
With Artemis's approval, Themisto then explained everything including the details of the strategy and what role this news was playing in it. The thought of using their daughter as a bait felt shameful to Artemis and she was still having second thoughts about the whole situation.

As Artemis chose to ponder and remain silent, Themisto then spoke.

"Besides I suppose Alexander Boyle is the perfect prince for our daughter." He corroborated for his explanation.

With a disbelieving heart, Artemis raised an eyebrow and gave him a cynical look to mock him.

"I still doubt the fact you are driven by fulfilment of your agenda when you say this. My apologies! But I cannot really bring myself to put my trust into this statement of yours."

"Even after keeping this war and strategy situation aside, I don't think I would go back on my words Artemis. Think about it, no kingdom except Santok has ever supported with this werewolf situation. Do you think they would be caring enough to take our daughter as a part of their family?"

It was true. No kingdom has ever lent them a hand in the war with werewolves. The alliances with other kingdoms were strong but not as strong as the one they have with Santok.

Bellicus and Santok have fought side by side with werewolves. They have lost people together. And they have mourned together. And nothing till today could change that truth.

"Ariel was fortunate enough Prince Galien was beguiled by her and convinced his father to ask for her hand in marriage. But if we keep doting on our luck then time is only going to pass and your worries about the prophecy will further escalate." Themisto suggested.

Artemis was a tainted juror on this since all she cared about was her daughter but she after weighing up over the options, she ultimately came to a termination.

"Alright my king!" She agreed and continued, "I will have a word with Selene herself, and believe me if she isn't happy with this decision of yours then you are never going to have my approval on it." She threatened.

"I do not care what you are going to say to your dear friend and the people of the kingdom or whosoever. But if she doesn't agree then I won't either."

"Of course." He concurred.

The night was heavy and prolonged for the Cromwells. Themisto reflected on his recent actions, wondering if his misdemeanour was inflicting for Selene. Artemis stayed up frightful of the prophecy and fearing if this action of Themisto is going to push Selene closer to the prophecy.

Ariel and Callisto decided to render Selene with solitude but their minds remained disquiet. Oberon kept Tethys engaged so he wouldn't say anything sensitive to hit Selene's nerves. Selene unbeknownst to the prophecy and the underlying agenda against werewolves, kept tossing and turning around in her room.

In the morning, the breakfast was quiet, no words were uttered by any of them. Tethys kept finding an opportunity to pick at Selene but on finding a quiet aloof Selene he decided to keep shut for the time being.

Around an hour later, Selene was informed by the maids to meet Artemis in her room. She was lost in her own thoughts and walked oblivious to her surroundings. The maids grew inquisitive as to how someone as cheerful and racy as princess Selene could turn so quiet.

"You called for me mama?" Selene asked as she entered her mother's room.

Artemis was standing by the large windows of her room. The wind was gently ruffling through her hairs. She closed her eyes for a second to align her thoughts straight and then turned to face her daughter.

"Yes." She answered. "Come inside."

Selene closed the distance between them and stood by her side. She wasn't a bit worried if her mother summoned her so she could be convinced into indulging in ladylike activities. Her mind was occupied with other thoughts.

"How are you, Selene?" She asked with a tender voice as she placed her hands on her shoulders.

She could see that she was not in her high spirits like always and that only added up to her unease.

Selene was caught off guard by her mother's unnatural behaviour. Unlike the other times, she was incredibly soft and kind today.

"I am good mama. Did you wish to talk to me about something?"

"Yes. I want you to be honest with me about this Selene." Artemis prodded, her eyes filled with nothing but concern for her.

Selene suddenly realized she must be curious about where she disappeared last night when everyone was enjoying the news of her betrothment. She prayed if someone would interrupt this conversation and save her from the trouble of getting interrogated by her mother. But the next set of words from Artemis's mouth left her in a daze.

"About last night. . . I understand that your father's decision was sudden and nobody was informed in prior. I wished to confirm if you were alright after last night."

Shocked by these words, Selene couldn't formulate a reply for a few seconds and when nothing came from her Artemis added.

"I know this must have left you disturbed but believe me if you are even slightly against this decision then I will myself call of this wedding." She promised.

"It's alright mother, this day had to come one day or another." Selene spoke and held her hands in hers, assuring her that she was alright.

She had spent the entirety of the night coming to terms with it. And she could feel the genuineness of her mother's concern. She smiled slightly, still unsure if she was okay with this.


Sorry readers, for the late post. Hope you all forgive me. Keep supporting this book by voting by powerstones and by recommending or reviewing it. Hope you all are liking the chapters and the story so far.

Once again I truly apologize for the late post.