Two points apart

The two armored cars entered into the Haven, parking prematurely at a place close to the entrance of the area. People surrounded this place waiting for either good or bad news. The fact that these men came back was a good thing on it's own. Among these people that waited was Reeve's girlfriend, Lacey.

With the remaining men alive coming out of the car, gasps and whispers could be heard swirling round the place. An expression of grief filled the soldiers faces as they walked past the surrounding people. They didn't really have to say anything for the people around to know what happened, besides their faces said it all.

Even though the last thing these men needed was a confrontation, such a thing could not be avoided.

"Where.. where is my husband? Why is he not with you..?" One of the people around questioned them.

This only made their faces look a lot more grim. The questions didn't stop though as more of these questions continued to fly in the air. The one that hit them most; however, was from a teenage girl.

"Where is my brother? He is on his way, right?" She asked with pain in her face.

Even though she knew what happened, she still refused to accept it. This girl was none other than Brent's younger sister.

Brent was a wild one, but he always got the job done. He didn't deserve to die in such a brutal manner.

Not wanting to relive the events that had happened in the yellow zone, the men turned around with their heads down walking away. As they moved forward, the cries of people could be heard from behind.

Lacey seeing the whole thing felt bad about it, but it didn't stop her from following the soldiers from behind. If she had to admit it, she was happy that her boyfriend was alive; however, to most it would just be seen selfish.

The soldiers went straight to a store house to drop off all the food items they had in their possession. Thanks to Luke's skill Warehouse, they were able to gather enough food to preserve the people for weeks, even if their mission was stopped early on. After the massacre, Reeves had no choice but to think about the safety of those around him, hence the average quantity of food.

Even though they hated the mysterious monster for killing most of their team members, the team could not help but be grateful that it killed the monsters surrounding their area. This helped in an effortless return back to the Haven.

Going to the area where they dropped off dead bodies, Luke activated his skill Warehouse, dropping the bodies off. The sight of the gruesome bodies caused the surrounding people to shudder and flinch in disgust.

"What the hell happened out there..?" Lacey asked even more curious about the whole matter.

Reeves clearly was not in the mood to speak; however, that did not stop him from explaining the situation to her.

"We ran to an Abstract beyond anything we have ever seen. Brent shot at it and it resulted in a large scale massacre."

"How did you escape it?"

"We didn't. It let us go," Reeves answered before gritting his teeth.

Lacey who did not expect such an answer realized just how lucky she was to have Reeves alive. Not wanting to trouble him anymore, she kept quiet as she observed him. As someone that knew him all to well, his expression told her a story. It was quite obvious that now he would never stop till he avenged his fallen comrades. The fact that this was the case made her even more worried than the time he left for the mission.


Some days later, somewhere in the city of New York, a teenage girl probably at the age of 17 could be seen on top of a building inspecting the area. On her eyes were binoculars as she laid flat to the ground not to attract any attention. Her red dyed hair which was rough and dirty laid spread across the ground as she moved from side to side. At that moment, her fair skin was filled with injuries and blood stains as a result of been chased by an Abstract.

After sometime, she removed the binoculars from her eyes revealing it's emerald green color. Standing up and ducking to the floor below, she gave a sigh as she walked through the building halls. After getting to a particular room, she opened it up before speaking out.

"I just finished checking the area, this is our opportunity to get out of here."

A boy an age older than her, who was squatted on the ground stood up and looked at her weirdly.

"Becky, what is wrong with you!? You are gonna get me killed."

"No I won't, I am just trying to help us. This is an opportunity, I am telling you."

More than two weeks ago, she had seen when the light beam shooting into the sky vanished. Knowing the fact that it was the thing that released Abstracts to the world, she considered it's disappearance a good thing. She also believed this was an opportunity as the monsters would have spread out thin by now. Their food rations at the moment made it quite obvious they had to.

"No, Becky! I am not getting myself killed."

"Come on Zack, don't be a puppy about this," she stated with a pout.

"I am not being a puppy about this, I am just trying to not be monster food!" He said so loudly that his voice cracked.

After this, Becky exhaled audibly as she walked to the broken window nearby. At this moment, she wondered why she asked Zack to be her boyfriend. It was clear that right now he was only concerned about himself, unlike her who wanted to save them both.

"Becky, you need to stop this you aren't an ex military man like your dad or something. If you go out there, you are toast," Zack spoke trying to convince her. "Why do you want to go out so bad anyways?"

She would not answer this question as she quickly folded her hands. Deep down she knew it was because she wanted to see her dad again. She knew her dad so well that she knew the places he would be if he was waiting for her. Majority of these places had been destroyed leaving only two places. By a matter of coincidence, one of this places happened to be close by.

Peeking through the broken window once again, Becky was introduced to the sight of a strange monster she knew all to well. It was clear then and there that trouble was on it's way.