Waking Up

After following the route for a bit more, they finally reached the pattern that acted as a wall. 

"Hoh?" Anna squinted her eyes, amused by this one. In front of them stood tall a wall that completely blocked the entire path. "Are we going to tear this up?"

"So, our strongest strength? But then again, we have to carefully examine it before coming to that conclusion. We don't like to be buried here after all." Noel shook his head helplessly.

"Well, I don't know what we should do right now. I mean, look at this wall…" She walked to the wall and placed her ear on it before gently knocking the wall to measure the thickness. To her surprise, the wall itself wasn't quite thick, making her want to smash it open.

Meanwhile, Noel was inspecting the wall, wanting to see if there was anything special from this wall. 

"This should be the wall separating us from whatever is inside the last mountain, right?" Anna glanced at Noel.