A larger threat

The sound of a hellacious kick echoed through the landscape causing the spider like cats to growl in rage. Shortly after, the body of one of their brethren could be seen dropping to the floor without it's head.

"Do you think that will keep them away?" Brent asked in desperation.

"No, not really," Reeves responded with an indifferent expression.

It had been sometime since they encountered these creatures, and they had been closing the gap between them ever since. It was clear their intent was to kill, however they were trying to be cautious at the same time.

Focusing hard, Reeves unleashed his skill Intimidate once again on the creatures. This only caused them to move back a few meters away in fear.

"Darn it! Why won't they let us be!? At this rate we will be spider or cat food!" Brent complained.

Soon after this, a monster from the pack charged at the team in an attempt to do some damage. This was ultimately brought to an end by a solid boot to the face of the Abstract. Not wanting to give any opportunities to this creature, Reeves shot it's head immediately afterwards.

"Why do they keep on launching suicide attacks!?" Henry questioned.

"I have no idea."

Reeves was unaware of these creatures pattern of attacking, besides this was his first time encountering one of it's kind.

The cat like Abstracts upon seeing they were at a disadvantage refused to retreat. Instead they circled around waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

These creatures disadvantage soon disappeared though, when a number of their kind came to their aid from who knows where. Among these creatures was a red colored one with a bigger structure than the rest. Unlike the rest which were as large as bikes, this one was bigger than a car.

"If I was to guess, I would say that is their leader," Reeves stared at the large beast.

"Maybe if we can kill it, we can cause them to retreat," Henry suggested.

"Let's do it then," Brent said reaching for his grenade with haste.

Reeves would stop him from doing anything rash though, by convincing him with an explanation.

"Stop, let's go about this another way. If we use grenades we are likely to attract more attention. It is best to use them as a last resort."

Brent grit his teeth before putting his grenade were it formerly was, in his pocket. All of a sudden, another Abstract would launch another attack on the team. It's assault was shut down this time by a chop to the head by Luke.

Reeves would quickly unleash another Intimidate only for the red energy to be drawn in by their leader. This was countered afterwards by an Intimidate of it's own. The red energy hit all of the team, with it having effect on everyone but Reeves.

"Damn it! What is going on!?" The team asked themselves gripping tightly against their head.

"Calm down men. It just used the skill Intimidate on you, hold strong and don't do anything stupid! It should wear off within a few seconds."

"So this is how the Abstracts feel when you use it on them, huh. I have to say, it feels friggin terrible," Luke stated with a forced laugh.

Seeing that the team was broken, the Abstracts launched an attack on a larger scale. Three creatures charged, running towards the team leaving a trail of venom behind them.

Spitting out the venom at Reeves, the creatures tried to take out the team's strongest member. This would fail though as Reeves would dodge it and fire an attack of his own. Running at high speed, he blitz them dropping their guard down. Shortly after, he followed up with accurate shots to the head.

"Hold on!" Reeves encouraged once again as more Abstracts approached them.

The team would follow the instructions of their leader only for some seconds before Brent was swiftly taken over by fear.

"Screw this!" He exclaimed as he let loose two grenades at Abstracts.

Boom! Bam!

The grenades ended the lifes of the incoming Abstracts in an instant, causing the rest of the pack to take some steps backwards.

"Nooo!" Reeves exclaimed as he ran over to stop Brent from making use of any more grenades.

Due to the distance between them, he could not get there on time, giving Brent enough time to utilize one more grenade. As he prepared to use another, his fingers shaking with fear dropped it to the ground. This resulted in an explosion that threw the members of the team including Reeves, some distance apart.

The cat like creatures seeing the opportunity they were looking for, all launched an attack at the crew. At this point the effects of the skill Intimidate had woren off, leaving them with the rational thinking they had before.

This was kinda useless though as their body which was hurting all over was too banged up to be used. They were also in a terrible position to defend themselves as they were flat on the ground.

Their assault was stopped all of a sudden, by a large figure intent on killing these creatures. On a closer look, it was discovered that it was a huge armor scaled wolf which had come to their aid.

The beast diced the incoming Abstracts within a second with it's claws before proceeding to charge at their alpha. Using the skill Intimidate, the alpha only discovered it was futile trying to fight the beast. Now knowing that there was no beating this truck sized menance, the cat like creature attempted to run. This failed though as the larger Abstract chopped it's head off with it's razor sharp teeth.

With the death of their leader, the rest of the pack panicked afterwards, trying to run in different directions. Each of them were cut off one by one by the monster's superior speed, adding to the creature's experience points.

"Shit!" Reeves exclaimed upon realizing that the creature was probably attracted by the grenade explosion from earlier.

Rushing to the aid of his fellow members, Reeves rallied them together as the large wolf massacred the pack.

"We need to get out of here now!"

"Sorry sir, it's too late for that," Henry said staring at his ankle.

"Shit! It's broke isn't it," Reeves spoke with a hint of panic in his face.

It was during this period that the huge creature had finished it's killing spree. Turning it's attention to the team, the beast growled, ready to attack. No one had to be told that they were in trouble.