A Letter

Anna was sitting at her desk, looking at the report that could help her with the current mission.

"Hmm… there is nothing I can use right now," Anna murmured while reading all the papers. Soon, someone knocked on her door.



"Miss, you have a letter."

Anna looked at the door for a moment, checked the person's power, and said after confirming that he wasn't a threat. "Come in. The door is unlocked."

A middle-aged man opened the door, holding a white envelope. He didn't say anything and just handed the envelope to her as if he was just doing his job as a courier.

Anna received it and dismissed him while looking at the letter. But she noticed something weird. "Hmm? The seal is broken?"

The middle-aged man made a wry smile while scratching the back of his head as if he was embarrassed. He said with a shaking tone. "Come to think of it, I tripped earlier. Ah, did I just mess up? Am I going to be laid off from this job?"