Young Master

A moment later, Noel stood in front of a bar and examined the building. He could handle some alcohol, but it had been quite a while since he last drank one. There was a kind of craving for one, but he didn't come here for that. 

When he entered the bar, he immediately went straight to the bartender. Of course, he glanced to the sides, seeing people drinking and creating mess with their drunkenness.

Noel ended up ignoring them, placed two coins on the table and said, "Two blizzards." 

"…" The bartender furrowed his eyebrows, never expecting the person who ordered it to be this young. But he recognized the coins from the army. It was a special coin and one of the purposes was none other than for the secret code. 

"Certainly." The bartender nodded and said, "Unfortunately, we don't have the bottle here. If you want to enjoy it, please follow me."