The concept of Counterparts

On the training grounds Callisto and Oberon both observed how Selene was in a daze throughout the day. Tethys was still oblivious to the whole situation. For he could never let go off any opportunity to take a piss at Selene.

She was vanquished by him her several times in sword fighting. It was as effortless as possible for him today. Selene's attention was tangled in her thoughts while Tethys wondered how did he improved so much in just a night.

"What is it with you today sister? Or should I conclude I am getting better at this? Maybe a few more days and I might beat Brother Callisto as well." Tethys joked and eyed Callisto who was sitting beside Oberon observing their dual.

"Oh don't be all conceited Tethys. I am saving you from the embarrassment of losing over and over again. Call it the kindness of my heart." Selene snapped back.

Callisto was happy to notice that she was finally getting her mind on other things rather than be tortured by the prior events. Oberon who had same thoughts as Callisto broke into their little feud and advised.

"How about a final duel? We will decide the winner that way!"

"Seems like you stole the words out of me mind Brother Oberon." Tethys accepted and then swivelled his head towards Selene.

"What say Selene, or is it that you only plan to make excuses?" He teased.

Selene gave him a derisive smile. "A final duel it is."


Deimos woke up early the next morning, for he couldn't sleep peacefully. Her face kept haunting him causing him to remain restless the entire night.

The first thing he did in the morning was to look for Conrado, his uncle. He found him walking by the lake Dione, feeding the swans. The sun was still near the horizon and scattered red rays of light everywhere possible. The view of the dawn by the lake was mesmerizing with water mirroring the peachblow sky.

Conrado was alerted by the sound of footsteps and was surprised to see Deimos being up so early.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you up so early. Even the sun is not out of bed yet." He demanded.

Deimos smiled at his remark and stopped to stand by his side. He stared at the water in the lake for a moment before turning to his side. But before he could open up a statement, Conrado interrupted.

"Your eyes carry a strange tension Deimos. A sensation I have never noticed in them before. I can tell something's been bothering you for quite a while."

"That is exactly the reason why I have come to you Conrado."

Deimos trusted Conrado like a brother. He was well aware of the sentiments and values Conrado carried. If not for him he wouldn't be the Alpha his packmates wanted for Ardolf. All that he was, were Conrado's efforts and all that he would decide needed his attention. That is why he trusted him with his life.

Conrado cleared his throat. "What is it that you seek?"

"I am in a state of eternal torment since last night Conrado. It is as if my edge and hold over things is lost and I continue to suffer without it." He closed his eyes in frustration.

"And what happened yesterday?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled deeply before answering his question. Gathering and organizing his thoughts back into order he began.

"I met someone in the woods last night. Around the borders of Ardolf and hunter kingdoms." He paused for a moment, hoping Conrado would ask him something but when he didn't interrupt him, he continued.

"And I am unable to focus on anything around me since I have seen her, it's . . ." He was cut off by Conrado at this instant.

"Her?" He raised his eyebrows in astonishment but his face still held a happy smile as if he was beginning to take a fancy to his story.

"Yes." Trying to read the look on his face, he continued anyways.

"Thenceforth, I have been trying to make sense of all this but I cannot jump to any conclusion. The moment I saw her it was as if something has animated inside of me. As if something was always there but its existence was only felt when I saw her."

As he explained he recalled every moment of their meeting last night. Her face, her voice, everything was still bright and fresh in his memories.

"And now I feel like I am being plagued by all that. I am uncertain if I could ever put this feeling into exact words if they even exist but I am in a never-ending loop of anguish and impatience. It is almost as if I have never known peace until I met her." He sighed and closed his eyes again.

Conrado put a hand on his shoulder, grabbing his attention away from his thoughts.

"Deimos! You've found your mate. It was your destined soulmate you met last night."

The words from Conrado left him startled and stole words from his mouth. He looked at him in disbelief, trying to make sense of what he just said.

"Mate? You mean that thing which Luciana claims she have with me?" He asked in desperation.

"I apologize for not enlightening you about this before. But us werewolves sometimes experience this bizarre feeling when we find our divine counterpart. It doesn't happen to everyone and it's in fact a rare phenomenon." He enlightened.

"To some of us it doesn't even happen at all and we choose our mates independently without fate intervening. But for some of us fate chooses."

"The emotions you feel are only because the girl you met last night is your destined mate. You were meant to find her, and now that you have, you won't be at ease until you mark her." He finished and took him into an embrace.

"Congratulations! You are the chosen one." Conrado remarked.


Author here,

i hope you all are enjoying the book, sorry for the late update!!!