
"Where's the entrance?" Anna let out a long sigh, feeling a bit tired. They had been walking around in the mountain for a few hours to find the entrance. However, they didn't find a single clue.

"This is weird. Does this mean my conjecture is wrong?" Noel put his hand on his chin, contemplating. 

"Or maybe we're missing a clue somewhere." Anna sighed. 

Despite doubting their own speculation, none of them actually believed this place had the Sword Saint Tomb. 

Anna was certain that the tomb was in this place since it had been proven by her previous life. On the other hand, Noel had Ardagan confirming the Ardagan Family Crest.

As a Spirit, Ardagan had lived that long and met the Sword Saint himself when his ancestor still wielded him. So, Ardagan declaring it was the Ardagan Family Crest was the clue itself. He just had to find the entrance to the tomb.

"Still, do you think it's going to be dangerous inside the tomb?" Noel asked.