
"She's entered the building," whispered Rose while looking at the building through the window. She was sitting in front of Noel inside a restaurant not far from the brothel. This was a perfect place to use to observe the brothel. Although it was a bit hard for even a strong fighter to see from this angle, it wasn't a problem for Rose.

She was monitoring the brothel's movement and Anna, making sure nothing went wrong.

The brothel was called Eternal Flower. Because the business was booming, the brothel building had four floors, standing far higher than most buildings in the area.

Looking at how the building was furnished, it seemed that the higher the floor, the better the rooms. It showed that there were different levels of service and the top floor must be used for an important customer.

"What should we do?" Rose asked gently, glancing at Noel, who was calmly eating his meal.