
The large Abstract dashed at the team going straight for the kill. Though it was pushed back by one of the soldiers who had a strength based skill. Connecting to it's skull, he had managed to throw it a few meters away, leaving it shaking it's head.

"What is that thing!?" Brent asked panicking even more than before.

"That over there is a Ravaging blood wolf. It's even more of a threat than the Abstracts from before. Our weapons are useless against it's armored skin," Reeves answered as he scanned his environment. "Henry, you are up."

Taking a good look at the creature with his skill Decipher, Henry widened his eyes in shock.

"That thing is bad news. It's at level 13 and it's stats are off the charts."

Upon hearing this, Reeves could tell straight away that his skill Intimidate would have no effect on the monster.

Now recovered from the punch from before, the Abstract continued it's chase on the group. The attack from before seemed to have infuriated it as it now went after the soldier who had performed the attack. This was not necessarily a bad thing as this gave space for an all rounded attack.

"Everyone, formation O! Go, go, go, go!" Reeves instructed.

The team split up in an instant causing the beast to stop, confused for a second. Though it ended up eventually following the soldier of before as expected.

Just when it caught up and was about to give the finishing blow, grenades connected with it from all sides causing it to stagger for sometime. With the mention of formation O, the team had spread in a circle, attacking it from all directions. They had resorted to using grenades as they were in a dire situation with little options.

Using the opportunity to it's fullest, Reeves ran to the monster, landing a solid punch on it's lower jaw. Pain rushed through the wolf's head as it almost fell to the ground. Turning it's focus to Reeves, it's attention was split once again by grenades exploding on it's face.

"Sir, I am out of grenades!" Luke notified in panic.

"Me too!" Different members of the team notified as well.

As if knowing what they were saying, the Abstract gave off something similar to an evil grin. The creature looking at the team quickly noticed that Henry was limping on one foot. Recognizing him as the weakest link in the team, it attempted to attack him only to be stunned for a second by a grenade to the ear from Reeves.


The beast gave a large roar with several red tassel like structures flaring from it's neck. Upon realizing Reeves was responsible, it changed course and headed straight for him.

"Luke!" Reeves called out while pointing at a can by his side.

Luke caught onto his plan soon enough and explained it to the rest quickly. It was clear that their leader didn't have much time as the beast he was evading was clearly faster than him.

While Reeves evaded the Abstract skillfully, several cans dropped to the floor catching the beast's attention. Tear gas erupted from them causing it to bring it's head down and rub it's eyes with it's paws.

Using the chance they had to reload, the team fired multiple shots at the beast's head but it was all for naught.

"How are we going to kill this thing!?" Brent asked as he fired a complete round of bullets.

"I have a plan!"

Just then Reeves collected some rope a soldier had carried from the car earlier. Dashing towards the beast at full speed, he bundled the rope together as he approached the creature. With it's keen sense of hearing, the Abstract recognized his fast approaching footsteps. As a result of this, it swung hard only to miss as it's eyes were still teary. Reeves jumped high up in the air before rounding the creatures neck with the rope.

Dragging the rope hard, the beast tried to move forward ultimately causing it to get stuck in place. With his feet drawing along the ground, Reeves knew it was going to overpower him.


The rest of the team ran to their leader grabbing a piece of the rope and dragging hard as well. At this point, their combined strength had managed to overwhelm the Abstract's strength and began choking it.

Seeing that it was about to be killed by the group, it unleashed it's tassel like adaptations, slashing the rope in half. This came as a surprise to Reeves as he never expected them to be that sharp.

The beast in that instant stared at the team with red intense eyes. Eyes that were probably red due to the tear gas attack from earlier. Taking in a huge breathe of air, the creature roared with great force blowing the team apart.

Landing on the solid ground hard, the team struggled in pain. In front of their eyes, the beast seemed to vanish before appearing right above Reeves. Bringing it's paw down, it attempted to crush him to pieces only for it to be held in place. Reeves gave a battle cry as the Abstract gradually began to overpower him with it's superior strength.

'So this is were I die,' Reeves thought with a forced smile.

Suddenly, the Abstract's attention moved elsewhere before it began to growl. Leaving the soldier, it sprinted north of the team going for what seemed to be a kill.

Reeves in surprise turned around to see what caught it's attention. Ahead of the team, he saw a dark figure about four meters away. Upon reaching it's target, the beast attempted to strike only for it's head to be caught by the jumping target. Dropping it's head to the ground, the mysterious figure gave multiple blows to the creature's head.

After struggling for awhile, the Abstract eventually stopped moving, accepting it's fate. The figure began to feast on the Abstracts dead body for some seconds before noticing the team.

It looked at them with it's red terrifying eyes causing them to step backwards. At this point they could fully see the monstrosity before them.

This beast was a humanoid creature with metal armor surrounding every surface of it's body expect for the eyes. Dry and fresh blood stained it's armor suggesting that it was on a killing spree. The monster gave off an ominous aura, causing the team to tremble in fear. If Reeves was to guess, he would say this creature was responsible for the killings they witnessed earlier.

For some reason the beast seemed to care little about them as it would leave it's kill and gradually walk away.

"What is that thing!?" Reeves asked himself.

Henry using his skill Decipher came across a shocking discovery which he swiftly shared with the team.

"That thing is only in level 3.."

The team opened their eyes in surprise upon hearing this. All the team feeling off about this creature refused to attack. That didn't last for long though as Brent would take aim of the creature.

"All Abstracts deserve to die even that one! Come on we can kill this thing, it is just in level 3."

"Brent, no!" Reeves shouted trying to intervene, however he was too late.

Multiple bullets flew at the creature, all landing their mark on it's head. Because of it's tough armor the bullets bounced off resulting in the creature stopping in it's track. The beast turned it's gaze to them before disappearing from their sights and appearing next to them.

As if it were a video game, they turned around only to realize it had beheaded their comrade, Brent. Now filled with rage and fear, the team opened fire on the monstrosity further enraging it.

With swift moves, it ran around mowing the team down one by one. Attempting to save the rest, Reeves used his skill Intimidate only for it to fail.

'What!? Isn't that thing in level 3!?"

In an instant the creature jumped on Reeves, pinning him to the floor. Just as it was about to go for the kill, it realized that he never shot a bullet at him.

With the creature coming to a stop, Reeves realized it only attacked them because it was attacked.

"All of you hold your fire!"

"But it killed our teammates!" Luke said in rage.

"Stop firing unless you want to die!"

Gritting his teeth, Luke brought down his gun and fell to his knees. Henry seeing he was in pain, walked over to him to calm him. Upon noticing that their attack had come to an end, the monster let the remaining members of the team be.

With the creature slowly walking into the horizon, Reeves turned around to see the people that had been lost. Among the team of twelve, only four of them had escaped with their lives.

Looking around at the dead bodies littering the floor, Reeves grit his teeth while making a fist. The only thing that ran through his head at that moment was the thought that he would get revenge for his lost friends. However he knew the only way that would ever happen was if he became stronger.