
After the attack some minutes ago, the team headed towards the yellow zone. Few meters from the feared zone, Reeves had ordered the cars to be brought to a stop. The soldiers did as instructed, however they couldn't help but wonder why. The last thing any of them felt like doing was taking a stroll through the yellow zone.

"Sir, why are we leaving the cars behind?" Henry asked the obvious.

"Well it is simply because the sounds from the cars would probably attract Abstracts to us, something that would be bad for us in the yellow zone."

Upon hearing this, the soldiers decided it was better to walk on foot than to become Abstract food.

"Everyone pick whatever you need for the mission. We will be away from the cars for sometime," Reeves announced.

They would proceed to carry ammo, explosives and even some light snacks. After this they would begin to walk towards the yellow zone which was only a few meters away. The first step each soldier gave into this zone sent shivers down their spines. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing as this caused each of them to have increased focus in this environment.

About twenty minutes had past after entering the yellow zone and for some strange reason, they had not come across a single Abstract in the environment. This only caused the goosebumps the team had to grow further.

"We are close to a warehouse," Henry announced as he looked through their map. "It should be right up our current path."

Just as said, the warehouse was peaking out from the horizon, awaiting their arrival. Deep down each soldier hoped that they wouldn't have to face another swarm of gruesome bugs.

The stamina the team now had as a result of their systems made their journey to the warehouse a piece of cake. Upon getting the place, Brent broke the door down this time, before giving off a smile of contentment.

"Okay everyone spread out and look for whatever you can find," Reeves ordered.

Going through the place, no Abstracts could be found just like in the other warehouse, however a lot of food items could be found. Some food stuff had perished but it wasn't so much that it would affect their haul badly.

The team used their improved strengths to carry all these things and gather them in one place before Luke used his skill Warehouse to store them.

"I think this should be enough for today," Brent rubbed his head playfully.

"You know that isn't enough to feed the base," a soldier said before chuckling.

"He is right. We need to hit another warehouse and see if we can find anything else," Reeves added.

Feeling a new wave of anxiety flood over them, they proceeded to walk out of the building in order to find greener pastures. Along the way though, they would come across something that would raise a lot of questions.

Laying dead on the floor was an Abstract that had been beaten to the point that it was unrecognizable. Though from few details on it's body, it seemed to be cat like monstrosity.

"What do you think could have done this..?" Henry asked in awe.

"Maybe a human?" A soldier responded.

"Nah that can't be right, it has to be an Abstract..?" Brent cut into the conversation.

The team members all looked at Reeves awaiting an answer, however they would not get one as he would continue to walk in the direction of the next warehouse.

Deep down though Reeves could not help but hope that a human was responsible. This would give rise to the possibility of a run in with another survivor. And he hoped above all that this survivor would be his daughter.

A trail of dead Abstract bodies continued as they moved further, with the numbers gradually increasing. The feeling to turn back was high in the soldiers, however they knew they had no choice as the warehouse was already in sights.

Even though they felt creeped out by the whole thing they felt happy that they didn't have to face these creatures. The only thing they hoped for though was that they would not run into whatever was responsible for all of their deaths.

The team successfully reached the other building within few minutes and proceeded to go to work. Unlike the other warehouse, this place would turn out to have more amounts of food supplies within it.

While that was the case, the building also had a pile of Abstract bodies within it.

"Not again.." Henry stated in dismay.

"Let's finish up quickly so that we can get out of here," Reeves notified clearly feeling off about the whole thing as well.

It took about twenty minutes before the team had finished gathering and storing this items. They then proceeded to head towards their next destination as the food supplies had still not reached it's required amounts. It was at this period of time Henry would grab hold of his head in pain.

"Damn it! Abstracts are here!"

Looking side to side the team would see the cat like creatures from before, emerge from the rocky planes. Now that they could see the monstrosities clearly, they were able to notice their scorpion like tails and venom dripping teeth.

"Gross! Are those things even cats!? Their heads look more like spider heads to me!" Brent exclaimed obviously irritated.

"Damn it! We are surrounded.."

Reeves unleashed his skill Intimidate in an instant causing the Abstracts to take few steps backwards. This would ultimately give the team the chance to take cover behind a large rock.

"Why aren't they running away!?"

"I think it is because they are very territorial creatures. They won't be leaving their territory for anyone. Henry check their status," Reeves ordered.

Using one of his unique skills Decipher, he quickly came to the conclusion that they were level 7 creatures. This ultimately proved that Reeves assumption was spot on.

The team opened fire killing some of monsters and causing them to move further backwards. It was at this point that the abominations began to dodge the incoming bullets with their superior agility. Unable to get a clear hit on the Abstracts, Reeves knew it was only a matter of time before things went sideways.