Reaching Slavina Town



A series of roars echoed in a plain. As warned, the situation near the border had been chaotic lately. In this trip, Noel had been encountering many wild demons that appeared here and there. 

Luckily, Noel could easily handle them since most of them were only Low Rank Demons. Even Mid Level Demon wasn't able to hold a candle to him. 

Noel's strength surprised even Alanton, as this wasn't the ability that a normal Apprentice Knight would have at this point of time. 

After defeating all the demons and gathering their Demon Crystals, Noel returned to Alanton and asked, "Are you alright?" 

"Y-yeah." Alanton was startled. "Thanks to you, I'm fine right now. You're strong."

"It's nothing worth mentioning. I still have to become stronger and stronger." Noel shook his head calmly.