The missing princess

"All the best for your sleuthing missions." Selene wished him as she noticed he was zoning out into his thoughts.

He didn't speak for a moment and stared at her. Seconds later she would leave, he needed to absorb her into his memory before that happens. His heart was completely in turmoil.

Selene's forehead crinkled when she noticed that he looked triggered.

He ran a hand through his hairs and breathed deeply, in an attempt to regain his composure back.

"I won't get killed by the wolves." He shifted the attention back to the conversation.

"You better do not. Bellicus can't lose more hunters." She smiled at him.

She was captivating and he was under some kind of spell. But fate wasn't having other thoughts. They both were required to return to their nations and nothing could stop it from happening.

"You. . ." He began but paused, admiring her smile. ". . .don't ever run so carelessly to the woods." He advised.

He was glad that he found he here tonight and was able to get to know a few things about her. But be there someone else and she would have been dead. The other wolves wouldn't have shown her any mercy after knowing that she was from hunter kingdom.

"I know!" She replied quickly. She didn't like the idea of him suggesting her.

Selene smiled at him for the last time as she then turned around to depart for Santok, where she was supposed to be present. She was happy that she was safe and was able to gain some clarity to her thoughts after finding an unknown acquaintance in the forest.

On the contrary, Deimos couldn't control himself. He wanted to follow her again to see where she was heading. As he watched her diminish into the distance, he couldn't help but emotionally writhe in a strange agony. There was this sudden dire urge inside him to not let her go like that.

He took a deep breath to keep his cool and crouched down on the ground with his hands pulling his hairs. It felt similar to the rush he had whenever he transformed into wolf, so he decided to suppress the change.

After taking several long breaths he was able to feel his consciousness returning. He looked up at the moon. It was still in the sky, radiating silvery light all over the horizon. His eyes gleamed crimson and he closed them immediately.

When he looked at the ground again, he spotted something lustrous amongst the withered leaves. His hand instantly reached for it and he took a close look at it. There was no doubt in that. It belonged to the girl he had just walked here.

A sliver bracelet with diamonds embedded in it. It was cool to touch. Deimos ran his fingers along the entire length of it and then began to walk away. It was a sovereign to him, something that belonged to her, something he must never lose to keep her in his memories.

For him, abducting her wouldn't be a tough thing. But for her, he didn't wish to rush things. In fact, right now winning over the enemy kingdom was much prominent than before as he thought that after he takes Bellicus, he can find her again.

The vision he had for his packmates and his nation, had become even more cardinal for him now. He had to make it come true at all costs now, for them. . . and for her.

Back at the castle, amidst the celebrations of the recent news, Callisto and Ariel were the first ones to notice the absence of their sister. Up until now, they had the idea that she must be conversing with their father regarding the sudden news.

But when King Themisto made an entrance in the hall with King Hendrickson, they realized something was wrong. They decided to keep the matter to themselves and began searching for her. An hour later when they couldn't spot her anywhere, Callisto decided to search for Selene himself.

Breaking the news of Selene's sudden disappearance from the court would only attract unnecessary attention and that would cause rumours about her and their family.

"Brother Callisto!" Ariel murmured, "do you think it's a wise choice to not alert father and others?" She questioned, pulling Callisto to the side, so no one could hear them.

"Do not worry Ariel. I'm pretty sure Selene must be out in the gardens. After all it was an unforeseen turn of events for her." Callisto assured and the crinkles on Ariel's forehead relaxed.

"I'll be back soon!" He said and then immediately left the venue.

Callisto was the eldest son of King Themisto and he understood his responsibilities very well. As the eldest brother, he had to look after his siblings and right now all he could bother about was Selene.

He understood that she was shocked with the unanticipated declaration of her soon to be marriage. It was unfair to her and to him as her brother. He himself wanted to discuss this matter with his father but he was waiting for the perfect opportunity so they could have a proper talk.

By the time, the hour had come for everyone to leave, he had searched the entire castle, inside and outside included. There was no sign of Selene. And his concerns were beginning to show up.

Without anyone noticing, he took a castle horse and began heading outside the castle gates. He had a little idea that she must have gone walking into the woods as Selene had a habit of walking whenever she was in deep thinking.

On the other side, Selene quickly picked up on the right path which was leading her back to Santok. Her thoughts were mostly focused on the pronouncement, but somewhere at the back of her mind, she was thanking the man who helped her getting back on the correct path.


i made the chapter long today. hope you all enjoy it. and sorry for posting late.