Bad News

After a while, they decided to regroup. Anna already realized that their situation was worse than they had predicted. So, it was better to retreat as soon as possible.

Even though the gain was small, it was better than alerting the enemy.

"So, what I found inside was that the brothel had four floors. The first floor was basically the reception and all the utility rooms, including the waiting room for the ladies. In other words, it would be pretty hard to enter through the front door.

"I am pretty sure that the ladies can utilize their Spiritual Energy as well. I have learned their system quite a bit.

"It seems that the stronger and more beautiful the lady, the higher the floor they will be. I am assuming there is a correlation between beauty, strength, and Spiritual Energy. Though, I'm not sure about this right now.

"As for the fourth floor, not many can go there. Only a super important person can reach that floor.