Cat and mouse

"Not again," Becky whispered as she saw an Abstract from the distance.

This Abstract was a tortoise looking monster except from the fact that it had a skull as it's head and limbs on top of it's shell. Most of this creature's body were made of bones with little traces of flesh. Turning it's head from side to side, it seemed to be tracking something with it's sense of smell.

Believing it was unto them, Becky moved from the broken window slowly. However, this would be for naught as the monster quickly turned it's head in their direction.

"Shit! it found us, we gotta move now!" Becky told Zack in panic.

"What are you talking about? We haven't been..."

Before he could complete his sentence, a loud shriek emerged from outside making him shudder.

"What!? They found us already! But how is that even possible!?"

The two had been cased by a number of these creatures previously, so they were well aware of what it was capable of. Picking her backpack from the ground and tossing one to Zack, Becky prepared herself for another chase by the Abstract.

Observing Zack as he panicked, she could not help but roll her eyes. Deep inside her gut, she believed this was all for the best as she could see her father as she planned.


A loud sound erupted from beneath the building before violent crashing sounds echoed from below. Now realizing that it had began to move, Becky shouted at Zack.

"Zack! we have to get out of here now or else..!"

Opening his eyes wide, he got up from his butt sprinting to the exit, as she did not have to complete her sentence for him to know what she meant. Running through the building, they were catch off early by the monster as it bursted out from beneath the floor.

With another shriek, the creature gave chase as the duo ran the opposite direction. Crashing back and forth against the building walls, the Abstract shattered them ultimately slowing itself down. This did no good for the creature as it eventually got itself stuck between these walls.

Getting to another broken window in the building, Becky observed it as if she was solving an equation. Zack who was her boyfriend knowing all to well what this look meant, would he shaked his head in defiance.

"No, no, no, no!"

"Zack, you have to. There is no other way."

"Oh come on! Do I have to!?"

"Yes, you do!"

Looking out the window to see it's bottom, Zack turned his attention to the creature still struggling to break free. Aware that this monster would break free any moment, he knew he had to pick between a jump or being eaten. This was an easy choice knowing that the bottom was five meters below.

"Damn this!" He exclaimed as he made a jump for it.

Landing awkwardly on the ground, he rolled hard on the floor. Lucky for him though, he sustained no form of injuries. Jumping out of the building as well, the same would happen to Becky as she hit the floor; however, she wasn't as lucky as she sustained some bruises.

"Fuck!" Becky cursed.

Now with a head start, the two ran off trying to give as large as gap as possible. After running about two meters the creature broke free and leaped out of the window. This creatures awkward landing did not bother the Abstract in any way as it continued it's case immediately.

The Abstract folded itself up in a circular manner, before rolling towards them at an increased speed. These creatures were never faster than a human being; however, their rolling ability fixed all of that.

Realizing the trouble they were in, Becky scanned the environment for any route of escape. This wasn't so hard as fallen and tilted buildings filled the now desolate New York.

"Under there!"

Running into a fallen building, the two sprinted as fast as they could. The Abstract upon noticing this followed suit, refusing to let it's prey escape. Shattering through the remains of the structure, the building's remains collapsed. The duo were fast enough to escape, but their luck ended when part of the rumble hit Zack flooring him.

Becky who had ran a good distance before noticing, turned around and called out to him.

"Zack, run!"

It was already too late for this though as the creature had already gained on him. Though to both of their surprise, the creature passed by him, still giving chase of Becky. Upon learning this, she continued to run in order to avoid being caught.

"What's going on?" She asked herself before calling out to Zack. "Zack, help me out!"

To her disappointment though, he would get up and run the other way, ultimately leaving Becky to herself. Just then, a sour taste developed in her mouth as she witnessed the sight of him running off. She already suspected that he was a coward that only cared about himself, but this only helped confirm her thoughts.

"What? That son of a..."

Becky was quickly cut off by the Abstract almost ramming into her. Now that she was all alone, she could hear her heart beat from the back of her ears all the more. Even though she was panicking, she was still capable of making wise decisions as she would hop into an narrow way created by two collapsed buildings.

In an attempt, to give case, the creature would ram into the wall only to discover it was futile. Sucking in massive amounts of air, the Abstract then gave a shriek shortly after. It was so loud that Becky had to close her ears as she endured the sharp pain. Knowing that it was louder than any she had heard before, she ran even faster.

Shriek! Shriek! Shriek!

Three other loud sounds erupted from the surrounding area, before rumblings could be heard all around. All this while, Becky could not help but wonder why these creatures were after her. Not too long from these thoughts, the sound of bursting walls alerted her, causing her to panic all the more.

'How do they keep on finding me!'

Focused on the approaching noises, she ran her hand against a metal rod, cutting her arm.


Becky would stop only for a moment to inspect her hand before running once again. This would be interrupted; however, by the four Abstracts which bursted through the walls. Unable to support the weight of all five of these individuals, the ground broke causing them to all fall downwards.

A few minutes later after the dust had cleared, Becky could be seen emerging from the rubble, desperately trying to remove her right arm from under some rocks.

"Aaaahhh! Urk! Arghh!"

Shouting in pain, she struggled until she managed to pull it out. On inspecting her hand, she realized straight away that it was broken.


Dragging herself through the rubble, blood spilled from her injuries ultimately causing her to fear she would pass out any moment. With a swift drag, she tore half of her shirt, using it to tie her bleeding hand.

Out of nowhere, rumbling sounds would emerge from below causing her to abandon her previous thoughts of her being safe. The four Abstracts that cased her previously bursted out of the ground. Focused on the trail of blood on the ground, they licked it until eventually staring at the source. Just then, Becky realized they were tracking her all this time through the scent of her blood. Unlike her who was full of injuries, Zack was clear of them as he never risked his life in anyway. That would explain why they ignored him in the first place.

Gradually, the man eating Abstracts approached her, surrounding her and blocking the only path of escape. Just when she was about to accept her fate though, the ceiling above would burst dropping down more rubble.

Becky who had now fallen on her butt was aware that something was off straight away, as the Abstracts would turn their attention to the direction of the fallen rubble.