Figuring Out the Situation

Anna sucked a cold breath. This was the first time she got a coded message from her father. It was hard to decipher it, but she was thankful to both Noel and her father.

After all, Noel had been teaching her a lot through experiences while her father actually supported her.

This also showed that her father had trusted her enough to handle this conspiracy.

'And with this coded message, I finally know what my father's stance is. It seems that my father and Noel's father are truly best friends. Even in this situation, they're still working together.

'But because of the circumstances, none of them can make their move right now. Noel's father is hoping for Noel to be able to decipher the situation and move toward the goal.

'Meanwhile, my father has never given me any trust because of my actions in the past. I was too immature and would continue to live in that bubble for the rest of my life if I didn't get a second chance through rebirth.