Final conclusion

Author's note - if you see **** sign, then its the part where scene changes in the story.

Don't be confused sweeties, happy reading!!


"It's alright mother, this day had to come one day or another." Selene spoke and held her hands in hers, assuring her that she was alright.

She had spent the entirety of the night coming to terms with it. And she could feel the genuineness of her mother's concern. She smiled slightly, still unsure if she was okay with this.

"It is true that you'll have to marry someone someday. But I don't want your father or anyone else including me making that decision for you. I want you to make that utmost important choice by yourself. Your thoughts and feelings matter the most Selene."

Artemis paused for a bit and Selene continued to stare at her face startled by her mother's odd affections. This would be the first time in a while that she had seen the mild and warm side of her mother.

"Ever since last night I couldn't be at peace. And that's why first thing in the morning I decided that we needed to make certain how you felt. So, tell me my dear, do you want to marry Alexander Boyle?"

She asked as she held her daughter's chin two read her eyes. It is believed that eyes are a window to the soul, and thus Artemis yearned if she could pick up on even the slightest of Selene's thoughts.

Selene hesitated and her breathing became unusual but she controlled her anxiety to come with a reply.

"I don't know how to answer that question of yours' mama. . ." She immediately stopped as her mother dropped her hand from her face, but gathered up courage to continue nevertheless.

"As my parents you and father wish the finest things for me and on top of that you wish mostly for me to stay happy forever. But I am just a girl who has always been dreaming of making both of you proud, to live a hunters' true destiny, to prove that I am not some young girl with royal blood." Her eyes were fixed at the floor before Artemis's feet, she was too afraid to meet her in the eye.

"I was still living that dream until last night when father made that decision. I was aware that I would be betrothed someday like sister Ariel but never did I ever thought that it would be this soon."

"I am sorry mama. Prince Alexander is a good friend of mine and we have known the Boyles since the beginning but I don't know how to feel about marriage. In all honestly mama, I am not certain if I am suitable and prepared to be married anytime soon." She finished.

Selene continued to stare at the floor preparing herself for the worst that could happen next. She was convinced her mother would give her a piece of mind about how she should not be dreaming and should embrace the reality.

Contradictorily, Artemis acknowledged every single word that left her mouth and took her hands bringing them near her face. She kissed them, astonishing her as she answered.

"I am your mother Selene and I want nothing but the best for you. I notice how hard this has been for you. Marriage is a necessary part of life but don't worry you have all the time in the world."

"I understand this is unsettling but look at how Ariel's marriage is fixed with Prince Galien and yet she is still to be married. This news that your father announced yesterday with King Hendrickson was only to make it known that you're betrothed to Prince Alexander. You don't have to marry him anytime soon." She promised.

"However if you don't wish to marry Prince Alexander then we will understand your decision as well Selene. So what if your father made a decision you are still free to put forth your notions. I will support you through and through dear."

"It's unfathomable to give you an answer right now mama. I have always viewed Alexander as a good friend and suddenly that title is being endangered by marriage. I am not quite certain how I should feel about this Mama." She was speaking her honest thoughts.

"Truth be told, I don't know if I can see him as someone other than a friend. Love is a foreign concept to me Mama. . . and maybe I'm not ready for it yet."

Artemis gave a weak but promising smile to Selene, who was on the verge of breaking into tears.

"I understand you Selene. I truly do." She said embracing her.

"Therefore I have come to a conclusion. The declaration will not be amended as of now. You have all the time in the world to contemplate this, but if you still cannot develop any feelings for Alexander or if wish to be engaged to someone else, then we will go by your choice Selene."

Artemis words held a promise with strong affirmation. She looked her daughter in the eye with no notion of going back to her words. She was totally aware of the decision she had come to and there was nothing that could stop her.

"But what about father? He had already agreed with King Hendrickson." She reminded.

"Well then it's his business to deal with him." She assured and sort of mocked her husband's move.

Minutes after Selene left Artemis alone in her room, she could finally be at ease enlightened that her daughter was content and pleased with her decision. All she has to do now was inform Themisto about this. Rest of the matter was his trouble. She doesn't have to stay bothered about anything else from here on.


On the training grounds Callisto and Oberon both observed how Selene was in a daze throughout the day. Tethys was still oblivious to the whole situation. For he could never let go off any opportunity to take a piss at Selene.

He vanquished her effortlessly and several times in sword fighting. Selene's attention was tangled in her thoughts while Tethys wondered how did he get so better in just a night.