep it to our occupations. I am a traveller." He lied.

Selene observed him for a second again and knew he was lying. "Don't you think, it is very odd for a traveller to be roaming around in the woods late at this hour when there is not much to see!" She cross questioned him.

"Well, I think it is more odd for a young lady to be crying in the middle of the forest at this hour." He said as he suppressed his laugh.